


Ariel Schrag

Lea Delaria

Ottawa Bears

Rhino in the Room Film Festival

The New Gay magazine

Alexei's bear drawing page

Wuvable Oaf

East Village Boys

Things Bears Love

Thomas M. Disch (1940-2008)

Rae Spoon

Department of Eagles, Grizzly Bear spinoff

Bruno G Muender Books

Cleis Press

Dirigible Ego, bear-fronted band

Bad Cub Club

Rita Mae Brown

Bound In Ink Galleries

Amy Ray

Joan Armatrading


Boylesque Toronto

Johnny Terris, underground/punk/metal pornographer

Some info about gay 50's duo Charlie and Ray (scroll down)

Willie Pee, with what seems like a fascinating story

My burgeoning video empire (lend a bear a camera, and he'll make porn for a day - give a bear a camera, and... ;) )

Sandy Stone, Olivia veteran, transgender theorist

Serafin, Canadian jazz/blues/torch singer

The Gossip

Info about queer women in entertainment and the media

Rita Mae Brown

Straight To Hell

Pussy Palace Toronto

Edmund White

My Pride Novelty and Gifts

BD Man Cartoons (Brazil)

Some cool tunes

Bertie Marshall

Humpy's Pizza

Alejandro Gonzales' art

Fanny, 70s girl band, featuring June Millington

Ron Suresha

The Qtube

Skim, graphic novel

Mariko Tamaki, author of Skim

Jillian Tamaki, illustrator of Skim

Ryan Holiday


Sugar Bear Weekend

Colton Ford, musician/actor

Hetrick-Martin Institute

Out in Canada magazine

Martin Swinger

The lovely and talented Ben Lerman

New Hampshire lesbian-friendly inn

Mariae Nascenti

Whisker contest/inadvertent porn site

Art of Sadao Hasegawa (1945-1999)

Gagbear's site

Free To Fight (free MP3s of a wonderful album)

The Sadies

Bear Erotic Art

Rob McAlpine, Kingston artist


Blowoff, Bob Mould's somewhat provocatively named new dance/pop project (I'd love to blow you off, Bob, actually...and your collaborator, too...simultaneously, even... ;))

Arthur Russell movie coming in 2008

Winsome Griffles

Fancy comic

Eric Morris, Texas keyboardist/Bear

Closet Coon

This Ain't the Rosedale Library (book store)

Kaia Wilson (about her poor sick dog Basket)


Judge David Young

Some Bear Artist Links

Patrick Califia

Coseybear's poetry

Furry Outdoors

Very Hairy

Handjobs magazine art

Josman Art

Sun Ra

Jay Spears

The Cliks

Queer Control Records

MySpace page of Queer Control Records

Burgh Bears

Kaiserin, a magazine for boys with problems


Bear Crusader, Quebecois bear band

Leslie Feinberg

The page of Hylandr

Bear LOL

JD Samson

Nervous Gender

The Gothic Archies


Grilled Tuna Zines

Michael Fahy's blog

Steve MacIsaac

Jeff Mann

All Thumbs Press

Josue Menjivar

D. Travers Scott

Sina Shamsavari


R U 4 Real (AIDS support)

Shock Ra

Big Boys Guesthouse

Bear on a Trampoline

Kate Bornstein

SAY Outloud

Norty Acres

Brady Bears

Bigger City

RoBearTo's art

Bad Faggot

Beard Community Gallery

100% Beef Magazine

Erotica Readers

Jay Starre

Hank Edwards

Violet Static

Ivan E Coyote

Bears of Toronto

George Bush Is Gay


Allen Ginsberg

Astonishingly, as an Islander by blood AND a descendant of Miss Montgomery, I did NOT get the pun right away...

Rainbow Lodge in Prince Edward Island, Canada, a bed and breakfast place

Lego Brokeback Mountain

Brian Kent

Van's poetry/photo/art/essay/etc. site

Virtual Bear Grams

Gear Fetish

And then we fuc* like bunnies...

Bill Ward Archive

Oh, Mr. Nelson, you could be my Daddy anytime...

