
Classic Marxist Pickup Lines (overheard while cruising Commie cock at the Bakunin Bathhouse)

1. Wanna seize MY means of production?

2. Care to play bastard boss/oppressed worker?

3. Ever greased the wheels of capitalism with lube?

4. Marx was a big Commie guy with a beard. I'm a big Commie guy with a beard. You like Marx. The choice seems clear...

4. Be my comrade - no, REALLY!

5. Do you REALLY want to continue the cycle of producing another generation of workers for the ruling class to exploit?

6. It's not just fate we met, baby - it's historical determinism.

7. Let's practice synthesis.

8. Engels signed Hirschfeld's petition for gay rights. Do you want to disappoint him?

9. I'm Red- wanna see? :)

10. I'm a prisoner of starvation - love starvation - and I'm ready to arise.
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