Pastor - Rev. Ray Dyer
Serving Prairie Creek 1977 - present
Sunday School 9:45 am, Worship 10:45 and 7:00 pm
Address: 5175 W. 157th Drive
Prairie Creek, Indiana
Phone: 898-2316

Contact Lila Drake for more information.

Next time you're in Prairie Creek, stop by and worship with Rev. Dyer and his congregation. I'm sure they would be happy to see you!

Happy 186th Birthday

The First Prairie Creek Baptist Church, located in Prairie Creek, Vigo County, Indiana, is now under the care and pastorage of Rev. Ray Dyer. This church, the oldest existing church in Vigo County, has a long and interesting history dating back to 1816, the year Indiana was admitted to the Union. Church records show that missionary Isaac McCoy and his pioneer friend, Daniel Boone, were passing through Indiana when they stopped, with some Baptists, to worship under large trees at the foot of a hill where the church now stands. This meeting took place on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in May 1816 and gave birth to the little church known as the First Prairie Creek Baptist Church.

To celebrate the 180th birthday of the church, Rev. Dyer, Amy Watson and Nell Moore revised a previously published "History of First Prairie Creek Baptist Church", written in 1966 for her 150th birthday by Miss Norah M. Johnson, now deceased. The new booklet, "Happy 180th Birthday, 1816-1996, First Prairie Creek Baptist Church" is such a beautifully written piece of work, I asked and received permission to copy it and place it online. I've read many histories of the church, but none quite as touching as this. I'm grateful to Rev. Dyer for allowing me to share the booklet with all of you.

I've separated the booklet into sections. Follow the links below to learn more about this wonderful little church.

Prairie Creek Township

First Prairie Creek Baptist Church

Bible Stand

Articles of Faith, Rules of Decorum, Resolutions

Church Member Roll Call

Members for 50 Years or More

Church Ministers

Church Birthdays and Celebrations

Credits and Acknowledgments


First Prairie Creek Baptist Church Cemetery

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