Butt Magazine

Jennifer Camper

Leroy Lamb

Patti B

Billi and Patti

Gay as Fuc* Magazine

Conan O'Brien vs. Bear

A Portugese public service announcement

Gay On The Range

Bob Wingate, late of BOUND AND GAGGED magazine

Bear Albany

Archive of Jack's Male Tickling Rack (in honour of the passing of Ropejock)

Teddy Bear News

Shane and Steve


Doug Hilsinger, woofy musician type

Angobear's photolog

Slow Sex

LD and the New Criticism

Jeanette Winterson

A gay rocker remembers CBGB

Elijah Black


Evil Evil Records

Jim Goad

Becoming Blizzard cartoon

Micah Barnes

Bonfire Madigan


Daniel Cartier

Dead Betties

Gina Young and the Bent

Human Hands

Alla Ivanchikova


Kelly Mantle

Mutilated Mannequins

Radio Berlin


Team Dresch

Triple Creme


Poseable Thumbs

Cute Little Blokes

Marc E. Vargo, MS, author

Inside Bear

Be Forced

Thunderpussy zine

Solanas Online, queer 'zine

Crackpuppy, Toronto area band

Adam and Andy

Bruce Vilanch

Some gay art/comic links

Bear with Me (cartoon)

Republic of Safety

Kids On TV

The Fundamentalists, a band from Detroit


The works of a Japanese artist named Moritomo


TC Smudge

Antony and the Johnsons

Susan Sontag (1933-2004)

Author EW Podojil

Andrew R. Gottlieb, author/researcher

Kid Congo Powers

Jake Z Plumber

JD Doyle's Queer Music Heritage (fabulous)

A film which almost certainly violates both taste and copyright

The Jane Waynes, former Toronto band

Leonard and Larry

The industrial queer band Coil, which recently lost...

Jhonn Balance (1962-2004)

Friend of a friend

Mack, bear escort

Meryn Cadell, FTM

Tura Satana

Peaches Christ

Lesbians on Ecstasy

Bill from Toronto

OursGarou, from Texas

John Water's new movie, with Bears

Mink Stole

Furry Porn

Empire Bears, Rochester, NY

Forest City (London, Ontario) Bears


Bear Hawk Boston


Christophe Jannin's art

Um, Logan's porn comics

From the desk of Steven Elliott Jackson

Justus Roux

Homo A Go Go

Grace Jones

Rainbow: Lubbock

Scissor Sisters

My live journal

Chubby Femme's live journal

Suspect Thoughts Press

Velvet Mafia

The Scandelles, burlesque act


Leather Man Search

Bear Sleaze

Queer Zine Archives Project

Buddies In Bad Times Theatre

Queer Jubileum

Phag Off

Bondage Control



Author Aaron Krach

Author Marshall Moore

Clarke Lane


Gay Iceland

Norway Bears

519 Community Centre in Toronto

Mark I Chester, radical gay sex photographer

Bear WWW

Craig Bostick, cartoonist

Cathy Camper, cartoonist/zinester

C Bard Cole, cartoonist

The page where YOUNG BOTTOMS IN LOVE by Tim Fish, cartoonist, can be seen

Other works by Tim Fish

David Kelly, cartoonist

Robert Kirby

Mary Vivian Pearce, John Waters actress

The Teddy Bears Rave Up (a poem - kinda...thanks to Arne for sending me this...)

Er, red furry bear?

A link to a page on activism to get gender reassignment surgery BACK on the list of covered procedures under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan

Info on John Waters

Michael's page, from Clinton, Ontario - oh, won't you please lend a hand?

The gay cartoon site

Terry, a Bear who messaged me on a site and said he liked my webpage - so how can I help but reciprocate, being versatile and all? ;o)

Speed Demon, an Italian queer zine

Daryl Vocat, Toronto queer artist

Salivation Army, the page of Toronto artist Scott Treleaven

The Hidden Cameras, Toronto queer folk church band

Fuzzy's art page (mostly bear, adult related)

John Ashfield, powerpoppin' Bear musician

Homni, bilingual Canadian queerwebzine

Jayne County, goddess of wet dreams :)

The poetry page of Darkwolf, a Gay Furry associate of mine (poems mainly by his mate)

The page of Andy Northrup, a Canadian 'queer' songwriter who is very talented and/or woofy :)

Free to be MCC, out of Belleville, Ontario, Canada (yes, I know it's unlike me to plug religion - but the pastoral assistant is a friend of mine!)

