Jason's First Home Page
This is Jason's First Home Page

Hi, my name is Jason. I go to Ross Shepard School and am in Grade 10 IB. I used to goto Crestwood Junior High. Its a small but really good school. I also went to Rio Terrace Elementary. In grade 6 I went to Banff as a school camping trip. A photo is below.

This is a view from our campsite.

I like to collect coins, watch TV, play computer games and read. On Thursdays I go to Scouts. I like to play strategy class computer games such as Command & Conquer or Red Alert. I also like games such as Mech Warrior 2. One of my favorite TV shows is Pokemon. My favorite Pokemon are Pikachu and Charmander. I also like to play the Pokemon official TCG (or Tradable Card Game). I also Curl with the school and after school on Wednesdays at the Crestwood curling club. I also have a N64 and a variety of games to play. My favorite games are Rogue Squadron 64 and Goldeneye 64. I have passed Rogue Squadron on both the bronze and silver medal levels. However I have not gotten very many goldeneye codes. I am also an avid Animorph Reader and have read all the books out so far.

I am also a good tracer, I like to trace pictures that I like. Here is an example:

Its Pikachu

This one is the original

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My site has been visited by people since Friday April 9, 1999
This page was last updated on Wednesday October 6, 1999

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