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Chapter I: Placid Start
by: Raven [11/19-21/01]

    "Daijoubu, koibito?"
    Still she stared through his gold orbs blankly. As though the voice foreign to her ears... even for a brief moment.
    Can't say if it was his eyes, if it was his voice, if it WAS him.
    Because she really can't remember.
   ... she can't remember him.
    Koenma's brows arched, eyes failing to probe through hers, "Botan...?" Soft, slender fingers brushed back the blue locks from her forehead.
    Or... was everything a dream?
    Brown brows furrowed deeply, golden orbs narrowing slightly. "Botan..." he called again, leaning forward, so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath, that she could feel him against her.
    But... she didn't feel HIM.
    "Anou... gomen ne..." her voice dropped, eyes breaking the lock of his piercing gaze. "Just... thinking."
    ... because she can't remember.
    Even if he was so close to her right now.
    "About what...?" he asked. Distant. Idle. "Me...?" Conceited. Playing games.
    She pouted visibly. "You wish." Is it you, koibito? But she dared not inquire aloud.
    And yet... she refused to be haunted anymore... didn't want to dream about HIM anymore...
    He laughed, "I was kidding." He kissed her briefly before getting up.
    "Rounds around Reikai again...?" Usual mornings. Routines.
    "Hai, hai." he breathe. "It's unfair how come I get more work and you, not being a Reikai Annainin anymore get to do nothing at all."
    Botan smirked at him, brow arching in retort, "Oh, and you think dealing with Akai is fun and games?"


    "Speak of the devil." he grinned, casting his eyes to the sprinting toddler that dashed into their room. He watched as Botan dug the boy from underneath the covers, his boy. Their child. "Don't forget about tonight, ne?" he winked at her. "It's been years since we last saw all of them... probably about the time you had Akai." He knew she heard, even though she was scolding the boy and with a sigh, he left.
    "Akai, what were you doing?!" she was almost shrieking.
    But the sharp gold eyes merely locked her in a blank gaze.
    ...and she suddenly felt like a prey frozen under the gaze of a predator.
    Pale blue tresses gently fell, framing his slightly feminine features.
    ... he took after her... but he's not like her at all...
    "I don't want to take a bath." Shifting personalities.
    Perfectly normal for a child, she thought.
    ... or is it?

    Koorimes never get cold, their nature is the cold itself.
    But... he's not even considered koorime. He's MALE.
    Hiei growled lowly, prompting a few ice maidens to take a step back. Crimson eyes burned with anger.
    He hates them because they hated him.
    "Hiei-kun... you're scaring them."
    But he's here now... because of her.
    "Hn." he growled, still eyeing the koorimes sharply, no trust mirroring in his solid crimson orbs. "Are you ready to leave yet? I thought you wanted to make it to Keiko's early?" Irked, he brushed off the snow from his dark mane.
    "Hai, Hiei-kun. Ja minna." she smiled at him, and he looked at her blankly.
     ... and she makes him wonder how she makes him do things you wouldn't.
    "We still have to get Kurama from Yomi's." he said monotonously as though addressing air.
    But still she smiled at him again, eyes mirroring her naiveté.
    He actually smiled back.
    ... even if she didn't know it.

    Yomi offered wonderful quarters in Gandara and in consideration that Kurama retains his position as heir to his throne, he gives the silver kitsune all right to do whatever he pleases. And that did not isolate the young youkai kitsune's habit of 'play'.
    It wasn't a wonder why Kurama didn't mind having just a bed in his room.
    A slim yet slender body was abruptly shoved on the bed. The female youko was attired in the usual kitsune clothes and the white tunic was a perfect contrast to the tousled black hair that cushioned her frame. Her purple eyes narrowed violently and her dark ears stood erect, "Kisama, kitsune..." she hissed, baring fangs. "I said later...!"
    Kurama grinned as he straddled her effortlessly, not at all bothered by her feeble attempts to throw him off. Golden eyes danced mischievously, "Hn, Yuira?" he teased as he hovered over his prize menacingly, pushing his weight against her lithe, slightly feline frame.
    "Later, kitsune." she said, "You know how Yomi hates it when he's around."
    "It's his fault he has six ears." he growled against her neck. Patience wearing thin. "And maybe your fault because you make so much noise." He grinned when she suddenly flushed.
    ... she knows he gets what he wants... sooner or later.
    "I've to go back to Ningenkai." He caught her ear within fanged teeth.
    But she wants to see him mad. To see Youko Kurama mad.
    "Tough." she grinned, running a clawed finger down his pale cheek, purple orbs dancing.
    Gold eyes narrowed at her, he growled, leaning forward slowly. "Don't try me."
    Is she satisfied yet?
    She laughed and kissed him, to which he responded to roughly.
    He shoved his hand within the mass of dark tresses, his mouth muffling her moan.
    Hungrily claiming her as his.

