THE SOCIETY: YU YU HAKUSHO FAN FICTION BOOK 1: CHANGE OF HEARTS PART 1: UMMEI NO KAIGI (MEETING OF THE FATES) KURAMA WAS WALKING ALONG THE TRAIN STATION WHICH IS FULL OF PEOPLE RIGHT NOW AS PASSENGERS FROM THE TRAIN FROM KYOTO ARRIVED . AS KURAMA'S MIND WANDERED THINKING ABOUT THE LAST BATTLE HE AND THE OTHERS ENCOUNTERED HE HAD ACCIDENTALLY BUMPED AYOUNG GIRL..KNOCKING HER THINGS OVER AND ALMOST KNOCKING HER TOO "AHH ....GOMEN NASAI!" KURAMA SAID AS HE LOOKED AT THE YOUNG GIRL. HER HAT KNOCKED OVER REVEALING HER LONG BLACK HAIR. "SHIMPAI SHINAIDE...DAIJOBU DESU(DONT WORRY ...ITS ALLRIGHT)" SHE SAID WHILE KURAMA HELP HER TO PICK UP HER THINGS "ARIGATO" "IIE...watashi no sei deshta"(no..its my fault)they looked at each other for awhile then the girl said goodbye when she realized whats happening.he bade her good bye too however he cant seem to take his eyes off of her ~~~~~~~~ sensei genkai' temple, while the rei kai tantei(xcept hiei of course) were talking to each other. keiko arrived with a was the girl kurama accidentally bumped at the train station. surprised, however both didnt seem to show it. the girl just smiled "yusuke! i dindt know you are here!" said keiko " like you to meet afriend of mine...this is ao takahashi...shes from the seiji jinja at kyoto" "eh!! seiji jinja? shes a monk????"said kuwabara "are you sure shes a girl?" said yusuke and keikos hand landed on his face "huhummm...any way ao this is yusuke,kuwabara and kurama" ao bowed "hajime desu...dozo yoroshiku" and they all bowed "and this is master genkai" "konnichiwa master genkai" " konnichiwa ao-san" "sensei, ao asked me to accompany her to you. She said she has something to give to you " "hai sensei…my grandfather had asked me if I could give this to you" ao said while she gives a red box and a letter to the sensei. "arigato ao-san.. How is your grandfather doing by the way?" "he is very well thank you' ":Sumimasen , Master genkai" kurama said "I am sorry but I have to leave now…yusuke…kuwabara..keiko…ao-san…" "yes of course ,kurama' said master genkai "I am very pleased to have met you ao-san" as he looked at ao with a smile on his face. Ao smiled too and looked at kurama…"I am pleased too" the others talked for awhile after kurama left and parted ways afterwards. When they left sensei genkai opened the bow that was given to her . inside was a medallion, the seiji clan's shiroi/byakko medallion. Sensei manoto had asked her to guard the sacred heirloom for the seiji clan. It belonged to ao, they must have a plan she had thought. "well hello!" kurama said when he saw ao "oh..hi…kurama, right?" said ao a little surprised. She is now wearing the same jr high uniform as keiko's "yeah…hmm what are you doing here alone? " oh well…uh …you see…" as ao looked down at the ground shyly " im lost"^_^ "lost?" "yeah, I cant seem to find my way :P" kurama smiled and ao looked at him shyly "id liked to help you but you know I don't know where you live" "but you know keiko's right?…well our house is just about two blocks away from hers" " sure I know where she lives actually I was really going to her house. My okaasan had asked me to pick up her order from their ramen house" "oh yes! They make such great ramen,ne?" "so…ao-san shall we go then?" "yes!…oh imean …yes..thank you…"ao bowed blushing as kurama smiled at her. They were silent at first while they were walking..until kurama broke their silence "ao…"kurama said.He looked at the sky first then to her " is there any reason why you are here? I mean youre from Kyoto right?" "uh…well…its my grandfather you see…he said I should get out of the shrine more often" "oh?" "yeah he said I should to meet more people more often…experience life out side the seiji shrine" ":so he sent you here then?" "yeah…my grandfather knows the yukimura family pretty well…he said ill have no problems living here if somebody they could trust is near here other than my gaurdian" "so I see" "yeah…." Silence again " oh yeah…how did you get lost anyway?" kurama smiled "oh…." Ao blushed again :P "oh welll……keiko and I are supposed to go home together..well she still has volleyball practice I said I could go home by myself or so I think…well you get the picture, ne?" "well I think you were brave enough to try right?" "well that's one way of putting it…"they laughed. Finally they reached keiko's house… "kurama thanks a lot…' "don't mention it…" "no I had fun talking with you…" "yes…me too.." silence..then "I really hope we could be good friends" she said "of course" kurama said "friends?" as he extend his hands to shake Ao beamed and they shook hands "yes friends!" they said goodbyes and parted ways happy to have known each other BARA NI AIJO (AFFECTIONS FOR A ROSE) Sunday, on a local flower shop ..kurama was buying some fertilizers and pots for the garden when… "KON-NICHIWA!!!! Kurama-san! ;P" "oh , kon-nichiwa ao -san!" kurama said a bit surprised though " so..what are you doing here kurama? Picking some flowers for…your girlfriend maybe?^_^!!!!" ao said with abig smile on her face. "nani wa?….oh no!"as kuramas face turned red " im just buying some fertilizers for the rose garden!" "oh..yeah…okaaay…." ao said teasing - . - "really im not joking! I don't have a girfriend!" "oh?