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Suggested Reading Material for Ms

Suggested Reading Material for Ms. Mary Ann Martin (chair of the Durham District Catholic School Board), Mr. Mike Powers (principal of Pereyma High School) and Monsignor John Pereyma (school namesake)


  1. Reflections of a Rock Lobster: Growing Up Gay by Aaron Fricke (because the above have a lot to learn about what it means for a guy to take his fella to the prom…)

  3. The Holy Bible (especially the stuff about Jonathan and David, casting stones (remember – if you want to follow Leviticus and stone me to death, be sure you’re without sin – and also don’t eat shellfish (such as clam), wear a cotton-polyester blend or have sex with a menstruating woman - or else this rock’s for you, honey…), loving your neighbour, judging not lest you be judged, etc.)

  5. The collected works of Christian scholar John Boswell on the church and homosexuality.

  7. In a related vein, the primary documents in the Vatican Library which prove the early Church conducted same-sex marriages. The Monsignor could justify taking a field trip for that purpose.

  9. The Ontario Education Act

  11. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  13. Research and newspaper reports on the effects of closetry, both among queer AND straight clergy (child molestation, affairs, pregnancies, etc.)

  15. On the subject of pregnancy, if we are talking about the appropriateness of two boys going together, may we point out an unmarried, expecting girl attended the prom at that school last year? She has OBVIOUSLY engaged in premarital sex, and they do not KNOW if Marc Hall and his guy have… a delve into the dictionary under ‘irony’ or ‘hypocrisy’ is called for…

  17. On Being Gay by Brian McNaught (even a godless commie such as I liked it) (p.s. Thanks to Andy for pointing out I had the wrong first name for this fellow - revised 12-09-02 :) ).

  19. The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I’m Gay by Troy Perry (by the man who founded the Metropolitan Community Church, a gay-positive ministry)

By the way – if you don’t know what this is about, go to; in brief, it’s about the fight of a high school student in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada to take his boyfriend to the prom and his school board’s efforts to thwart this…send your love to Marc, Cassy and Lance at [email protected] )

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