    "Now I know what Yomi's so pissed about."

    Kurama broke the contact of their lips, though his bare frame still over her own. "H-Hiei?!"

    Sure enough, the jaganshi stood there by the door with the usual smirk against his tight lips. His face was twisted in slight disgust as he threw the youko a dirty look. "You really don't know how to control your fucking habit can you, kitsune?"
    Yukina muffled a gasp through her hands, eyes wide with shock. "Kurama-kun...!"
    ... innocent indeed...
    Hiei arched his brows from his younger sibling's implication and glared at the gaping kitsune's, particularly the silver one. "Baka." The fire demon muttered, "Do you mind? Yukina wanted to come early."

    Kurama's silver ears suddenly tucked against the side of his head, both from being pinned down by Hiei's accusing eyes and from being caught by the siblings. "D-demo..." the youkai kitsune faltered.
    "Daijoubu, kitsune." she whispered against his ear, smiling as he subconsciously tucked them against his head, as were hers. "I'm coming."

    It was agreed that they meet in the Urameshi's household.
    After their wedding, Yuusuke and Keiko had took residence in two story house. It was slightly isolated from the other houses, since it was in between huge empty lots that were very rich of plant life and gave the impression that the house was in the middle of an imitation forest.
    The house had a huge backyard which Keiko had nursed into a fine garden. Most of the rooms were on the second floor of the house and on the bottom level, the bulk of it was the kitchen and living room.


    They were in the living room when the others arrived and it was more than expected that Kazuma would heartily 'greet' the young ice maiden in his signature boisterous voice.

    Keiko abruptly dropped the tray in her hands which Yuusuke had caught seconds before it shattered against the floor. He sighed, muttering curses about 'orange-headed bakas and koorimes'. Still twisted against the floor, Yuusuke scowled, I should have thought twice before I agreed to have the reunion here, he thought, still glaring at the oblivious Kazuma.

    The fire demon glared. HE was touching his SISTER'S hand. A dark brow furrowed from beneath the white bandage and Hiei suddenly bared fanged teeth, his eyes still fixed on Kazuma.

    Yukina's eye twitch, her brows arching and her mouth hung open slightly. "Anou... it's nice to see you again, Kazuma-kun. Although you did visit yesterday."

    What!??! Hiei felt the heat of the black dragon against his arm. Hungry... hungry for human blood. A certain baka's blood, he thought.

    "But I missed you so much, Yukina-chan! I just couldn't stand not seeing you everyday!" He gently brushed her soft hands against the side of his face, a slight hint of drool dripping at the side of his mouth.

    Wincing visibly from Kazuma's loud voice, Kurama tucked back his ears and glared at him. "Do you mind to make it LOUDER?" The silver kitsune growled, gold eyes glowering dangerously.

    Kazuma cast his grin to the youkai kitsune but his face dropped when the youko glared at him. "Ah... ehe... I'll sit you down then, Yukina-chan." he said in a voice so soft and hushed Yukina had to lean slightly for the squeak to be audible.
    Yukina was about to retort when she felt toushin, jaganshi, and youko eyes on Kazuma that spoke of venomous threat. Convincing herself that being glowered darkly by three of Makai's infamous legends was not pleasant, she chose to ignore them and gingerly took Kazuma's hand. "Hai, Kazuma-kun. Arigatou."

