.::. Quizzes .::.
I'm Elle
Which Reese Witherspoon are you? Find out! Mmm...I'm Snow White!
Which Disney Princess are You?Find out! Cool...I'm Mimi!
Which Crossroads Girl are You?Find out!

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com
Are you Addicted to the Internet?

Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury...

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Stvlive.com!

discover your inner candy heart @ stvlive.com
Which PPG are you? answer for quiz
You couldn`t care less about Britney. You are
indifferent. I don`t know about you...I`m not
sure if you can be lured over to the dark side
or not...I reserve my judgements on you until
later. Until then...remain indifferent.

How Much Do You Hate Britney Spears?
brought to you by Quizilla Sad Christina
You are...Obvious

Which Christina Aguilera Song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla