Boambee Bay 2003

Why the fuck do you have your mouse over this?

Intoxication (noun) - drunk; excite; elate; beyond self control.

Im serious now, get your fucken mouse off this line!

For the past 3 years now, a group of 6 young men, have travelled to a small coastal town to inhabit the Boambee Bay Resort. This page is just a taste of who, and what, will make this year, the biggest and best of them all...

You really are a stupid cunt

Boambee001.jpg This is just a photo i took of myself after a massive night

Boambee002.jpg Who would look at home on Oxford St?

Boambee003.jpg The same gay boys, only from behind conveniently..

Boambee004.jpg Hoopsy and Greg chilling out on the verandah..

Boambee005.jpg Greg having a relaxant

Boambee006.jpg Greg showing off his new found friend

Boambee007.jpg Greg reproducing the contents of his new found friend..

Boambee008.jpg Voting for the first day

Boambee009.jpg Voting for the second day

Boambee010.jpg Voting for the third day

Boambee011.jpg Voting for the fourth day

Boambee012.jpg Voting for the fifth day

Boambee013.jpg Voting for the sixth day

The Contenders

Bon Scevak

Name >> Bon Scevak
Nick Name >> Jammin, Nob, Cunt
Age >> 21
Years at Boambee >> 3
Strengths >> Ripping off Packer. Telling Ken to "get fucked". Never lost a game of Boambee Soccer.
Weaknesses >> Easily taunted about ugly features. Easily agitated by Hoopsy. Terrible at dressing foot wounds.
Drink of choice >> Beer and/or Bourbon.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 4-1. Bon usually has good stamina for a day/night out, however the mix of morning beers, and the fact that he has been on quite a large "alcohol abstinence" program of late, makes for the fact that he could easily push out alot of spews and memorable drunken antics. A possibility.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 3-1. As the above mentioned "sobriety induction" has indicated, the consumption of approximately 2 beers, could push Bon over the edge, causing a "softcock" chant, or worse, him pagging out early and leaving himself open to "turkey slaps" and sodomy. A real chance there.

For fucks sake..

Andrew Poppelwell-Scevak

Name >> Andrew Poppelwell-Scevak
Nick Name >> Owasan, Deepthroat, Pop, Owa, Fuckwit
Age >> 20
Years at Boambee >> 3
Strengths >> Ripping off Packer. Fighting with Packer. Cooking his frozen pizza's. Kleptomania.
Weaknesses >> Pool playing. Blatant disregard for Packer's belongings (also a strength). His urge to chase "giant turtle tracks".
Drink of choice >> VB
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 3-1. Andy is a proud speciman, often annoying to the sober person, yet always a promised maggot. Has great form in downing large amounts of alcohol over long periods of time, and with buff body, looks a real potential for the women-folk. Also his need to steal anything/everything also adds up on his points. A good pick.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 2-1. Andy has shown that he is a favourite for being targetted by the group members. This gives an insider the view that he could be singled out and given a "spite" vote to make him the fairy dick just to piss him off. However other factors do weigh in, Andy has been known to do irrational things whilst drunk that are just not cool, and his feelings on "fat chicks" will surely scare off the decent ones. A safe bet.

You mother fucking chicken neck!

Ian Packer

Name >> Ian Packer
Nick Name >> Packer, Pax, Sarge, Homo
Age >> 22
Years at Boambee >> 3
Strengths >> Pool. Cooking stir fry. Talking absolute shit whilst enebriated. Hacking legs in Boambee soccer.
Weaknesses >> Need for self destruction. 100 shots in 100 minutes. Getting suckered in to fighting with Andy.
Drink of choice >> VB, homebrew or bourbon.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 4-1. Ian's always been a major tank, his ability to consume copious amounts of alcohol, with no physical signs of distress, only his talking and thinking abilities marred. This combined with Ian's strange sleeping habits, and strange random walks, make up for a sure contender. A real stayer.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 4-1. Ian has a great knack of talking insane amounts of shit whilst drunk, he has also been known to slow down on the drinking if sickness or women are around. Has a reputation for random walks, but how much alcohol can be carried on a random walk? Also been known to hurt himself and go sook in the corner. Not a bad bet.

You wanna know the difference between your dad and me.. ill fuck ya!

