

DIARY OF A MADBEAR - the title should woof for itself...

RENEGADE NECROPHILE PRINCESSES AND EYEBALLS IN TUXEDOS - thoughts on Desperate Living by John Waters and Icky Flix by The Residents

IT WAS A DROOLING IDIOT WHO WROTE THE BOOK OF LOVE, AND IT'S LONG AND BORING - things I read and liked, which you might not think from the fact that I've run together references from Robyn Hitchcock and Magnetic Fields in that title

HOW QUICKLY THE TABLES ARE TURNING - A plethora of platters, a pinch of plastic (once in a while, a CD is not only good for a killer frisbee J )

OH DEATH THAT CREEP THAT CROOKED JERK - And now you're gone, I read it today (a Laurie Anderson AND Swans reference - will my hipsterness never end? Some folks that passed in 2002, and that I wish had not...)

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