

(by Jacob David, P.O. Box 3050, eureka, California, 95502, USA)


We The People of the United States of America (no matter what the latest proffered piece of preposterous political Pentagon propaganda proclaims) CAN NOT

nuke nor daisy cut nor cluster bomb nor carpet bomb a path to peace, safety, justice and prosperity for all of humankind. However, we can bomb a path through the rugged mountainous terrain of Afghanistan through which the Unocal Corporation can now build their infamous pipeline in order to insure that perpetually-polluting plundering petrochemical pirates will be able to rape and pillage the planet (including its inhabitants) for the foreseeable future. God Bless America!

The Crackhead Cowboy’s inane and insane plan to justify the "intelligence" community’s bloated boundless black budget billions by destabilizing the entire world must be stopped dead in its tracks – BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

The Cold War is over. However, the apparently-acrimonious anonymous authoritarian acronym agencies (who were so "intelligent" they failed to predict the fall of the Berlin Wall) have decided to maintain their American-taxpayer-financed slush funds for the war industry by following right-wing reactionary foreign policy guru Samuel Huntington’s advice in his blueprint for the Fourth Reich: "A Clash of Civilizations". Their plan is to replace the public-distracting Cold War charade of Capitalism vs. Communism (China, anyone? (ed. note – which would be state capitalist – but let’s not go there…)) with "Judeo-Christianity" vs. Islam. It’s just that simple, and just that medieval.

NOW the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The unelected military-industrial complex and its unelected pipeline-pimping Son-Of-A-Bush want us as willing slaves to their shrinking-profit-margin-induced war against the infidels! So when you get right down to it: Bush, Bin Laden – what the hell IS the difference anyways? Shocked? You shouldn’t be. (Read Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie’s enlightening expose "Bin Laden, The Forbidden Truth".)

Let’s talk about George Bush Sr. for a second, shall we? King George The First is a terroristically-tainted tyrant himself. Just ask the still-grieving family members of the 5000 HUMAN BEINGS who were slaughtered as they slept in their beds in 1989 in the U.S. satellite state of Panama, all supposedly so that Bush Sr. could arrest his insubordinate CIA underling – Manuel Noriega. Of course, the problem with that one in a long line of Bush lies was that Bush Sr.’s old CIA buddy Noriega was fraternizing with the top American military brass at the officers’ club in Panama City THE NIGHT BEFORE THE INVASION! Go figure. (It shouldn’t take long).

How many more THOUSANDS OF HUMAN BEINGS in Iraq (however non-American, non-Christian and non-White they may be) will be murdered by the maniacal Bush Mafia in their "effort to remove" Bush Sr.’s other former asset at the CIA: Saddam Hussein?


But wait, there’s more! There’s another "former" employee of Daddy Bush’s CIA they haven’t caught (or really wanted to catch) yet – Osama Bin Laden! Yes, Osama Bin Laden is yet another triumphant example of the Reagan-Bush era doctrine of publicly pretending and professing to fight terrorism, while at the same time creating, training and financing terrorist CIA proxy armies around the globe in such notably notorious killing fields as Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, etc.

And while we’re at it, whatever happened to King George II’s solemn vow to "get Osama Bin Laden – DEAD OR ALIVE"? Isn’t it interesting how the U.S. "free" corporate press has given Mr. Drunk Ass Bush Jr. a complete pass on that potentially catastrophic failure? But, of course, the corporate "free" press has provided this willfully and gleefully incompetent ignoramus with a virtual free ride from the very day Mr. CIA Man Daddy Bush told Junior he was going to be installed in the White House, so why should any of us be surprised now?

In addition: where have the Al-Qa’ida "army" and their organizational leadership gone? To their graves? No. Clearly there’s no convincing evidence of that implication that deviously deranged demented dinosaurs like "Defense" Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have been trying to foster ever since they began bombing the bloody hell out of the civilian population of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 – killing well over 5, 000 HUMAN BEINGS (almost exclusively innocent civilians according to virtually all non-corporate-American journalistic sources).