    'I would have killed him, Kurama.' Hiei noted mentally, his eyes following Kazuma as the ningen led his sibling into the kitchen. The jaganshi grunted as he shoved his hands within his pockets.
    Beside Hiei, the youkai kitsune shot a final glare to Kazuma before dropping his eyes to the fire demon. 'Hn. He could make the deaf hear with that voice.' Kurama retorted and shifted back to Shuuichi and even through his mask, the look on his face clearly retorted to him being ningen.
    'You're angry kitsune. Why?'
    Their eyes met and Kurama took a heavy breath, 'I've got more than one answer for that.' He sighed loudly before breaking the contact of their eyes and he brushed a hand over the silken crimson locks that fell over his heavy-lidded eyes. Nani? He bit back a gasp as he was suddenly caught within Yuira's arms.
    "I kind of preferred the youkai..." Yuira purred against the youko's ear, gently pressing herself against his back. Kurama grinned back at her, gold staining emerald eyes and both lean frames disappeared within the dimness of a vacant room.

    Hiei smirked as the door was closed and he cocked his brows when he heard a muffled sound. "What the hell?" he hissed, "And to think they've been doing that BEFORE we arrived." he snapped and his smirk twisting into a grin when Yuusuke and Keiko gaped at him. "It's a good thing you thought of leaving that room empty."
    "I don't think I'd like to know what could happen if I didn't, Hiei." Yuusuke admitted, his eyes still on the closed door and he suddenly felt hot from thinking. Hentai, he thought to himself. He groaned loudly, "Don't they get enough of THAT?"
    "Like you and Keiko get enough." Hiei snorted.
    Keiko blushed feverishly, "Hiei...!" She meant to hit him with the tray in her hands, but thought otherwise.

    "The fire demon's right, you know."

    Yuusuke's black hair stood stiffly, his face pale, "Koenma?!"
    But Hiei didn't avert his gaze, "Always the grand entrance." he muttered sourly, though his voice was distant and free of surprise from the Reikai prince's abrupt arrival. "Brat."

    Koenma, still sporting the fine tunic he was comfortable with was without his pacifier and the mark on his forehead was not covered by the usual red bandana. Botan however, was dressed in a fine silk gown that was beautifully stained in a dark blue shade. Between the couple, there seemed to be something cowering beneath Koenma's long robes.
    The Reikai prince grinned, an arm over the former Reikai Annainin. "Akai, come out." he called. "Meet your aunts and uncles." He tilted his head down and he threw the long cloth over his shoulder.
    It was a boy.
    Pale blue hair framed his soft face and barely covered his small nape. Unlike his father, he seemed to have prefer his robes to be dark which was a strange contrast to the brightness of his gold eyes.
    Akai obeyed his father, but the solid gold gaze never left his father's eyes.
    Scared or... something else?
    He doesn't know his own son.
    ... because he never spent time with him the day he was born.
    "C'mon Akai." Koenma urged.
    But the boy turned and left.
    Botan's brows arched and she her mouth parted in question. "Akai?" her voice was hesitant, as though she didn't want the boy to hear. "Doshita, Akai?" she called again, but no answer came.
    Koenma caught his wife by her waist and pulled her to him. He smiled when she averted her questioning eyes to him. "Let him go, koibito."
    Is he sure of what he's doing?

    "Weird kid." Yuusuke said, mostly to himself though he seemed to care less if the others heard him. He saw Hiei shrug and he grinned as he suddenly turned back to Koenma. "Koenma, are you sure he's your kid? He acts more someone here."
    "What the hell's THAT supposed to mean you baka!?"

