A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more seasoned preacher in the garden one day.  Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice...The older preacher walked up to a rose bush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing any of the petals...The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry.  But, because of his great respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to try and unfold the rosebud while keeping every petal intact.  It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do. ~~~ Noticing the young preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older preacher began to recite the following poem: It is only a tiny rosebud ~ A flower of God's design ~ But I cannot unfold the petals ~ With these clumsy hands of mine ~ The secret of unfolding flowers ~ Is not known to such as I ~ GOD opens this flower so sweetly ~ Then, in my hands, they die ~ If I cannot unfold a rosebud ~ The flower of God's design ~ Then how can I have the wisdom ~ To unfold this life of mine? ~ So, I'll trust in Him for leading Each moment of my day ~ I will look to Him for His guidance ~ Each step of the Pilgrim's way ~ The pathway that lies before me ~ Only my Heavenly Father knows ~ I'll trust him to unfold the moments ~ Just as He unfolds the rose.


This not-for-profit site is a humble offering to Our Blessed Mother, who I affectionately call "MoM "(an acronym for Mary of Medjugorje); St. Joseph, her earthly spouse, who lead me to her; and the Holy Trinity, about which "It is all about..."  

In the spirit of Matthew 6:1-4 * and following the example set by the silent life of Saint Catherine Labouré, I, a 'handmaiden'  who was called by MoM in March 2004, choose to live a hurtless, helpful and  sacrificial lifestyle, wishing to remain anonymous.  

Mine is a simple, private faith, straight out of the Gospels, understated and without a showy display of religiosity. God knows who I am, and that is enough for me, as His knowing is all that matters.

It is not important who I am.  "It is not about me.  It is about God."

What is important is that we pray the Rosary together and commune with our Heavenly Family.  I invite you to join with me in praying the Rosary today and every day.


Mary of Medjugorge, also known as The Blessed Virgin, Queen of Peace, Mother Mary, Jesus' Mom, Our Lady of Medjugorje, Gospa

Mary of Medjugorje: "MoM"
Painting by Carmelo Puzzolo
>> Graphic credit: medjugorge.org
>> "Our Lady of Medjugorje" Project

This web site was completed on Mother's Day 2004 as a gift from my heart to MoM.  She is my MoM and yours. With her guidance and the Holy Spirit's inspiration, this site was created to support her intentions, including bringing us to her Son by spreading the Rosary and with it, thereby helping her children -- that would be you and me -- turn to God. 

This Rosary site is unique in its use of visual images that accompany its prayers -- including each and every Hail Mary -- to help our minds concentrate on each mystery.  Appealing to our visual sense, the digital images serve to rein in our wandering minds and in turn enhance our contemplation, understanding and appreciation of the mysteries of the Rosary.

Today, more than ever, there are distractions everywhere in our fast-moving world, and it is my sincere hope that this online Rosary will serve as a visual aide to help you keep your focus.  By providing a continuous vision of the life of Jesus and Mary with each Hail Mary, its digital images and prompts are intended to help you  visualize each of the 20 mysteries so they may release their saving power, filling your memory with God's Presence.

Those who came before us  used stained glass windows, icons and paintings to help them focus, stay their minds and thoughts, and capture the deepest memories of our faith. This site uses pixels to present those strong mental pictures.  In seeing, we remember.  It is an "old-new" way of seeing and perceiving the life events of Jesus and MoM.  While resurrecting old memories, the digital images inspire us to create new  living memories.

In this way, the Rosary is not just beads on which so many memorized prayers are recited. While each Hail Mary is repeated and directed to Mary, its associated  visual image helps to produce the intended spiritual effect of drawing closer to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  It is to Them, after all, that the act of love of saying the Rosary is directed, through Mary. 

The images were chosen from the vast array available on the Internet.  Credits have been made whenever possible.  Please accept our humble apologies, MoM's and mine (as this has been a joint effort), to those whose works remain unattributed in spite of my efforts to source them.  It is not for lack of trying. God knows who you are, and that is what matters.   


I am a simple pilgrim bent on wending my way back to God. For me, the Rosary is a journey for my spirit. When I come to this corner in cyberspace,  I then go to a holy, quiet world that envelopes me while I pray...  

Pilgrims -- such is my condition -- must travel lightly.  I think of this visual Rosary as a portable altar.  As long as I am close to a computer with an Internet connection, I can instantly "erect" this altar, almost anytime and anywhere.  

In the midst of a secular occupation and world, with just a few keystrokes, I am able to have a rendezvous -- a spiritual reunion -- with my Heavenly Family.  This prayerful halt constitutes a clear break from "business as usual", and often sheds critical light on how to deal with the secular realities of my day, especially the din, cacophony, and strain of the modern world. 

During this online time, I feel at peace, safely ensconced under MoM's protective blue mantle.  Hers is a sheltering security. A refuge.  I cast my concerns to her as I know she keeps all things in her heart, wasting nothing, pondering everything, critically and prayerfully.  She then opens me up to the action of the Holy Spirit.

There is joy in sharing this "sojourn"  with you.  May God bless you!

In God's Light,
Peace Pilgrim III


* Matthew 6:1-4:  

[1] Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
[2] Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
[3] But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
[4] so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.


Peace Pilgrim III  © 2004
"Treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect."

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