The page of Robert Poirier, a Maine filmmaker, who did the brilliant TRADITIONAL FAMILY VAMPIRES film

The page of Seamus Hyslop, Aussiewoofer

Does your husbear like pictures *hint, hint, nudge, nudge*? The page of Lynn Ludwig, photographer

Outvoice's new site (change necessitated by evil scum Internet capitalists)

A Nico page

Gay Lesbian Health Services, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Egale, Canadian lobbying organization for queer rights

A neat page about beards :)

Homepage of a coworker diva

The website of Trade, a cool Canadian queerzine

Thea Hillman, writer/activist

Bear 411

The page of Benjamin, cool Furry Liger

Dave Cooper, one of the artists in WHAT'S WRONG?

Patrick Fillion, another artist in said book

Oh, did I mention the splendiferous Roberta Gregory is in it too?

Blithe House, the literary gay 'zine that Steve MacIsaac, who is also in the book, illustrates and designs

Um...Little Sisters Book Store, special victim of Canada Customs' insanity (said government censors have just seized ANOTHER book - can't they get a life or, failing that, a quick, relatively painless death?)

Pas De Chance Press

The Rotten Fruits from Chicago are BACK!!

Bears in bondage - woofs in wire - pandas in plastic - grizzlies in get the idea...

King Fur A Day, bear smut

Alex Gildzen, poet


Toronto Women's Bookstore

Reelout!, film festival in my town

SMBoy, from the Netherlands

The Big Boys, legendary 80's Austin punk-funk-dragsters

Nomy Lamm

Fabulous Disaster, grrrlpunkdyke band (1997-2008)

Ex Post Papa, a theater/lecture piece presenter

The Bobbleheads

The lovely and talented Chris Xefos

Ing (woof)

AA Bronson, General Idea cofounder, nicely bearded gentleman :)

Margaret Cho

Nayland Blake, with whom I would like to put on a bunny suit and nibble his ears and do as bunnies do ;o)

Gaiety, Canadian mag

Tugger's page, mostly dedicated to big ol' hanky gags and strangely elegant drawings of same

Y Files, queer 'zine

Saint Bear

Big Muscle Bears

Straight Acting

Jon Gilbert Leavitt

Gay Shame

Gengoroh Tagame, Japanese porn artist

Wanky Comics

Stephen Player, artist

Ralf Koenig, German artist

Fifth Column interview

Luxor, queer club in Lubbock, Texas (not to be confused with clubs in Vegas, towns in Egypt or Robyn Hitchcock CDs)

Girlfags (for girls who like gay/bi men - REALLY like them... ;o) ...NOT to be confused with fag hags at all...)

Still more tiresome bondage porn

Um, Resources For Bears? *big furry duh*

The late Edward Gorey, artist/Bearoid (1925-2000)

The Butch Dick collection, drawings of naked Bear dudes

Resident Alien #2, 1/4 size queer latino per-zine about race, language, race and death (contact info)

Jonsmind, a Bear page of rare wit and intellect

Yet more proof some people need a life transfusion...

Tiger Lillies, a very disturbed UK cabaret troupe

Garrin Benfield, cute boy guitarist

Simon Sheppard, gay erotic writer

Trebor Healey, American poet/novelist

OUT FM, the new radio home of Pedro Angel Serrano

Fanorama distro and 'zine

Dana Baitz, trans bassist/pianist

Sleater Kinney

Bear Cafe

The B-Girlz

A cool photography site

Goldenrod Music Distribution

Few'll Ignite Sound, Ember Swift's label

Le Tigre

The page of Iain, cool huggin' bear

The page of Scott, partner of above

The page of Bil, giant hunter bear

Myles of Destruction, a sadly defunct bass/drums/violin/voice band from Philadelphia

The page of JS Adams, Bear purveyor of music (as opposed to purveyor of Bear music, whatever THAT would mean...)

Other Magazine

Cougar Party, Toronto band

Woobie Bear Music


Quiet Village

Nina Simone

Betty and the Werewolves

The Fireman (aka Paul McCartney and Youth)

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart

Serious Business Records

The Homosexuals

A page about the Homosexuals' new 10" (their first record since the early 80s)

Roxy Music


Issa, f/k/a Jane Siberry

John Lennon

Nimrod Workman

Mercury Rev

Shining, Norwegian jazz/noise band

Martha and the Muffins

Rae Spoon

Alan Vega

Stained Glass Heroes

Gene Pool Records


Joyful Noise Recordings

Martin Rev

The Associates


Sonic's Rendezvous Band

The Ugly Beats



The Ruling Class

What Would Jesus Drive?

