

Some of the videos are hosted on another website, namely an Angelfire website. The video link on this page will thus lead to another webpage in which you have to click the link for the video you want to watch. I have used this solution since I cannot host to many videos on Geocities and I can only update files up to 5 MB, which is not that much for a video. Thank you for your understanding!


This is my first speedcubing video. I solve the cube in less than 32 seconds, by incrementing a bit I found it was about 31.6 seconds, which is a very very good time for me, at least at this moment (10.9.2004) when my best average is 39.25 seconds! I tried to count the moves, and I got around 42 every time, but I think might have been more.

Also, there's an interesting thing about speedcubing videos, that is the times are really good because you're quite nervous so make the moves slower so you have time to look. I shot 4 other videos and they were one of 37 seconds (the first one) and the other three of 34 seconds!

You can hear me muttering at about the middle of the video, that is at step 2 of my method (step 2 of Charlie Tsai's FMC method). I'm not very good at that step, because it's newer (it's the one invented or rather found by me). Even with improvements made (in the future), you might have to slow down a bit at this step in order to get a smooth solve.


This is a video about FMC (Fewest Moves Challenge). I'm not trying to show my speedcuber skills by solving a cube in 10 seconds, the video shows that FMC is fun too.

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