Begin: Then Spoke the Thunder (5/5) I'm about to read a dead woman's diary to get out of toilet training our son. Mulder and I thought we had the potty battle won three months ago, but we discovered, on Will's first day of preschool, that he won't pee anywhere but at home. He had refused to go all morning until he'd finally wet his pants. Since I lack the necessary equipment, the job of teaching Will that real men can pee on anything they want to, has been designated to my husband. They've been happily running around the neighborhood all morning, pissing in every bathroom, and on every tree they can find. Mulder's going to have to be more discrete or he's going to get arrested. They are pretty cute, though, my husband and my adopted son standing side-by-side in their winter coats, peeing into the bushes in our backyard. Adopted. I forget that Will is not my biological child. A child of my heart, not of my body. Except for seven months or so, I have raised him as his mother since he was born. Born to another woman when Mulder's wife was not me. A dead woman. Mulder and I always told Will the truth about who his birth mother was, but he was too young to understand. Besides, Elizabeth and I looked so much alike, it confused Mulder - I couldn't expect Will to keep all the mommies straight. Recently, he'd started asking questions about her and I looked to Mulder for answers. He hadn't had them. I was shocked at how little he knew about Elizabeth. She floated in and out of his life, remaining a gossamer mystery. He didn't know her maiden name for a bank account we opened for Will - we had to use mine, which is no great mystery, since it is the same as my married name. My Mulder is a different man than he was four years ago. Before the great divide. This Mulder is calmer, more steady. More at peace with the world. He's still a believer, still driven, still brilliant, but not rash. He's a grown-up now and I love him. But some days I miss my old Mulder. I loved him, too. The thoughtless, impulsive imp that charged off at a moment's notice to do battle with the unknown. The self-centered ass that ditched me in morgues all over the country. The myopic flirt that slept with a woman he didn't know, and then dumped me because she was pregnant. It doesn't sting like it used to. In fact, it barely smarts at all now. I was always Mulder's best friend - the only one he trusted. I was his partner in life, and a few times, in death. I was the one he imagined when he made love to Elizabeth. I was the one who laid beside him at night now and got the privilege of helping raise his son. His son, our child. I hate to think of Elizabeth as being just a means to produce the child that I love, because I liked her. She was, by far, the nicest woman I have ever met. It made me sad to see the impact of her short life summarized into a few pages. But now our child wants to know about his birth mother. I found the boxes Mulder had packed after she died when Will was born - some of her clothes, her books, her pictures, her music. I couldn't resist trying on her wedding band in the solitude of the attic - just once to see how it felt to be her. She's worn it for less than a month. Mulder's old ring was there too, symbols of a union that never really formed. Hollow. It felt very hollow to be her. I was content to be me these days. Being Dana Scully was very full. At the bottom of the box was her journal. I had brought it to Mulder this morning, assuming he would read it. I really didn't think about what that would entail. He refused. Not because it was an invasion of her privacy, but because it held answers that he didn't want to know. Who she was, why she never loved him. What awful things THEY must have done to her. What she knew. Why she didn't want Will. Mulder had faced many of the demons that had stalked him for so long and this was the last. The last mystery. How his son came to be. It took me back to a time years ago, when I would always bear the cold truth myself before sharing it with Mulder, because he couldn't face its full force. "Just read it and tell me about it, Scully," he had said, and led Will off to begin marking the neighborhood like two stray dogs. "Just read it." Half of me is salivating with curiosity and the other half is sickened. Mulder and I had picked up the pieces of our lives separately and then forged a stronger bond together. We didn't apologize and we didn't look back. I got a fresh cup of coffee, sat on the swing in our sun room with the brown journal on my lap, watched Mulder and Will and remembered. ********** I knew Fox Mulder had potential the first time I laid eyes on him. That brilliant mind combined with those smoldering eyes behind his glasses. I'd shrugged it off as a case of hormones, but any other man I dated or slept with got compared to Mulder, unfavorably. I had no intention of becoming a number to him - another faceless, fluffy woman. I pressed those forbidden thoughts down to a dark place deep inside me. Mulder was a great friend, but he was not relationship material. Too arrogant, too self-centered. Too haunted, too self-destructive. I wasn't about to let him destroy me as he destroyed himself. I built my wall high, but occasionally I permitted myself to peek through a crack in the mortar - just to check on his progress. Usually when he was suffering, and Mulder suffered better than any man alive. "A mind like Aristotle and a form like mortal sin." Katherine Hepburn said that when she played Eleanor of Aquitaine in "The Lion in Winter" and it always reminded me of Mulder. Eleanor and her husband loved so fiercely that they devoured each other with their intensity. I could see Mulder and I following the same path into the inferno, so I lingered in the safety of Purgatory. Better to smolder as friends than perish as lovers. Mulder, you think Phoebe is fire? No, your flames are far more dangerous. I tasted his fire briefly before Elizabeth moved to DC. It was when I found pictures of her in his desk drawer that I knew. Mulder wanted me. Me, Dana Scully. Plain, ordinary, Agent Scully. Not only as a friend, but as a lover. Wow. Even in the black and white photos, Elizabeth's resemblance to me was obvious. Younger, blonder, better built, but me. I knew he loved me - he told me every time he had a head injury - but loving me and wanting me were two different things. It made me breathless to know for sure. Mulder's hands on me made me even more breathless, but not breathless enough to be stupid. When I got to know Elizabeth, I understood Mulder better and I didn't like what I understood. She wasn't intimidating, she wasn't aggressive. Elizabeth was an empty vessel shaped like me that Mulder could never feel threatened by. That was who he chose over me. Coward. That knowledge added another layer of bricks to the walls I often retreated into. Mulder had a rough time after Elizabeth died, trying to raise his son and cope with her death at the same time. He was busy rebuilding his life, and I didn't know if I was part of that life or not, or what my part was. He left me a note, telling me he was coping and he loved me. Yea, I knew that. I was coping and I loved him, too. Now what? I started calling his machine when he wasn't home just to hear his voice. I missed him that much. Skinner, of all people, set us up. Ordered me down to the basement office late one night on some stupid, trumped-up reason. I was expecting more of his, although I would never confess it to Mulder, very welcome advances. I loved Mulder, but there was still a physical void in that dark place deep inside me. If Mulder wasn't interested, I thought I was fine with Skinner being the one to full that void. Literally. I stepped off the elevator and, for the first time in seven months, saw Will. Walking! Oh my God - walking! Even better, behind Will was Mulder glowing at me. Skinner disappeared and Mulder and I sank into each other. I was terrified that he would walk away from me again and I would do whatever it took to keep him this time. The only words I can use to describe his holding me are "blissful rightness." In that second, embracing my partner, I was finally complete. Whatever the price, I wanted this man. Will, as he would do many times over the next two years, eventually required Mulder's attention and he got it. It was an important lesson for me - Mulder's priorities - he did not slight me for his son, but he did not slight his son for me, either. I liked that. We finally parted, panting, and Mulder's eyes never left me while he saw to his child. Will wanted to know if I was a "mama"- in a heartbeat, provided Mulder came with the job. Mulder picked up a backpack, rounded up Elizabeth's mentally challenged dog, locked the office, and walked out of the building with Will on his hip and me in his hand. We kissed again in the parking garage after Will and the dog were secured in his SUV. "My God, I can't imagine how I've lived so long without this," he told me. I just nodded and got in the passenger seat. Wherever Mulder was going, I had no intention of being left behind again. Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge. My first surprise was that Mulder did not lodgest at Mulder's apartment anymore. Mulder lodgest in a big house with porches and a fenced backyard and a two-car garage. Mulder havest toys in his living room floor and laundry sitting folded in a basket at the bottom of the stairs. Mulder hangest up our coats in a closet instead of throwing them on the couch. Mulder had grown up. I don't know where I thought he'd been keeping that baby; in his apartment kitchen cabinet, I guess. It frightened me that the part of Mulder I loved might have been swallowed up by fatherhood. I was relieved when I found his home office, plastered with pictures of dead cattle, fake UFO sightings, and various folk myth monsters. Mulder came up behind me, handing me a glass of wine. "Were you worried?" he asked me. I smiled. Damn right I was worried. I don't know how I'd expected him to change and still not change, but I had. "I like it when you smile at me, Scully. I missed that. Come on, we need to talk." I asked him if he didn't want to put Will to bed first, and he shrugged, asking how long I wanted to wait. I told him I didn't care; how long can it take to put one little boy to bed? Provided Mulder promised to rip my clothes off afterwards, I could wait another half- hour. Half-hour, my butt. Mulder and his son shower together. For some reason, I thought it was appropriate to stand in the bathroom doorway and watch them through the glass shower door, playing in the water together. Beautiful. Mulder didn't object, and I made notes on the places I wanted to taste on him before the night was over. Will required eight stories, four songs, and extensive snuggling in order to go to sleep nested in Mulder's arms two hours later. He finally dozed off during the final verse of "Puff the Magic Dragon" and I waited for Mulder to put him down to sleep in his own bed, but he didn't. "I owe you some answers," he said, his fingers trailing through Will's dark curls. I told him that he didn't owe me anything, but I would listen if he wanted to talk. Then I would like to lick him all over - I didn't tell him that last part, though. That was a mistake. Mulder talked. He friggin talked, and talked, and talked. How did they ever let him become a psychologist when he never shuts the hell up long enough to listen to anyone else? Like I care about why he married Elizabeth. Close your mouth, put down that child, take off your pants, and let's go, Mulder. We can discuss whatever you want later. Much later. We finally polished off the wine and he wound down, unsure of what to do next. "So what now, Scully? Where do we go from here?" I didn't hesitate, "We go to bed, Mulder." He found me a t-shirt and boxers to sleep in, and when I came out, Mulder was standing at the window in his pajama bottoms, still holding his son. "I was looking at the north star, Scully. Thinking about you." "Your Polaris? Your distant brilliance?" I asked. "How did you know about that?" "I found the tape, Mulder." "Hum. I wondered where that went to." He put his other arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my damp hair. "I missed you, Scully. Glad to see you again." He was moving entirely too slow for my taste. Screw being subtle and lady-like. "Mulder, can we go to bed?" "Sure, Scully, where do you want to sleep?" I tried to keep my mouth from hanging open. "With you, Mulder." Duh! Like I haven't waited almost a decade. "You're welcome, but you may be a little disappointed." "I can't imagine being disappointed." Mulder actually blushed. "That's not what I meant, Scully." Mulder lets the dog sleep with him. No problem, I can work around a dog. Will sleeps in Mulder's bed. Fine, he must have a guest room or a couch somewhere, or the floor. Come on, Mulder! Will can't sleep without his Daddy. Jesus Christ! Mulder tried to leave him. He'd cover him up in the middle of his big bed and lead me into the next room, silent as mice. We'd get about to second base before Will would wake up, crying for "Dada! Dada!" Then the singing and rocking ritual would begin again while I sat on the couch feeling stupid. After two tries, I was a desperate woman and Mulder was going to have the worst case of blue balls in history. "Mulder, this isn't going to work!" "You can't say I didn't warn you." "I can say, this isn't what I imagined," I told him. That came out bitchier than I intended. "This is my life, Scully." It sounded like a take-it-or-leave-it statement. Then he grinned and pulled me down in the bed with Will between us. "It's not the way I imagined it either, but given our history, I'm not shocked." Mulder leaned over to kiss me and Will woke up, wide awake again. "Dada, Mama?" "Not if you don't learn to sleep alone, Will. Mamas and dadas can't become mamas and dadas as long as you insist on sleeping between them." Will gave Mulder a sleepy, puzzled look and Mulder chuckled. Then he threw back his head and laughed whole-heartedly. In spite of myself, I joined him. Thwarted at every turn. So very "us." Will decided we were both nuts and snuggled against Mulder for a long winter's nap. I curled up on the other side of Will, shoving my feet under the warm dog and holding Mulder's hand. I could see his eyes in the dark and I felt at peace. Horny as hell, but at peace. "Hey, Scully? Scully, are you awake?" "Barely, Mulder. What