'Nice' Dress

Let's Dance

I Was A Cub Scout, neat duo who broke up in June, 2008

Coco Rosie

Simone White

Detroit Cobras


Hello Lovers


Speck Mountain

Hot Panda

Joan As Police Woman

The Sugars

Duke Spirit

Hercules and Love Affair

White Williams

Teenagers in Tokyo

She & Him

The Pack AD


Robert Forster

Ting Tings

Sylvain Sylvain

Los Campesinos

She Wolves

Bishop Allen

The Smittens

Spires That In The Sunset Rise

The New Bloods

The Microphones

Alice Bag

Silver Mt. Zion Orchestra and Tra-La-La Band


Guilt Ridden Pop


Girls Rock movie


SAF Records

Black Moth Super Rainbow

Nick Lowe


Pop Echo Records

Friendly Fire Recordings

Beta-Lactam Ring Records

Dave Bidini

Jeffrey Lewis

A page about Nordic girl groups

Finders Keepers Records

Nich Worby

Gravy 'zine

The Earthworm music/art venue, punk/metal/etc.

Hasil Adkins

The Loves

PJ Harvey

Better Beatles

Pere Ubu's official bootleg/non-commercial-release download site

El Toro Records, specializing in rockabilly

The Student Teachers

The Cake

Kendra Smith

Morton Subotnick

The Mountain Goats

Malvina Reynolds

Marnie Stern


'Music for the microchip underclass'

Sarah Blasko, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Youth Group, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Bob Evans, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Darren Hanlon, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Josh Pyke, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

band of Andrew Cox, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

New Buffalo, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Adele Pickvance, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

David McCormack, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Band of Glenn Thompson, Aussie artist featured on the Go-Betweens Tribute WRITE YOUR ADVENTURES DOWN

Dot Dash Recordings

Ivy League Records

Eric Emerson and the Magic Tramps

Round Flat Records

Siouxsie Sioux

Nurse With Wound

Grown So Ugly, a blog with many links to ultra-tiny-pressing downloads of albums, etc.

Blast First Petite

Music Maul

Fans of Bad Productions Records

Velvet Claws


Another Jakobinarina site

Immaculate Machine

Animal Collective

Lou Reed tabs

Tom Waits tabs

Vulpyro, furry musician

Johnny Thunders

The Fugs

The Ripps

Devil Doll

They Shoot Horses Don't They?

Weird Weeds

Galactic Zoo Dossier

Matteah Baim

Omni Recording Corporation

Bruce Haack

The Phonemes

The Apple Seed Cast



Gruff Rhys

Paul McCartney

30 Music

Music Maniac Records

Vile Richard

Sugarcubes stuff

Book of Knots

Stereo Total

Songs by my old musical co-conspirator Sam

Tom Waits

Rob Crow


Mary Weiss

Nick Drake

Wreckless Eric

Stiff Records

Bloc Party

The Long Blondes

Vashti Bunyan

The Curtains

Veruca Salt

Sky Larkin

David Bazan

Sandi Thom

Rob's House Records


69 Love Songs (the book)

Old Gold Records

Empyrean Records

R Stevie Moore

Record Label, the record label

The Nagg

Miss Derringer


End Hits (Ottawa store)

Bird Man Sound

Stolen Minks

New Romance For Kids Records

Lamb of God

The Contractions

Music Lovers

The Pipettes


Pop Pop Records

Achord Recordings

New York Dolls

The Girls, 60s female band

Monica Queen

The Weegs

Asobi Seksu

The Spoons

Bob Mackenzie's latest musical offering

Renaldo and the Loaf

Audraglint Records

Raincoats (in development)

