
Test Your Skills

All the great things in the world were started with nothing but - a clear vision and a great confidence to achieve it.

New Additions to the Website (Updated on: Monday 5th May 2003)
How to Prepare for Personal Interview - Human Resource

Download 15 pages material on DOs and DON'Ts on Personal Interview. Get informed about what is Virtual Interview, an extraordinary way to train your brain to get the maximum results and success through imagination; forget Mock-Interviews. You don't need to depend on anyone, if you have interest you can do some things by yourself. Only your attitude decides what you are. Think "I CAN" and I promise "YOU WILL".

        This is a small effort to put forth some of the interview questions that are asked or prepared in view of the placement exams conducted in various institutions. Hope these will help you prepare the best towards the  campus interviews both written and personal. Keep visiting this site at frequent intervals to get the updated information & papers on the related subjects. And also please send me any other valuable information or questions so that you can see them in this site with Your Name as a contributor. Please tell me how can I improve this web site further. You can share your ideas with me at: [email protected].

Your suggestions are My guidelines.

About the Author

  Computer Networks



Human Resourse


Object Oriented Programming


Operating System


          This Website was designed using Microsoft FrontPage 5.0 Published on Thursday, 2nd January 2003 by Pramod Kumar Deshpande, MCA, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.

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