You ...
--->Name On Birth Certificate? Hadeer Ahmed SalahEldin
Nicknames? gigglez, d.d, hater
Any other nicknames you might have? yeah prob
Would you change your name? yup
If so, what would you change it to? Ashlee (i love the spelling) and i cant think of anything else at the moment!
Where do you live? New Jersey
Where have you lived? Egypt
Where would you like to live? Cali
Where are you glad you don't live? in the streets =]
Hobbies? shopping, movies, chillen wit friends, soccer, phone, talking, laughing ... u kno normal shit
Hidden Talents? not that i kno of any
Do you think you're attractive? .... not answering that
Do others find you attractive? i dunno! ... ask them =)
What do you think is your best feature? my sence of humor? idk!
What do others think is your best feature? idk
What do you think is your worst feature? not sure
What do others think is your worst feature? not sure eiether!
Do you like your personallity? yeah i guess
Do others like your personallity? who gives a shit?
Do you think your funny? i could be...
Do others think you funny? maybe...
Do you like your family? yeah.... i loove my fam! =]
Do they like you? they better! lol

Have you ever ...
Had a serious illness? dont think so...
Been happy about someones death? no way!
Killed an animal? i dont think so ....
Had sex? nope
Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character? lmao... NO!
Caused a riot? nope lol
Taken part in a riot? na
Eaten a bug? probably if i was dared
Been on stage? yep
Joined a gang? never!
Been mentally disturbed? huh? lol i dont think so!
Smoked? na .. i dont see wuts the point!
Drank? ummm.... neeext  question! lol
Stolen? don't think so!
Used someone? na im not like that!
Wished to die? if i were really pissed.. prob but i didnt really mean it!
Streaked? haha..
Questioned God's existence? na not really
Cursed at God? naaa
Stalked someone online? lololol ..... maybe? ; )
Had a sexual fantasy? lol ahaha!
Taken pills? wut kind??!!

For a billion dollars would you ...

Kill your parents? helll no!
Eat an ant farm? yeah
Have same gender sex? fuck no! I dont care how much u pay me!
Kill your best friend? hell no!
Hold up a convenience store? yeah hh...
Shoot yourself in the leg? why?
Eat another person? yuck!!
Jump off a three story building? yeah i've always wanted to do that! lol
Walk naked in a mall? for a billion .... ummm maybe!
Shave your head? yeah !
Drink human blood? yes
Box with a kangaroo? lol YES
Kill the president? no ...
Slap an old person? yup... ahahah!
Eat your own vommit? maybe ... for a billion!
Eat a booger? yea....
Strip for Osama Bin Laden? NoOo.... lol

Out of my friends, who is the ...

Loudest? Alexayra
Quietest? Laurie
Smartest? Preethi
Dumbest? haha
Cutest? all
Uglyest? none !
Funniest? Fritzie
Dullest? none!
Skinniest? Preethi and Annia
Fattest? ... thats so mean! lol
Most Fashionable? prob Preethi
Least Fashionable? not sure ...
Most Opptimistic? ... idk
Most Pessimistic? not sure
Cries Most? i think Annia
Cries Least? Fritzie ... i've never seen her cry!
Most Trustworthy? i can trust all of them
Least Trustworthy? none
Most Honest? Andrea
Least Honest? hmm... i dont think any1 is
Best for advice? Annia!!!
Worst for advice? Lisa ... lol!
Most likely to become gay? ahahah! none ... i hope not!
Most likey to become famous? Annia
Most likely to become a cereal killer? Lisaaa!!! ahaha! na im j/p. I dont think any1 would!
Most likely to commit suicied? none
Most likey to go mentally insane? me eee! lol
Most likely to pose for playboy? Annia! lol ahaha!
Most likey to become a saint? none
Most likely to become president? Preethi
Who would you trust with your life? Preethi, Andrea, Annia

My Favorite ...
Letter? H?
Color? red, pink, blue
Number? 2
Word? fuck
Movie? a looot!
Rapper? Eminem or Akon
Pop group? none
Rock band? not sure
R&B singer? Usher
Pop singer? Jessica Simpson
R&b group? .. destiny's child?
Shape? ... a heart
Person? all my friends!
Relative? my mommy!
Old Song? Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
New Song? Angels - Jessica Simpson :: Shadow - Britney Spears :: Locked Up - AkOn :: Burn - Usher
CD? ummm.. idk
T.v Show? Newly Weds ::  The Assistant :: The Real World :: Road Rules ::Punk'd
Movie Soundtrack? .. idk
Channel? mtv
Parent? mom
Restaurant? Long Horn
Drink? lemonade or orange soda
Food? arabic food!
Snack? fruits or candy
Shoe Brand? nike,timberland , adiddas ... and a lot more
Underwear? idk lol
Season? summer
Sport? soccer
Dance? belly dancing
Weapon? my hand .... lol
Sin? ....
Smell? my mommy's cookin! =P
Shampoo? dove or Fructis or pantene

Last person you . ..
kissed? my mom?
Hugged? my bro
Slept with? ... o.O
Licked? not really sure?
Ate? yeah right ! ahaha!
Cursed out? francesca? but we're cool now!
Intensionally hurt? myself!
Punched? ... whoa! Haven't punshed any1 in a long time!!!
Loved? sum guy ....  ; )
Killed? no1
Danced with? ummm... idk
Liked? sum1 ....
Stalked? ahaha!
Hated? no1
Gave the finger to? i do it all the time! don't remember who was the last person!
Cried with? Gabby on the phone Graduation Day  ... lol love ya gab!
Fought with? Fran ... love ya!
Talked with? Fran?
Laughed with? my bro
Made bleed? myself!
Cuddled with? .... 0.o dunno!
Played with? Alexayra
Ate with? the fam
Hung out with? Fran and Fernanda
Sung with? i sing with almost every1! lol

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