Rhys Chatham

Friends and Relatives Records

Figurines, from Denmark


Terry Riley

American Music Center

Holger Czukay

Electronic Music Foundation


Devendra Banhart

David, Sara and Saylor Surkamp

Animal Collective


Six Organs of Admittance

Legendary Pink Dots


Vashti Bunyan


Bill Fay

Linda Perhacs


Rodeo Clown

Gott Discs

Be Your Own Pet

Gearhead Magazine

The Like

Kimya Dawson

Thee Merry Widows

Archie and the Sex Pistols

Fonal Records

Sean Michel

Riplets, girl band from Holland

John Jacob Niles

An immortal (some would say undead) clip of the Osmonds

Bloodfish Records/Phideaux Xavier

The Maynards

New Line Records

Crypt Records

Punk Globe

Signal to Noise

Clash Magazine

Bonnie Prince Billy

Postal Service

Uncut Magazine

Milky Wimpshake


We Are Scientists

Clorox Girls (band)

Girl Groups Resource

Cha Cha Charming, girl music zine

Ralph's Records, Lubbock, Texas


Kate Bush

Crippled Dick Hot Wax Records

Mary Margaret O'Hara

Stereo Society

Bettye Lavette

Voodoo Eros Records

So Unloved

SOS Records

Normal Records

Psychedelic Music Records

Anopheles Records

Tilly and the Wall

Sons and Daughters


60s Garage Bands site

Timid Tiger

King Khan & BBQ Show


The Knitters

Lali Puna

The Dirtbombs

Misra Records

Blocks Blocks Blocks Records

Madrona Records

Car Park Records

Red Panda Records

Benjamin Biolay

Bliss Blood

Eleni Mandell

Keren Ann

Jennifer O'Connor


Dandi Wind

Ari Up from the Slits

Kuma Chan Records

Sad Ocean Space Bear and Michelle Breslin's other projects

Art of Fighting

Cherie Currie

Heavy Blinkers

El Perro Del Mar

Rough Bunnies

Damon and Naomi

Ache Records


Acid Mothers Temple

Music Map

Mouse on Mars



Jandek en francais

The site of the recent dvd documentary

Camera Obscura

Ted Leo

Handsome Productions label

Adam Ant

A chanteuse in a Nico/Hope Sandoval mode

Eclipse Records

Willard Grant Conspiracy

Bad Taste Records

Jandek parody

Gram Rabbit

The page of Phil Spirito, of Orso

Honey Bear Records, as run by J Church/Lance Hahn

Ukulele Occasional magazine

Animal Collective

Zolar X, a very odd band of the 70s and early 80s

Kendall, a bear who does music, though not necessarily bear music



Maelstrom PR

Blue Moon Harem

New York Street Boys, naturally from Denver

Rivertribe, from Australia

Isobel Campbell

BJ Snowden

David Mott, Toronto based saxophonist (his music is doubtless very good, but part of my reaction was disappointingly physical... ;) )

Quantic, aka Will Holland (see above remarks for proof of my continuing superficiality...)

The Organ

Swimming Pool Qs

Lisa Marr, musician/filmmaker


Beat A Go Go zine


Jealous Butcher Records

Hush Records

Frances Francis, an artist I was informed of thanks to the guestbook I have at NOISE QUEEN and who looks quite interesting


Iron and Wine

Kuma-Chan Records, a bear-friendly label that issued a tribute to Throwing Muses/Kristin Hersh, to boot (which is very good)

Carol Kaye, bassist/guitarist grrrl of the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.

Deborah Iyall, of ROMEO VOID fame

Talking Heads, a semi-nifty band

X, the Los Angeles band (1976-1996)

The Go-Betweens, legendary Aussie band of goodness

The Electric Eels, legendary Cleveland band

Mission of Burma, the band (shouldn't that be Mission of Myanmar by now? Oh well...)

The page of Scott Puckett, punk rock genius :)



Hip hop take on Stephen Hawking (I kid you not)

Garage and Beat magazine

Breeders, who are FINALLY back!!!

Demolition Doll Rods, a cool band, with a new album at last...

