Morse Sewing Machine

Morse Sewing Machine

The above Morse Model 4300 Zig-Zag sewing machine belonged to Jim's mother. It was removed from its cabinet for this picture. Jim received the machine after his mother's death.

We have the paperwork showing the details of the original purchase. It appears that Jim's mother, a lifetime quilter, saw the machine at the Mason County Fair demonstration and just had to have it. She paid $309 including her trade-in Domestic treadle machine on 26 August 1965.

The machine came with a great cabinet and sewing chair. The cabinet has a total of eight drawers for storing plenty of sewing goodies. It is one of our most colorful sewing machines and that is probably what attracted Jim's mother to it in the first place. The built in zig-zag, buttonhole and blind hem capabilities would have clinched the deal.

Click here to see our green Morse Zig-Zag

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