did you have in mind?" A miracle? "He takes a two-hour nap each afternoon. Alone, on the couch. Could I interest you in taking a long lunch - love of my life, reason for my being?" "As my senior, are you propositioning me, Agent Mulder?" "Damn right, Agent Scully." "Don't ever leave me again, Mulder." "Not for the rest of my life, " he said. It was a promise. ********** I was stalling. Mulder and Will must be empty, because they had zipped up and were playing on the swing. Will was swinging, Mulder was pushing and making rocket ship noises. I'd never seen a man that enjoyed being a father as much as he did. Of course, he thought the Lone Gunmen made appropriate babysitters and let Will carry around a green alien water bottle with a straw in the top. He explained to Will that aliens were actually gray, but the people that made the bottles didn't know that. I was still stalling. I opened Pandora's diary and read: 'I learned in school that it sometimes helps to keep a journal, but I don't know what to write. He is going to die. I am so frightened. The doctor says he has brain cancer and that Scott is going to die. He's asleep in our bed now - he doesn't look like he's dying. He's just had a couple of nose bleeds. The man that smokes told me I couldn't tell anyone. Tell anyone what? Oh, God, please don't let him leave me.' 'My husband says he killed people. He woke up crying last night and told me all these awful things he says he has done. He says someone gave him this cancer. I don't know whether to believe him or not. I can see him slipping away, becoming more and more confused. I would sell my soul for one more day with him like he used to be.' 'I want to write down the names before I forget them. Spender, Rouch, Cry Check, Mulder, Skinner. Purity Control. Gibson. Paper Clip. Anasazi. Fowley. Ex-file. Grudge. Blue Book. Area 51. Crichcow. Hybrids. Skull E. The other men he worked with are still here - outside the house - watching me. I think Scott is telling me the truth.' 'I can't believe he hurt me. He wanted the car keys and I wouldn't give them to him because it's not safe for him to drive and he hurt me. I saw in his eyes the coldness that - I don't know how many - must have seen when he killed them. How can I have been with this man for ten years and never really known him? I convinced the ER doctor not to tell the police, but he advised me to "be more careful about johns." How humiliating. At least he let me come home. Why didn't someone tell me all the last times that would be coming - the last time we danced, the last time we made love, the last time we laughed at a joke together? I would have tried to remember them more clearly.' 'He is much worse. He doesn't know who I am, sometimes. Scott gets nosebleeds all the time now and he can't see clearly. He says I have to go to someone named Mulder and tell him everything. What would I tell him? My dying husband thinks aliens are taking over the planet by growing in people's chests just like in the movies? That a mysterious group of men are developing a vaccine and trying to create an alien/ human hybrid? That these men kidnap women and take their eggs to create babies? That the government recruits and trains men like Scott to kill?' 'I am home from the hospital. I woke up in the middle of the night with Scott hurting me. I screamed and the men outside came in and pulled him off of me. The same doctor at the ER didn't believe me when I told him I fell. I guess you can't get four broken ribs, a black eye, a broken wrist, a split lip, and a concussion by slipping in the shower. I started to bleed and I lost the baby. It's my fault - I should have just been still and he wouldn't have hurt me very badly. He's my husband, after all. They took Scott back to the VA hospital and I can see him whenever I want. It's been two weeks since he attacked me - I miss him so much.' 'He is unconscious. I hold his hand and I tell him I love him but I don't know if he hears me. I want him to know I love him, no matter what he has done. The only man I've ever loved is leaving me - I don't think I want to go on without him. I don't know if I can.' 