Adrian Belew, rock guitar god

Ebullition Records

The late Joey Ramone (1951-2001)

The White Stripes

Patti Smith site

Pickled Egg Records

Smog Veil Records

New Savage Rose website (Danish band)

Helen Love, cool band

A page about the late Lucia Pamela, celebrated odd musician (May 1, 1904-July 25, 2002)

Pretenders, one of my fave bands

Jukeboxer, a one-man project whose debut album, LEARNS THE ALPHABET, was really nifty, and has a new release

Dropkick Records, new Aussie label

Jarboe of the Swans

The Chesterfield Kings, cool band o' longevity

Russian Futurists, Toronto's answer to Magnetic Fields

Blood Red Records

A Sex Pistols fansite

Lydia Lunch's site

Exene Cervenka's site

A page of the French band Watoo Watoo

Gore Gore Girls, band

Get Hip Recordings

Yo La Tengo

Neko Case

The Runaways

Low, the band

The new site of Mecca Normal, cool Canuck band

Esmerine, modern classical type band

Wire Magazine

A band, Anberlin, who wrote me (liked their stuff)

Chickfactor is UP!!

Venus, a 'zine

Ugly Things 'zine

Tony the Tyger, hipster of things 60s and garagey

Gear Fab Records

Arthur Mag

Dikenga Records


Revenant Records, started by the late John Fahey (1939-2001)

The Soundtrack of Our Lives, Swedish psych-rock outfit fronted by big ol' Bear :)

A page dedicated to Cardiff, Wales' Young Marble Giants

The Fast, largely forgotten cool band (ca. 1976-1984)

The Aislers Set, cool SF band

Riff Randells

Pitch-a-Tent Records

Pandacide, that looks like a good label, despite its evil, blasphemous name ;o)

Page of Mike Watt, Bear bassist

Gern Blandsten Records


Secretly Canadian Records

A link to the fearsome Musical Correctness Calculator (the scale is 1 to 10, by the way)

An archive of much obscure avant-gardey stuff


Home page of Le Grand Magistery Records

Dusted Magazine

Teenacide Records/The Shakes

Wanda Jackson, queen of rockabilly

Transvision Vamp, sadly largely forgotten trash-pop band of the 80s/early 90s

Genesis P-Orridge

Scott Walker

A song lyric confusion website

The Tindersticks

Maximum Rock and Roll 'zine

Crunchy Frog Records

Raveonettes, Danish band

Skyscraper magazine

World Party, the band

The Legendary Stardust Cowboy

Norwegian Leather Daddy band (OK, so they happen to prefer Leather Mommies...nobody's perfect... ;o))

Instant Karma magazine

Galaxie 500 et. al.

Weirdo Music

Yma Sumac

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Elliott Smith

924 Gilman

Motherwest Records

Dual Tone Records

Kinky Friedman

Windy and Carl's record store

Billy Childish

Gits movie

John Cale

Tony Levin, the bassist (love that mustache)

Holly Golightly

Wire, the band

Screaming Apple Records

Lucinda Williams

Chunklet 'zine

Mum, the Icelandic band

Bear Family Records (yes, I know, a shocking omission...until now...thank you, Mr. Bill... :) )

Interview with Cork Marcheschi from Fifty Foot Hose, SF electronic/psych band of the late 60s

Off Records

Kim Fowley

Big Takeover

David Sylvian

Museum Fire Records

Electro-Motive Records

Woman Rock, a cool looking resource

Fondas, a band

Kronos Quartet

Peter Alsop, psychologist/songwriter (oh, it's not as scary as it sounds...)

The Cramps

Iggy Pop

Some DIY resources

Hamell on Trial, new antifolk artist

Ace of Cups, grrrl band from San Francisco, mid '60s to early '70s

Go-Go's Game Page (puzzles - games - oh, such fun!)

The Undertones, Ireland's finest, back again

ESP Records

John Lydon

The Feelies

World Eater Records

Transcopic Records


Sort of an ad for She Said Boom!, a cool Toronto music/book store

Pylon, one of my favourite Athens bands (finally found some follow-up...)

The band's OWN site (see above)