Greg Davies

Name >> Greg Davies
Nick Name >> Africaans, Greeeg, Haaaard and Faaaast, Captain, Fuckface
Age >> 20
Years at Boambee >> 1
Strengths >> His accent. Fondness for 12th man cds. His peer pressure inducing comments.
Weaknesses >> Cleaning up on the last day. Failure to recognise the difference between JD and JB. Attempts at replicating the Aussie accent.
Drink of choice >> VB, rum and coke.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 3-1. A real crowd pleaser. This fine specimen, even though not from these shores, is always a welcome gent, loved by all for his humorous anecdotes, and just the way he says "bia". The friendship vote could very well get Greg through, his drinking abilities, able to keep up with Packer, are very highly matched. Will be tough to beat.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 5-1. Greg has been known to be a top knot up till dawn kinda guy. Hard to knock over in the stay up later then stakes, however, has a tendancy to have afternoon sleeps, which could well leave him open for a dreaded "turkey slap". Gregs lack of worry about spewing for the cameras is good, but just wondering if he can hold it off this time around. Put your money on Andy instead.

Andy, you really do suck cock!

Joel Hovatta

Name >> Joel Hovatta
Nick Name >> Hoopsy, Hoopla, Hoopnigger, Poojabber
Age >> 20
Years at Boambee >> 0
Strengths >> Annoying/Frustrating Bon. Being a drunken kook. Good for a laugh.
Weaknesses >> Women. Going missing and then waking up in strange beds. Using the pick up line "Oi... You awake yet??" (also a strength)
Drink of choice >> Beer or bourbon.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 4-1. Hard to predict how this young stallion is going to react to the new environment. Being a Boambee virgin could go either way, however his form on other trips has always been of drunken revelry to be proud of. A distinct love for destruction/stealing and lack of respect for authority could give Hoopsy an upper hand for this prestigious shirt. A possible surprise package.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 2-1. Joel has an affliction for the "green friend" and this could have a serious adverse effect on his performance and overal stamina in the night. Have witnessed many times a green out to shorten a night, and this could very easily put him in contention for the droopy cock award. Still, hard to tell due to this being his first time, unpredictable. An outside chance.
p align="center">And the trophy.. is really a.....

James McCallum

Name >> James McCallum
Nick Name >> Rex, Nova, Whore-bag bitch
Age >> 19
Years at Boambee >> 0
Strengths >> Mouth of gold when it comes to talking to women. Absolute corker bloke. Dishes and cops abuse very well.
Weaknesses >> Dropped standards with women, likes to play the percentages. Expensive drinks. Doesnt fucking drink VB
Drink of choice >> Wild Turkey pre-mixed, or those expensive cans of Woodstock.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 3-1. As another Boambee virgin, its hard to tell. But James' no fear attitude and lack of dignity make him a key man if there are any females in the resort. His massive thirst for pre mixed bourbons will make him a fan with everyone when they tuck into his stash, and his wit and humor shall also get him a good friendship vote. A dark horse.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 5-1. James' sheer lack of the "need for sleep" or the fact that he seems to keep going and never throw up, make it a long shot for this. However under the constant pressures of Boambee life and peer pressure, it is not known how he will react. As seen in other similar circumstances this proud specimen has become very social and embarrassing. A potential long shot.

It is a....

Whilst the 6 inhabit the resort, there are always a few past members, or just friends who want in on the action. This year sees a few "visitors" joining in the fun.

The Visitors

Nick McMinn

Name >> Nick McMinn
Nick Name >> Nicholas, Cuntrag
Age >> 22
Years at Boambee >> 2
Strengths >> Great spa Vb-drinking companion. Running man. Screaming Allah!
Weaknesses >> Always pressuring to drink the zamboooca. Getting Packer stoned. Hassling Andy about not getting any action.
Drink of choice >> Beer, bourbon, sambucca.
Chances of getting "Hail to the king... baby" >> 4-1. Only coming up for a few days always makes it tough, but Nick is a veteran of Boambee, knows what its all about, which will help him to gain the saught after wifebeater. His extensive knowledge of music, and intense regimen of drinking whilst listening are unparalleled, and his zest for night time insanity and screaming oddball lines are always a crowd winner. A good chance.
Chances of getting "Mincy Fairy-dick" >> 4-1. Coming up half way through the trip, could easily instigate an immediate "vote for the new guy" in the camp, and this could work against Nick. He has also been known on previous trips, to go for a late afternoon kip after an all night effort, which is well deserved true, but is quickly taken advantage of. Nick's love for the "Porxee Asthma Puffer" also may hinder his perception, however he seems to be the same either way. A slight chance.
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