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Woof in B-flat

Bands/Artists with that certain Bearsy touch:

1. Art Bears (pretension and fur - a bonerizing combination...)

2. The Bears (Adrian Belew is on the furry tip, if closer to an Otter, but one of the fellas in the band, judging from the cartoon on the cover of its first LP - well, he could do warped pop with me anytime...just kidding, Arne - down, boy - well, maybe not DOWN exactly...)

3. Bjorn from ABBA ( it means 'Bear' (though Benny is the real woof-behind-the-throne))

4. Cub (can girls be cubs? Of course they can, based on the evidence of this sadly late Canadian trio - and Lisa Marr had definite Bear potential in the early days, right down to some lip-fur action - though most manly mincers probably wouldn't wear flower print dresses...)

  1. Cub Koda (from Brownsville Station - a crumb tossed to we ancient ones - though, sadly, I suspect the only thing he was smoking in the boys' room was some burning weed...)

  1. Edward Bear (ANOTHER sop to those with greying beards, furry bellies, twinkling eyes, deep manly, what was I saying?!)

7. Fruit-Eating Bears (before Joey Molland joined Badfinger, he was in this band whose name I need hardly oversell for smut purposes - thank you, Mr. Bill, for this contribution...)

8. Bob 'The Bear' Hite (from Canned Heat – evidently the nickname was apt -AND he loved his 10"...record of the blues (loved an awful lot of them, apparently...gotta have a soft (or hard) spot for a man with a truckload of vinyl goodies...))

9. Huggy Bear (scrawny riot girls and boys, if possessed of the fury and presence of a charging grizzly, though one of the chaps seemed a SMIDGEN fuzzy...but gotta love a band that takes its name from either cookies or a 70s TV icon...)

10. Kid Koala, not to mention Panda One (not exactly my kind of thing, but I'm sure more than a few Bears want to be down with O.P.P. (though it likely means Ontario Provincial Police in their fantasies, rather than whatever it signified in Naughty By Nature's hip-hop classic...))

11. Koala (once more, with help from Mr. Bill…)

  1. Lonely Bears (aw - come here, fellas...)
  2. Orso (read about him/them in an issue of Comes With A Smile - sounded yummy - looked it too * straight boy, Tim - don't scare the straight boy )

14. Rupert's People (named after the obvious subject, with a picture of the scarfed one on the cover of its first LP...once again, the Bill comes due...)

15. Ursa Major (thanks to a known associate for mentioning these folks, though darned if I can remember a THING about them now...I can rely on Mr. Bill to recall those sold-fourteen-records-all-to-their-mothers ensembles of the distant past... )

16. Volcano The Bear (saw the name somewhere - they sound hot...*oh, spank me (no, really) for a hideous pun* - unless, of course, Volcano is, loosely, a verb, in which case I must say that tossing an ursine into a smoldering mountain hole is a good way to ensure blockage and a bigger explosion...)

Labels That Probably Have Fur on their Palms:

1. Bear Family (German-based - don't tell me there are no hairy Herrs on its, REALLY...I don't want to hear it * plugs ears, goes 'la-la-la-la-la')

    2. Bearsville (the label most famed for releasing Todd Rundgren and Sparks LPs - launched, as it happens, by Albert Grossman, who had a je-ne-sais-woof quality (thanks to John for furnishing that fact)! Todd would go on to produce XTC, which contained a faboo Otter (Dave Gregory) and a nifty Bear (Andy Partridge) )

3. Fierce Panda (an, as it were, sister label of Rough Trade - seems appropriate...)

4. Honey Bear (panda punk purveyors... )

5. Little Teddy -German AND cutesy

6. Psychoteddy (if only for their mega-cool, animated, spinny-eyed, stuffed-toy logo...)

A Friendly Slap of the Paw for Punning:

1. Bearnaked Ladies (goatees - bellies - do the math - * a woofer can dream *)

2. Leonard Bearnstein (furry - faggy - again, sums are in order...)

  1. Beary White (that voice - that beard - that tummy...) (r.i.p. :( )

4. Bearance Whitfield and the Savages (another big black Bear at work...)

  1. Bearacudas (I'm pushing it to the point that discipline is in order...* that's a hint *)

Grrr - You-ve Made Timmybear MAD:

1. Minus The Bear (unless we take that as the bear's name ... but a glimpse at the tag on his plaid shirt would reveal the average Bear could not be so dubbed without irony...)

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