The Sonics

Sun City Girls

The Fiery Furnaces

Patty Duke

Kitty Magik 'zine

Saturday Looks Good To Me, band

The Come-ons, band

Kanda, band

Sudden Death Records

Saddle Creek Records

Rilo Kiley

The Fond Farewells, Ad from Jumprope's new band

Rubric Records

Throbbing Gristle

Companion Records

Loretta Lynn

Pere Ubu


Old comrade Sean Purdy's blog

My friend Charles' page about his legal practice

Sabina Becker

Sprague's Massage Center

My father's page

The page of Bigfootcub

Prplhaze, red-fedoraed Furry Bear of brilliance

Babytiger, a Furry associate of mine

Texas Tech University, my sweetheart's place of employment

My friend Ian's page in progress for his book research

My father's cousin's daughter's art site

Embrujo Flamenco, site of my friends Scott and Gene's wedding dinner, 2/14/05

Anime Convention page, with the involvement of my high school friend Scott

Anger Management, local 'zine


Progressive Christianity

Old comrade Sean Purdy's blog

Naomi Wolf

Sean Purdy's academic homepage

Doctors Without Borders

Reclaim Democracy

Amnesty International

Fair Trade Federation

Global Exchange


Sweatshop Watch


Responsible Shopper

Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Ethical Trading Action Group

Worldwatch Institute

Human Rights Internet

Physicians for Global Survival

Corporate Accountability Project

Canadian National Federation of Independent Unions

Marxism for fun and, er, well I guess not PROFIT ;o)


Profane Existence

A page dedicated to preserving public space against anti-postering bylaws in Toronto

The magazine of Christian unrest

Not In Our Name

Anti IMF/World Bank site

Project Censored

Reclaim the Streets (London)

Narco News

Harrisees Publishing

Slingshot, anarchist 'zine

The Long Haul Infoshop

Victimless Capitalism (hmmm - I sniff irony...which is probably better than sniffing Bears' pits...but that may be too much info for you... ;o))

A Google Error Message...OR IS IT!?

A little item appropriated from Usenet

Rabble, news for the rest of us


Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

Illegal Art, anti copyright stuff

Garry The Chimp vs. George Bush

Critical Resistance

Free the West Memphis Three

Human Rights Watch Prison Project

Prison Activist Resource Center

Prison Legal News

Prison Moratorium Project

Sentencing Project

Michael Moore

The Memory Hole

Chicago Women's Liberation Union (1969-1977)

Mikhaela Blake Reid, cartoonist

The Bubble Project

Slow Food

Society for the Deceleration of Time

Long Now

Sinn Fein

Crooks and Liars

Workers World

Imagine Peace


My Pride Novelty and Gifts

The art/politics of Peter Collins, local inmate

A Bear Named Boy (ok, so it struck me as cute and kind of suited my twisted misreading...)

Kingston Guitar Shop

The Orange Alabaster Mushroom

Kelley Armstrong, area horror/fantasy author

Local artist Cameron Tomsett

Darbar, local Indian restaurant

The Cave, Kingston high school radio station

The Sleepless Goat Workers' Collective Cafe

Jenica Rayne, local musician

Dogs Van Groovin, local business

Jungle, local indie emporium

Out in Kingston

Kingston Punk Productions

HIV/AIDS Regional Services Kingston area

Sarah Dawe's blog

Another local blog

Grand Theatre

Panda Garden Buffet

The Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast

Modern Fuel Art Gallery

Kingston Pride

Frontenac Club Inn

Visit Kingston site

Jessup Food and Heritage

Apple Crisp Music Series

Paulina's Curry Mix restaurant

Iron Clad Graphics

Novel Idea Books


Tom Neely, cartoon artist

Space Moose, 1989-1997 (as a former drawer of a puerile, perverted, idea-heavy, badly sketched cartoon, I can relate... :))

Jack Chick himself (Ecce Homo, even)

The Astonish Factory, home of Herobear

The Society For Ottawa Anime Promotion

Kodiak Castle, Furry site

Pogo Fan Club

Hayao Miyazaki, Japanese anime director

Arsenal Pulp Press

Haworth Press

Artemis Fowl, a fave book series site

Author Garry Kilworth

Lemony Snicket, troubled children's author, represented by Daniel Handler

The website of Dr. Olivia Judson, author of an excellent pop-science book on SEX

Ray Bradbury

Ursula K LeGuin

Traci Lords

Jasper Fforde, half-mad sci-fi/thriller/comedy writer :)

Christopher Moore, comic/twisted author/woof

The official e-text of Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS, with the occasional error, sadly ;o)

Akashic Books

Velvet Park Magazine

Art Metropole

Bust is back!

Meniscus 'zine

Satan Stole My Teddy Bear CD Review Emporium and Haberdashery (now, how could I resist a site with a name like THAT!?)