….and why not? Havent found the right one yet? She said as they walked outside the shop still not convinced. " yes…something like that" kurama said a little distant then looked at her smiling'besides I don't have time for thaT" "ohhhhhhh…!!" "you don't believe me do you? Whats your first clue?' 'im not joking" "yeah..yeah.." kurama just smiled at her, amused "so what are you doing here anyway?" "making sure i wont get lost again^_^" "nani wa?" " just walking around..familiarizing myself from the ways around here..thats all" "smart" "roses are beautiful arent day?" said ao changing the subject "yes..beautiful but lethal...hey!..are you doing anything else?" "ahmm.. well.. no why?" "i just wanted to show you something" "what?" ao said, a little curious. "just a place.....well?" "hmm ...sure...why not ^_^?" "great! Lets go to my place first to drop this " "Sure!!" kurama and ao took a quick drop over the minamino's house and went for the place where he usually spents his time a very wide clearing up in the mountains...a clearing of wild roses. "oh my...this place is...beautiful...' said ao "you think?' "yes its so wonderful..." she said as ao walked towards kuramas eyes followed her . With her hair flowing gracefully alongside of the soft breeze of the air..amidst the rose petals that flows with it...she seemed so beautiful in his eyes...the roses just helped raised the beauty that was already hers.... "yes... its beautiful" thought kurama Ao kneeled down while kurama slowly walked towards her. She tries to pick a rose ...however "ouch..."she was pricked by the thorns. Kurama knelt down beside her and took her hand.."careful...these are wild roses..the thorns are much sharper although small" kurama removed the thorn using his blushed at his act but she remained quiet. Kurama smiled and gave her the rose that she was trying to pick. "a..ri gato kurama-sama" ao said...and for some reason she couldnt seem to look into his eyes anymore. There was silence then ao said she wanted to go home now . kurama nodded and took her home. "sayonara ao-san" "sayonara..." ao said she still couldnt look at him but then ao called him back " Kurama!..." kurama looked back "..I...I d love to go back there..if its okay with you" while mustering enough strength to look at him. Kurama smiled ..." yes...anytime " "thanks..i..i really appreciate it..well see you' "yeah see yah" kurama smiled at her ..she quickly went up to her room ...She stared at the rose for a very long time and blushed while she did...she seems to be feeling something but she couldnt understand what --- HIEI The next day they had met again after class and went to the rose clearings again. While they were talking an eagle seemed to fly around them. Kurama looked at it when he noticed it. Ao just smiled for she knows too well who that eagle is. She is about to call that eagle when a black figure seems to be pursuing it since strangely enough that particular eagle emits a very powerful ki energy. Suddenly ao shouted for it : "Rei-kon, get down!!" which startled Kurama. Rei-kon obeyed his master and went down to perch at the tree nearby. The figure revealed itself. Kurama recognized it to be Hiei. Ao looked at him intently " you are not touching rei-kon!!" . Hiei just stared at her while she remained furious. Afterwards he turned away his attention. Like nothing happened, he just snared. During all that while kurama remained silent, he looked at ao and told her that she doesn't need to worry and that hiei is a friend of his and Yusuke's. He looked at hiei who was still sneering , "please forgive him ao". "huh?…oh! yes! Yes! Of course" "kurama" hiei suddenly spoke "has yusuke decided yet?" "yusuke?…no I dont know really" "decided on what ?, kurama" asked ao "its nothing really ao"kurama told her "you don't have to worry about that" "im going" hiei interupted "okay" "bye hiei!!!!" said ao but hiei ignored her. "geez…your friend sure is swell" "nani wa?" ^_^ "nothing!!!…uh..kurama?" "yeah" "what are you guys talking about back there" "I told you its really nothing" kurama looked away " you wouldn't understand anyway" silence "is that your pet?" "yeah.. but my grandfather prefers to refer to it as my familiar , coz it always follows me around" "really?" kurama sems somewhat surprised. He looked at it . "this eagle emits a very strong ki..that's why Hiei attacked it" he tgought " I wonder if…." Next day " Ao , I'm really sorry I cant go home with you. I still have volleyball practice" "its okay keiko, really don't have to feel bad really" "im really soory" "hey..its allright I wont get lost anymore :P" "don't scare me like that!!" "okay okay just go now okay?" "oh allright..take care okay?" "of course" And so Ao went home alone. As she pass down an alley she noticed a big brute who seemed to be harassing a young girl (who happens to be yukina-san). "hey you ugly stop that!!!!!" Ao shouted without thinking "what did you say?!!" Ao was shocked for before her eyes the guy turned into a very big and nasty looking youkai! "you shouldn't have said that" yukina told her "now she tells me"