- MEGA MAN 2 -
When selecting a boss, hold A to turn the stars in the background into flying birds.
Long Jumps
If you pause in the middle of a jump, you'll reset Mega Man's downward velocity. If you press Start rapidly at the Height of a jump, you can coast for long distances. This also makes Megaman "phase out", causing most bullets to fly through you without harm.
Multiple shots
Use the Thunder Beam to fire at shot at any robot master, and just as it hits him start pressing the SELECT button over and over again. This will pause the game many times and it will injure the enemy each time.
- MEGA MAN 3 -
Freeze the Robot Masters
When the robot master begins to move, hold UP and A on controller 2. This will freeze the robot master where he is and you can shoot him at your leisure. NOTE: Try to freeze the robot master when he is on the ground because neither person will be able to move, but Mega Man will be able to shoot.
High Jump
For extra jumping power, hold Right on Controller Two while jumping.
Turn a weapon energy capsule into Rush Jet/Marine
First, find a weapon energy pellet or capsule (a capsule would be better as you'll get more energy for it.) Now, go to your sub screen. If you want Rush Marine , point to the Spark Shot; if you need Rush Jet point to the Shadow Blade. (You therefore must have these weapons for this trick to work.) Now press right. Rush will appear, wagging his tail. Press A or START. Pick up the energy capsule. NOTE: Although the chosen mode won't appear on your weapons list until you either use it or get it for real, you can now use Rush in this new form. Also, you'll have to fill up its energy before it will be of much use, but this can get you out of some tight spots!
- MEGA MAN 7 -
Ultimate Password
1415-5585-7823-6251 as a password.  Press Start to begin at the end of the game.
VS mode
To play a VS. mode fighting game, put in the password above and  hold L + R on controllers one and two and press Start on controller one.
Hidden music
Hold B while selecting Shade Man.
RUSH power-up
Enter 7235-7654-1145-2551 as a password.
M-Tank Power Up
Use a Mega Tank when you have full energy and weapons, and when you exit the menu, all of the enemies on the screen will be transformed into 1-Ups! If there are no enemies on the screen when you attempt this trick, you will gain one life.
- MEGA MAN 8 -
Shademan's Stage - Energy Balancer
- Destroy the pumpkin mini-boss by shooting at its outer shell's eyes, and you will create a path going right. Rush Search right below the portrait of Dr. Wily you'll find over there.
Turboman's Stage - PU Fist
- Use Rush Search on the first stoplight platform you come to (it's in that vertical tunnel with the ladder leading up the right side).
Springman's Stage - Hyper Bolt
- This item is behind a gate that can be opened with the glove-in-the-box right beside it. Jump on the box to turn it  around, and when the arrow points left, wait for the glove to shoot out and take care of the door.
Slashman's Stage - Beat
- Take Protoman's advice and use the Scorch Wheel to burn the trees in the forest near the end of the stage. One will reveal a ladder leading up to Beat. Use the Mega Buster to free him.
Junkman's Stage - S - Rush Jet
- There is a spot where lava is pouring down a wall. Hit it with the Freeze Cracker to shatter it. Head into the passage you created to find the letter.
- Hit the small gray machinery (under the red AC sign) to activate the lifts. Ride up (don't get crushed!) and to the left, and you'll find the jet adapter.
Freezeman's Stage - H - Rush Search - Escape Unit
- Use Rush Coil to get to a ladder that's too high to reach. Climb up and you'll have found the room with the letter.
- You gotta jump over a bunch of frozen platforms. Practice some and if you still can't do it, come back later with the Super Adapter or the Rush Jet.
- Dig this up with Rush Search a few blocks to the left of the gate at the end of the stage (that leads to the Robot Master room).
Burstman's Stage - R
- It's in plain sight later in the stage; you can't miss it.
Robot Weaknesses
When attacking the robots with your various weapons and you see the screen flash that's the robots weakness. It's like that for all of the others as well.
Dr. Light's Information On The Power Fighter Robots
Bubble Man
- Attack with a sharp weapon that can cut through the bubble! You can't move once you're caught in Bubble Man's bubble.
Heat Man
- Heat Man will try to do the Bodily Crash if you go near him. Watch out! There can be one weapon that extinguishes fire. Find it, and you'll win!
Shadow Man
- This is a mysterious robot who attack with Ninjitsu. You could easily defeat him if you had a weapon that shoots vertically.
Plant Man
- The plant barrier is powerful. The opponent's attack will be useless. Burn him with the "flame" weapon.
Gyro Man
- Your best chance is when Gyro Man lands on the ground! A multi-angle weapon is effective against flying Mechs.
Cut Man
- Watch out for the scissors on his head and you'll win easily. There must be a harder weapon than the rolling cutter.
Stone Man
- You have no choice but to avoid the Power Stone. Time you jump! He is weak against unexpected attacks. Sound for example...
Shade Man
- His "supersonic waves" reflect on the wall. Aim at his wings! Cut them into pieces!
Elec Man
- Elec Man's thunder laser is long and powerful. Distance is the key! Use an electric-proof weapon to stop him!
Dive Man
- Dive Man's missile will chase you. Use a weapon you'd think is useless under water. It will work very well!
Slash Man
- This robot moves quickly. You better beat him as fast as possible! He does not have any projectile move. Shoot him from a distance!
Guts Man
- You can break the rocks that Guts Man throws at you! Guts Man is tough. Use weapons with great attacking power to win!
Pharaoh Man
- You'll have trouble if you attack the bug eye of Pharaoh Man too much. Attack with a sharp weapon that can cut his eye to pieces!
Air Man
- Airman controls the wind. Be careful not to be blown away. Attack Airman's propeller with a hugh weapon.
Quick Man
- Quick Man is very agile. You'll have to get used to his speed. Juding from his speed, he must be very light. Blow him away!
Gemini Man
- Attack calmly and avoid the illusions. To tell you the truth, Gemini Man is weak against heat.
Napalm Man
- Concentrate more on avoiding Napalm Man's attack. If you could short out Napalm Man's body, he'll become weak.

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