Thomas Glock
USAF Captain O-3 (Capt.)
Players Name: Dan
Name: Thomas Glock
Designation: Military
Military Branch: USAF
Rank: Captain O-3 (Capt.)
Team Position: CO/Astrophysicist SG-5
Date of Birth: 21SEP71
Age: 34
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 223lbs
Marital Status: Divorced

Service Record:
Military Service:
*Wright AFB: Pilot F-16AM 2 years
*Edwards AFB: 7 years
*Groom Lake AFTR: Air Force Test Range 6 months

Special Training:
*Washington University St. Louis, 4 years

*US Air Force Academy: 4 years
*Shepard AFB: Flight training 15 weeks
*Desert Storm: Full Duration of War

Thomas Glock is originally from St. Louis, Missouri but when he was 7 years old parents moved to Cape Canaveral, Florida where his father worked for NASA. Very early he wanted to be a pilot and after taking 4 years at Washington University in St. Louis he was accepted on US Air Force Academy.

He�s qualified to fly F-16AM and F-15C fighters. He took a PhD in Astrophysics in January of this year.

Psych Profile:
Tom is bright young man but often has nightmares about the tour of duty in Saudi Arabia. He has a great since of humor and dose not like snakes.

Promoted: From XO to CO of SG-5 when Rebel had to take extended personal leave. 14May03
                    To Captain O-3 4APR04  Team Vote

Celebrity Pic: Billy Bob Thorton
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