My Home in Key West

This is a picture my friend Todd Newsham drew of me in Key West. What an imagination, huh?

This is an arial view of my house. It's the little yellow one with the brown roof, to the right of the big white complex. You can also see the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of Key West in the background.

Here's a closer shot of my house. What happened to the point on that roof?

This is our little beach in the back yard.

The one on the left is me and my dad building a tiki hut in the back yard. I'm the one on top doing the work. The one on the right is me and Charly on our sailboat. I'm the guy with my hands in the air.

This is my little boat and with our houseboat in the background.

This is me exploring an island, not too far off of Key West.

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