      "Has Yomi been getting at you again?" Yuira asked, purple eyes softening for a brief moment.
    "What... are you talking about?" his voice hollow... hushed. Playing dumb. He closed his eyes as she brushed a hand against his cheek, her lithe weight pushing him against the futon further.
    "You've been more... youkai lately." her voice dropped to a whisper as though pondering thoughts further, and she idly fingered his crimson earring, perfectly melting against his fiery, flaming mane. "Even if you're in this persona..."
    Almost forgetting he's still human?
    He abruptly turned her over, grinning as she fought to break free. "And you don't like it?" He held the hand brushing against his cheek, staring back at her.
    ... but he doesn't seem to care...
    Even as a ningen he still has that stare. She looked elsewhere and frowned, "I'm... serious..."
    "And I'm not...?" He was still grinning but the eyes that stared back her no longer emerald. He's not telling her what she wants to know...
    ... maybe because he doesn't know as well.
    The youkai kitsune's grin dropped, ears tucking at the side of his head. "I don't know but..." he leaned forward idly, their lips so close, slightly touching.
    Purple eyes narrowed softly, the hand on his cheek catching silver locks within clawed fingers.
    He looked back at her heavy-lidded gaze, "There's something..."
    Why won't he say it?
    ... can't he say it?
    "That..." His eyes slid open abruptly, clashing with a similar gold hue. The youkai turned swiftly and growled.
    She thought she saw his eyes stained red.
    "What are you doing here?!" he snapped, still growling, eyes of blood burning.
    Burning with such hate... for a boy?
    The small boy was standing by the open door, eyes wide as he kept a solid gold gaze on the silver kitsune.
    "Doshita, Kurama...?!" She held onto the heavier youko as he pounced and both of them crashed against the floor. He froze against her arms.
    '... get him out of here....' He turned to her, eyes gold for a moment before shifting into the bloody hue again. "Korose--- Reikai...!"  he muttered lowly through growling, madly trying to break free from her.
    Yuira looked at the boy frantically, familiarity failing her miserably. "Minna!"

    But the boy stood his place, his eyes staring back at the mad youkai kitsune.
    That's when he stepped back.
    Those eyes were... so vile. He's scared... is it a first time?
    Akai was frozen under the insane glower... frozen in fear.

    "So Shizuru and Atusko-san are in rehab then?" Botan asked, sipping the white wine.

    "Don't get yourself drunk." the fire demon muttered monotonously.
    She stared back at him as though he knew something, "Anou... how are things in Makai...?"
    Trying to drop the previous conversation.
    ... because she's reminded of HIM.
    Hiei shrugged, "Hn. Like I care." Crimson eyes cast sideways, narrowing slightly as his dark brows furrowed.
    ... something's... not right...
    Never the conversationalist, she thought. She followed his gaze and thought that he was staring at his oblivious twin. The young koorime was carrying her own conversation with Keiko while Koenma, Yuusuke and Kuwabara chose to stay outside.

    "When I finish college, I'm marrying Yukina-chan!!" Kazuma had declared, probably meant for no one in particular.
    Yuusuke was leaning against the sliding door that drew a path to their massive garden and Koenma seemed to be caught with staring up at the stars, his elbows resting against the railings of a fence that blocked any contact from a small field of flowers.
    Koenma looked over his shoulder and arched his brows. "Eh?" He stared at Kazuma, confused, "I thought Yuusuke just said classes ended already." His head titled to one side as he looked at Yuusuke in question.
    Yuusuke laughed and Kazuma eyed him bitterly, "I'm taking summer classes!" His thin brow twitched as he pointed an accusing finger on Yuusuke, "You don't even go to school, how the hell would you know!?"
    "Is it my fault that I'm badly needed in Makai?" The young toushin broadened his chest and grinned.
    "Yuusuke..." Koenma started, "It wasn't your fault you're a descendant of Raizen to begin with."
    "What's THAT supposed to mean?!"

    Botan looked about the kitchen. It seemed bare because of Keiko's habit of keeping everything in drawers and such. By now the dinner table was bare save the single bottle of sake and huge vase that housed a lovely bouquet of different flowers.
    There was no light to guide the path of the flight of stairs to the second level of the house and it was only now that Botan saw a rather narrow hallway that trailed to an isolated room.
    She couldn't make out anything from the dark path and she slowly turned back to the tight-lipped jaganshi across her. "Hiei... where's Kurama...?" She suddenly asked, the flow of her voice abrupt and curious.
    But he ignored her inquiry.
    Hiei had been looking at the dark hallway as well and only tore his eyes from the dim room when Botan's voice prompted him out of his slight trance. "Botan..." his voice fell deeper, eyes a shade darker, seeming to glower.
    She can't tell if he's him... still can't...
    "Hm? Doshita?"
    "The boy... it's Koenma's isn't it?"
    Her brows arched, "Naze?"
    There was a strange glint in his eyes, and the third eye glowed against the pale bandage. "Kurama wants it dead."

