The Beauty of the fan

Last update: November 20, 2001: Whoa, baby! Long time, no see! Well, what's new, you might ask? Well, I got a NEW Kitana image up (Yea!) and I kinda of straightened things up around here. Hopefully, everything is in order! Till next time, enjoy =)!

Hiya there. Welcome to my shrine for the "koolest" character in the popular game trilogy, "Mortal Kombat", the Princess Kitana! Kitana from "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3"Here, you can find a lot info on her, her roots and how to master her moves, *Gasp*! And of course get some lovely pics of this beautiful princess. So come on in-and enjoy ^_-! 

So what would you like to do today, huh?

Behind the fans-Who IS Kitana? Or Mortal Kombat? This is you place to find some answers...and while you are there, you can learn how to master Kitana, in MK 2, UMK 3, and MK G. NOTHING is left out!!!

Friends and Foes- Her loyal, fighting pals and the people who want her dead...(Now 51% complete, folks! It should be up REALLY SOON.)

The Royal Gallery-The name says it all.

Kitana Kards from the Mortal Kombat Kard Game-Kitana cards from the Mortal Kombat Kard game-Oooooo!!!!!!! 

So why Kitana?-The name says it all...again.

Link to me-Like my site? Want to link to me? I'm thrilled! Go here to choose a banner to link to this page!

Links-More MK sites

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Got any questions or comments? See mistakes or broken links? E-mail me!!!

Visit my homepage for more links and other pages made by me!

Thanks to:

for some pics and info

for some pics and info

Mileena's Isle-for the Animated gifs

Dave's Mortal Kombat Page-for the cheats, codes, moves, and some pics

The Official Mortal Kombat Site-for the cheats, codes, moves, and some pics

Absolute Background Textures Archive for the backgrounds used on this page.

Mortal Kombat, Kitana  and all related elements are property of Midway Games and William Entertainment, and no profit is being made. This site was made by Rosaura Jimenez. No part of this page is to be plagiarized and no  image on this or any of my other pages are to be direct linked-and this background was made by the webmistress. Please DO NOT TAKE IT without my permission, or if you credit me or you put a link to my page, thank you.


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