Hello and welcome to Portrait, yet another fun sprite adoption site. Here you will find sprites of your favorite anime and game characters, with 50% less carbs! There's not much here right now, but keep checking back for more! ^_^
e-mail me if you're interested.

08/27/04 - Whew! Been a while ^^; I'm sorry for the site being dead for so long. You see, the hosting company I signed up with for my domain went out of business, therefore leaving my domain dead. I couldn't even put up a redirection page >_< But now I finally decided to start this site back up. New layout, and even a few new sprites! ^_^

01 Save the sprites and upload the sprites to you OWN server.
02. If you take any sprites, you MUST link back here.
03. Do not take credit for making the sprites.
04. Please use the sprites for adoption purposes only.

Gensomaden Saiyuki [5 sprites]
Get Backers [8 sprites]
Inuyasha [2 sprites]
King of Bandit Jing [1 sprite]
Rurouni Kenshin [2 sprites]
Shaman King [1 sprite]
Shounen Shinkaron [1 sprite]
Yami no Matsuei [1 sprite]
Yu Yu Hakusho [13 sprites]
Tales of Phantasia [3 sprites]

Link in
Save the image and upload it to you own server.

Link out
Wanna be linked? E-mail me!

Layout made with the help of Notepad and PSP7. Image from boyis.com

� Rexi 2004