    "Minna... Kudasai!!"

    It came from the room in the dark hall.

    Hiei looked at her knowingly, "I'm helping Yuira."
    Yuira? Botan pondered for a moment before bolting to the dim room. But even before she attempted to stand, Hiei had roughly pushed her back to sit. "... Hiei...?" Their eyes locked and she was about to protest violently but he pinned her down with eyes threatening her not to speak otherwise.
    Yukina felt the sudden rise of ki from Hiei and that had abruptly stopped her conversation with Keiko. She hastily excused herself from Keiko and slowly trailed near the trail that lead to the room. There was another scream and she recognized it. "What's wrong with Yuira-san?" The young koorime's eyes grew wide with worry.

    Koenma, Kazuma and Yuusuke had sprinted inside.
    Sweat coated Kazuma's temple. He bit his lip as he eyed the hall. What the hell am I feeling? He thought, I didn't feel this before and everyone was here by then. But... His hands suddenly clenched into fists. Isn't that the room where Akai went into?
    Yuusuke watched as Koenma went to Botan. Something's not right, he thought. Kazuma's trail of thoughts suddenly broke through his and he too looked back at the dark path. 'Kuwabara,' he shot out mentally, 'it's not the kid your feeling, I'm sure of it.'
    'Are you sure of that?' Kazuma retorted, almost glaring back as he looked at the toushin.
    He nodded back at the tall ningen and turned to his wife. "Keiko," Yuusuke called, "You and Yukina stay with Kuwabara." He clenched his trembling hands. He felt it. He felt Kurama.
    Wild ki.

    "Kurama... Yamate, kudasai!!" Yuira struggled feebly, the youko feet apart from the petrified boy. "Minna!" A spark grew in her dark purple eyes as she saw both familiar and unfamiliar faces.
    "Korose!!!" Kurama hissed, threatening to throw the other kitsune off.

    Hiei muttered a curse under his breath when he saw the youkai kitsune's blank eyes. "Knock it off, kitsune." Hiei implied calmly, inches apart from the glowering youkai.
    "Get out of the way!" Kurama snapped, baring visibly sharp fangs. He struggled even more when Koenma took the child away. "Korose!" He gritted his teeth, growling in frustration as he broke free from Yuira's arms.
    Yuusuke took Yuira's place and tried to hold him down. "Kurama... what the hell's wrong with you!?" He winced inwardly when Kurama roughly pushed him against the wall and continued to struggle.

    Koenma and Akai were gone.
    The silver kitsune turned sharply, eye burning in anger. He snarled, fangs bared and ears tuck at the side of his head. "Look what you fucking did!" he snapped at the jaganshi.
    They took his prey away.
    Crimson met blood eyes. Hiei gasped. Red eyes. The youko snapped at him, almost tearing his flesh and then he saw it. An earring? He took a heavy breath when Kurama pounced him and drove him to the floor. He struggled beneath the youko, his eye still on the crimson jewel. 'Yuusuke, the earring... get it...!'
    Hiei glared at Yuusuke. 'Just do it...!' He turned back to Kurama, a muffled a scream breaking through his trail of curses as Kurama caught his arm within fanged teeth. "Kusou!"
    "Hiei!" Yuira gasped and attempted to pull them apart as she caught Kurama's waist in her slim arms. But the silver kitsune didn't even seem to notice her weight against him and he continued to tear the flesh in his mouth.
    Yuusuke bit his lip, finding it difficult to remove the jewel because of the youko's struggling. He saw Kurama paused as the kitsune's mouth clenched harder at Hiei's arm and drew blood. The toushin took a deep breath and he took the crimson earring.
    Kurama pulled back from Hiei's bleeding arm and turned to Yuusuke sharply. "Omae o---" The kitsune faltered and his eyes fell, head falling limply on Yuira.
    "What the hell was that about?" Yuusuke asked as Hiei took the earring from him. He looked at the now immobile youko. The ki he felt... it's gone. He watched Yuira cradled the limp silver kitsune in her arms through narrow and probing eyes.
    Hiei's eyes narrowed dangerously as he crushed the earring, "Yomi."

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