Only in recent days have the Liars at the Pentagon seen fit to admit what news organizations from the South Asia area have been reporting since Day One of the illegitimate Bush Administration’s campaign to make Afghanistan safe for Unocal’s pipeline project: the Taliban and Al-Qa’ida forces in Afghanistan were not crushed as advertised. They simply relocated across the border into Pakistan – a nuclear power!

Now why would the criminal Bush Bandits boldly and bald-facedly lie to the American public about what happened over there in recent months, knowing (I assume) that they would be unable to hide the truth from us for very long? Could it possibly be because "The War on Terrorism" (much like the "War on Drugs" in Columbia) is in reality nothing more or less than a diversionary tactic directing the gaze of the U.S. citizenry away from the true agenda of the Bush Mafia: EMPIRE.

The Oil Men got what they wanted out of Afghanistan: the Unocal Corporation’s pipeline. Hell, the Bush Bandits even went as far as shamelessly installing a well-dressed (therefore well-respected by "our free press") former Unocal employee by the name of Hamid Karzai as "interim" leader of the new puppet regime in Kabul! Yet NO ONE in the "illustrious" editorial offices of the U.S. "free" corporate press thought that rather relevant "coincidence" was important enough to report to the public until months after the deed was done. (See a pattern?)

Now why would they attempt to hide all of this obviously important information from us? It couldn’t be because most Americans are at heart good peace-loving people who believe in democracy and self-determination, who are opposed to imperialism, and who understand (when presented with the facts – not simply a steady diet of Pentagon propaganda from the "disbanded" Office of Strategic Information) that two plus two does indeed equal four?

(Sarcastic note: Thank God above (or below) for having foisted this frighteningly full-blown fucking fascist fraudulent fundamentally-flawed fool upon the undeserving and unwilling people of our great nation and beautiful world. Amen.)

George Walker Texas Ranger Bush – having presided over the most egregiously incompetent "intelligence" failure in U.S. history, directly leading to the needless horrific deaths of thousands of innocent American civilians – has presented the American people and its consistently cowardly Congress with his solution to our present predicament.

Which is: the brain-damaged interloper in the White House (whom the prestigious German news magazine Der Spiegel in its May 28th issue reported had asked Brazilian President Fernando Enrique Cardozo the following question: "Do you have blacks in your country too?") wants us to surrender even more of our rapidly receding freedoms in the U.S. to the very same jackbooted jackasses in the CIA/DIA/NSA/FBI "intelligence" racket who failed us (accidentally or purposefully) in the first place!

Maybe you don’t remember, but the son of the former CIA director (after having high-tailed it over "flyover land" on 9-11 in order to "avoid another hijacked plane from ramming Air Force One" AND after having hid out on his ranch near Waco, Texas for the entire month of August, 2001 so that George Jr. could "take a much needed month-long vacation" after a mere six months in office, during which, according to the White House press corpos, Junior was actually already on vacation 40% of the time anyways) upon sneaking back into our nation’s capital, "our fearless leader" as his first point of televised public business went straight away to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia to pat CIA Director George Tenet on the back for "the great job his organization was doing". Connect the dots, people. The truth behind the events of September 11th, 2001 are easy to see: ONCE YOU ARE WILLING TO OPEN YOUR EYES.

Yes, please do connect the dots – sooner rather than later, for all of our sakes. And act. And RESIST, so that all of us may continue to exist! According to the conscientious objectors in the FBI’s field offices in Minneapolis and Phoenix, it is quite clear that the "intelligence" community had connected the dots well before the tragedy of 9-11 unfolded…YET DID NOTHING TO PREVENT THE ATTACKS. So, therefore, connecting the dots after the fact is the very least we can do as caring, compassionate, non-conservative citizens of this wonderful land. Our children, our grand-children, and our great-grand-children wouldn’t have it any other way. Their future is OUR responsibility.

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