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By Jacob David, P.O. Box 3050, Eureka, CA, 95502, USA

Next time you see television images of the 9/11/01 explosion at the Pentagon, ask yourself: "Do I see evidence of a plane crash – anywhere?" Look closely. Look very closely. There’s no plane.

In fact, the "crash" site at the Pentagon does not resemble a crash site at all. And the unexplained delay by Bush Jr.’s branch of government in declassifyijng the so-called "crash" footage only raises even more questions. For instance, are you aware of the fact that law enforcement investigators, in search of evidence, are having an incredibly difficult time recovering any "plane" wreckage from the Pentagon, as "our" military officials claimed to have "disposed of it" immediately following the "crash"?

Why did the George Bush II administration take six months to release a series of "still photos" that purportedly show an airliner striking the Pentagon? Why is that (no matter how closely those images are inspected) it is impossible to recognize anything even remotely resembling a plane? By the way, do you find it at all believable that the Pentagon’s very own video cameras failed to frame the explosion (with no inexplicably missing time segments, unlike the incomplete series of "photos" finally unveiled for the public on 3/7/02)?

And, if any governmentally-gullible individual should attempt to assert that "our" military (which consumes over half of all congressional annual discretionary spending) cannot afford to purchase and install state-of-the-art video surveillance equipment to keep a watchful eye over the grounds below some of the most highly-protected air space on planet Earth, that individual is either insipid, incredible or merely incredibly insipid!

Are you aware of the fact that the mysteriously damaged section of the Pentagon was under construction at the time of the yet-to-be-explained explosion, with relatively very few employees (none of whom were high-ranking) occupying that part of the building on 9/11/01?

Here’s what the "Defense" Department Office of Strategic Influence’s obviously-doctored footage shows:

  1. A "plane" full of fuel hits the ground.

  3. The magic "plane" slides hundreds of yards into the Pentagon intact.

  5. Then this supposed "plane" explodes; but is of course conveniently never actually visible during the belatedly declassified sequence of spliced imagery.

What an interesting coincidence.

Now, utilizing the lately much abandoned concept of common sense, here is what one would expect to happen in the known physical universe:

  1. A plane full of fuel hits the ground.
  2. This certainly less surreal plane explodes FIRST.
  3. Then the fiery wreck would slide into the Pentagon/Pentecostal Pentagram.

You’d think that (with six months’ time) the psychological warfare professionals behind George Bush, Jr.’s shadow government would have at least become competent enough to correctly create that disinformation detail. But, as Granddaddy Prescott Bush’s business partner and personal friend Adolf Hitler once said: "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe."

And a lot of otherwise "wonderful" people in America do seem to believe these days, don’t they? Much like many 1930’s-era Germans honestly believed the ruling Nazi Party’s propaganda blaming communist conspiracy for the burning of the Reichstag. But, as we all now know, the Nazi liars destroyed the Reichstag themselves in order to intensely inflame German public opinion, so that very few critical questions would be asked of Adolf Hitler and his administration during their pre-planned "War on Communism".

Sound familiar?

Isn’t it interesting that Enron lobbyist/Vice-President Dick Cheney just finished an extensive arm-twisting campaign in the Middle East, attempting unsuccessfully to coax and/or coerce support for a re-run of his "glorious" Gulf War? Curious, most especially when this clandestine presidency has failed to provide any evidence at all proving an Iraqi connection to the mailing of highly-advanced weapons-grade anthrax to liberal U.S. Democratic senators, not to mention to members of the "liberal" media.

In fact, in a special investigation, the BBC recently revealed that the person behind the terrorist anthrax attacks on America is an American miltary scientist who worked on a covert (and illegal) biological weapons program at Fort Dietrich, Maryland for the CIA!

Now, why is that the "free corporate press" in the United States has recoiled from reporting this revelation (ed. note: hasn’t made it up to the Untrue North Strong and Free either!)?

Or, for that matter, why isn’t "our free press" at least asking a few tough questions of John Ashcroft’s "Justice" Department right now?





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