Minus Times 'zine

Five O'Clock Bot blog

Kiss Machine 'zine

Planet Soma

Periodic Table of Desserts

I used to believe...(a collection of intriguing misconceptions)

Your vampire name

A revelation of the evil plot of cats against humanity (luckily, my cat passed on before she could thoroughly work her malevolent machinations)

Get Out of Hell Free merchandise


Bear Skin Airlines

Steina and Woody Vasulka, video artists

The insane venting squirrel

Um, subservient chicken (there ARE limits - try asking it to have sex, for example :) )

David Foster Wallace

This Is True

Neal Stephenson

Tokyo Pop publishers

Fluide Glacial

Useful tips about Canada

Japan Society

A bit of surrealism

Um, really, the song should say it all, and there are SOME standards of what words one can SAY here... ;)

Assorted games

The Duct Tape Guys (like you didn't expect this? Check their pictures and see an added bonus as to why I like this site... :) )

A new series by Jonathan Stroud

Phillip Pullman

Various Smileys

The Dirty Punk F*ckin' Anarchy Machine

Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex (by Larry Niven)

Joyce Carol Oates

Dinosaur Alphabet

Douglas Adams

As though the badger/mushroom one WEREN'T bad enough...

Collector Scum stuff (esp. punk 8 tracks!!!)


Church Sign Maker

Wisdom Quotes

Art Metropole

Bob The Angry Flower


Er, biscuit bears?

Rockin' balloon bears

Time and Date interval calculation page (goodness, I've put on a lot of days...)

Mmeoww game

Truly evil and twisted little clips

Arbeiter Press

Mr. Wiggles comics

The Duck Stab game, with a Residential link

The llama song

The kitty cat dance song

Online Cheese Comparitator

Um, Sandman, kind of

The Gematriculator, to rate the good/evil of text/website/etc.

Store Wars

Animals Have Problems Too

Dysfunctional Family Circus archive

Kitten Wars

Puppets Who Kill

For those occasions on which you're too lazy to type a whole web address (at least more than once)

Author Brian M. Wiprud

Ninja Kitten song

Electro-aggro kitties



Harlan Ellison

Carl Honore

Brantford Bookworm

Too cute

Ray Bradbury

The Guinea Pig Dance

Sylvia Plath

As SPITTING IMAGE once said: 'Though you already hate this song, you'll be singing it for weeks'

Boing Boing blog


Pleasure Dome Film Collective

Frank and Gordon

Swear Bear

Having Some Bear Fun with Roose

My cat has knees


The Perry Bible Fellowship

Whatever Happened To...

Elk 'zine

The Pi Song

Larry the Leper with the song that even E.C.T. could not drive from your head

Tom Lehrer lives (well, he does...)

Davey and Son of Goliath

Silver Snail Comics

Octopus Books

Hanna Barbera stuff

Great Worm Distribution

Carl Hiaasen

Bette Davis

Howard The Duck

Maggie Dubris

Yet another insane earworm video


Record Store Cats

Green Candy Press

Mike Carey

Perfect Books (Ottawa store)

Liz Mcgrath

Craig Conlan

Exhibit A Press

The art of Steve MacDonald

Tom Holt

T Jefferson Parker

Daniel Quinn

Thomas Pynchon page

Angie Sage's work

Rick Riordan

Joe Meno

Randy Costan, aka Peter Pan

Mick Farren's blog

Steven Utley bio

Hook A Canuck

Stephen Beachy

Jungle Cat World

Indian River Reptile Zoo

Girlistic Magazine

A few thoughts on religion

Jesus of the Week

Jo Dereske

Steven Hall

Sam Harris (the godless author, not the flaming singer)

Sara Bynoe

Terry Pratchett

Dr. Irwin Corey

Starlost, 1973 Canadian sci-fi stinker series

I Can Have Cheeseburger!?

Kean Soo, cartoonist/artist

The kid-friendly Shel Silverstein stuff

Edie Kerouac-Parker

Garfield Minus Garfield

Papercutz Publishers

Martin Millar

Elizabeth Hay

Kawaii Not: Cute Gone Bad

Stephen Jay Gould

Naked Cowboy

Jim Butcher

Peter Beagle

Vikram Chandra

Craig Thompson

Art Is Your Story

Flight Comics

1000 Recordings To Hear Before You Die

The Rex Jazz ClubSterling Publishing 1

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