[x] they call me: Hadeer

[x] also: Hater, d.d

[x] sex: 100% chick

[x] my first breath of air: 05.17.90

[x] age: 14

[x] status: single

[x] occupation: student

[x] nationality: egyptian

[x] best homegirl[s]: preethi. annia. may. andrea. gabby. fritzie. lisa. francesca.


[x] most memorable memory: all the memz wit my gurliez ... waaaay toO many to list!

[x] worst?: ... not sure

[x] first bestfriend ever!?: may in egypt and andrea in the USA ;]


[x] college planning to go: PRINSTON!!! naaaa ... j/p ... not sure?

[x] future resident of:  California.<3

[x] wedding: .... dunno!

[x] children:  2 or 3 ... no more than 3!

[x] looking forward to: seeing preethi ... jus 2 more days!

[x] NOT looking forward to: ... going back to school!!! =[


[x] feeling: bOred!!!

[x] Listening: the TV

[x] Talking: to no one

[x] doing: ummm... this survey? =D

[x] craving: nothing.

[x] thinking of: nobody

[x] hating: annoying people


[x] love is: fun =P

[x] first love: .... no comment

[x] current love: none

[x] love or lust?: whoa! ...love?

[x] best love song: I'll be There - Jackson 5 and All My Life - K-ci & Jojo

[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: ..yeaah

[x] when love hurts, you: ... move on? =D

[x] true or false - all you need is love: totaly false!

[x] have you ever been in love?: yeahh ... who hasnt??!

[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: yeah why not?


[x] turn ons: dreamy eyes.hot body.sence of humor.nice personality.good looking

[x] turn offs: obsessives.when they want u to be sumthing ur not

[x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: .... they dont!

[x] what kinda hair style?: whatever makes them sexy... whatever works for them!

[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: love me? lol ... idk

[x] where do you go to meet new people?: nowhere

[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: nope..


[x] dog or cat: dog

[x] short or long hair: long for girls & short for the fellas

[x] innie or outie: innie

[x] sunshine or rain: sunshine

[x] moon or sun:  ... both but the moon is more fun to look at =]

[x] basketball or football:  i suck at both so w/e i guess!

[x] righty or lefty:  righty

[x] hugs or kisses: both ;)

[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend

[x] bf/gf or best friend: def. best friend

[x] tv or radio: tv at home .. radio in the car

[x] starbucks or jamba juice:  starbucks

[x] mc donalds or burger king:  both

[x] summer or winter: summer

[x] written letters or e-mails: emails

[x] playstation or nintendo: bOth

[x] disney or nickelodeon: disney

[x] car or motorcycle: car

[x] house party or club: house party!

[x] sing or dance: bOth!

[x] freak or slow dance: bOth...

[x] yahoo messenger or aim: AIM

[x] google or ask jeeves?: google


[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: anytime when i fall infront of hot guyz! which happens a  lot! lol.

[x] what are you scared of?: ... idk

[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: ...idk

[x] what kinda roof is over your head?:  a gray one

[x] do you like tomatoes?: yeah they're ok

[x] how many TVs in the house?: 3?

[x] how many phones?: 2 and 3 cells =]

[x] how many residents?: 5 people

[x] how many DVDs do you have?: ... not toO many i usualy rent them

[x] last dentist visit: ...wow! i don t even remember!

[x] last doctor visit: a few weeks ago i had a broken toe ... so i guess then?

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