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DAMSEL 19 - J. Collins, #1202-230 Roslyn Rd., Winnipeg, MB, R3L 0H1, CANADA, $2 CAN/US should cover it

More meditations on jazz (listening and guide books recommended) - handsome fellas (a picture or two) - fashions - some intriguing cartoon drawings - thoughts on the coolness of female hairstyles - a big red piece of 'art' - a tranny sex ad - all filthy, anti-social stuff that I LUUUUUVE, and that I've come to expect from J.
Miss Ivy #1 - Robert Moulds, 38 Metcalfe Ave., Kingston, Ontario, K7M 2W6, CANADA, $2 CAN/US

As this collection had no title, I'm invoking my privilege as a big, manly Top Bear (*giggle*) and giving it one.

A compendium of Rob/Miss Ivy's thoughts on topics as diverse as: sodomy laws; the US Army's lesbian purge of 1945; the Loch Ness Monster; coolness; George Bush; Mike Harris; school violence; how to advance gay lib; a sweet piece on the cessation of my former 'zine(*sniffle*); a take on the recent Kingston Reelout! Film Festival; some book and record reviews; and tons, tons more.

It's handwritten and sometimes a tad iffy in spelling and grammar, but, for the most part, worth the effort to piece out.

Punk Vol. 2 #0, Winter 2001 - John Holmstrom, PMB 675, 200 E. 10th St., NYC, NY, 10003, USA, $5 US

This classic 'zine (1976-1979) is BAAAAACK!!

It is just as immature and amateurish-looking now as then, with much of it being handwritten (albeit neatly and stylishly), and the cartoon illustrations are still a hoot.

There is a profile of wrestler Sabu, who I hadn't heard of; a rather obvious, yet chuckle-inducing, parody of the Brady Bunch by the lovely and talented Legs McNeil; interviews with Jimmy from Murphy's Law; Niagara, the singer-painter; and cyberpunk author William Gibson; some glossy colour punk pics by Roberta Bayley; a Punk top 99; and that is just some of it (though it's not a particularly lengthy magazine.)

Many happy returns - you were too crass to stay away... :)

Sbw'zine #1 - It's Menstruation Time! - Sarah, at [email protected]

Well - it's about menstruation.

This 'zine collects poetry, drawings, song lyrics, advice on menstrual cramp alleviation, and even how to make your own menstrual pads (pattern thoughtfully included).

Needless to say, it had little direct personal relevance, but it was still interesting and an intriguing glimpse into someone else's mind.

The next issue is about masturbation, for those who wish to contribute/comment/etc.

Scutter #7 - Rudy, P.O.B. 3247, Alhambra, CA, 91803, USA, [email protected]

Rudy interviews Molly Neuman from Bratmobile and Corin Tucker from Sleater-Kinney, and, in conjunction with a theme of being queer, Latin and proud, also talks to Martin Sorrendeguy of Los Crudos/xLimpwristx, Luis Illades of Pansy Division and Robert Lopez of Zeros/El Vez.

He provides some useful advice on self-defence and where to turn if you're being abused by our partner; a photo collage on body image that is quite illuminating for us big fellas; and some good 'zine and listening recommendations.

Rudy never fails to be at least thought-provoking in what I have read of his work (we could say 'Rudy Can't Fail', but MUST we allude to the Clash?), and this issue is no exception. Bravo... :)

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