'He is dead. There is nothing left remarkable beneath the visiting moon.' I didn't realize I was crying until I saw the ink on the pages start to run. I feel the chip in the back of my neck, the dam holding back the same cancer in my own brain. If not for Mulder, I would have been dead for years now. My pity party - as Skinner called them - is cut short by the return of Mulder, carrying Will over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Will starts to produce things from his pockets, telling me in great detail about each item - rocks, feathers, something that used to be a worm. Will and the dog finally wander into the house and Mulder sits beside me in the swing. "How's it going?" "I'm up to her husband dying," I tell him. "Scully, you know you don't have to do this. Put that book back in the box and stick it back in the attic. We'll tell Will she was a wonderful person and leave it at that." He must have seen me wiping tears as they came up the steps. "I want you to have your answers." And, in truth, I wanted some answers of my own. "I don't need answers that bad. I may not like them when I get them. Stop crying over that book and let's go have lunch." "No, I want to keep reading, Mulder. I want to know just as much as you do." Mulder nodded and went inside. He brought me a sandwich before he and Will left to run errands. Abandoned, the dog lowered her standards and slept at my feet as I read: 'I haven't written in so long. Scott is dead, my father is dead - probably because I asked him about what Scott told me. Now, someone has taken several of my clients. My God, when will it end? When will I be safe?' 'I met Scott's Agent Mulder today. He's come to create a profile of the kidnapper. I feel like I know him; I feel safe with him. Todd got too drunk and made a pass at me and I told him no. Probably because I'm terrified. Of what, exactly, I don't know. I've been afraid for so long, I don't even remember for certain what I started out afraid of.' 'Mulder says it's because of me. That someone is taking the kids because of me - to get at me. Mulder doesn't seem real to me. He's like someone who walked out of Scott's dark world. Maybe soon I will wake up and this will all be a bad dream.' 'So much has happened, I don't know where to begin. I have killed a man - Scott's best friend. I have slept with Agent Mulder. I am alone again. I don't think any of it was really me. I watched it all from above, detached. I couldn't possibly have gone to bed with a mysterious stranger. I couldn't have pulled the trigger that ended Beck's life. He killed a child because he saw me with Mulder. How do I live with that?' I spent about two hours getting dressed on the morning of the day Mulder and I first made love. I had slipped out of his bed early that morning while everyone else slept; took a cab back to my apartment and realized it wasn't very far away. I wondered if Mulder moved close to me on purpose. I showered, shaved my legs carefully, used the expensive conditioner on my hair, and then stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself judgmentally. I wasn't Elizabeth, or Diana, or Phoebe. I wasn't voluptuous, I wasn't seductive, I wasn't mysterious. I was plain old Dana Scully, who trudged through cow pastures and cut into dead bodies for her partner. Dana Scully, whose body and mind bore so many scars of pain and loss. With the light of day, the madness of the previous night had passed and I thought clearly. The fluid naturalness of passion was broken and although I still wanted to be with Mulder, now I was nervous and I was intimidated. What if he wasn't ready? What if I wasn't? What if he was disappointed? What if I did something stupid? I had some idea of how many beautiful women he'd been with compared to my - uh - five men. Was that right? No, six - Ed counts. God, that's pitiful. There was no way in the world Mulder wasn't going to be disappointed. Just like Mulder talked too much, I thought too much sometimes. It was just Mulder, for pity's sake. I knew Mulder. I knew Mulder wanted me. Wanted to feel my body arching against his. Oh dear, there was the fire again. I toyed with the idea of digging out my raunchy lingerie, but that wasn't really me. Besides, I wasn't sure where it was. I settled on a gold bra and panties, my only concession to sexy were the thigh-highs I'd taken to wearing instead of pantyhose after discovering what sixteen hours a day in pantyhose can do to the female anatomy. I had visions of Mulder pushing my skirt up around my hips even as I pulled it on. It was going to be a long morning. Maybe I should pack a dry pair of panties. I actually packed an overnight bag, which I hid in the trunk of the car once I got to work. If I showed up at Mulder's door with it, that would seem forward. Of course, I was taking half a vacation day so I could spend it in bed with him - no, that wasn't forward at all. My watch must have been broken. I checked the computer - yep - only ten forty-five. Now the hornies had passed again and I was just nervous. My stomach knotted and if I kept sweating, I was going to smell bad. I was a grown woman, for Pete's sake! It was Mulder - I've gone to bed with complete strangers - okay –a- complete stranger - and Mulder makes me a nervous wreck. The clock finally said noon and I froze. Nervousness turned into terror. I wanted to run. Not knowing what else to do, I sat in my car and called Mulder's cell phone. It rang for longer than usual before he answered it. "Mulder." He sounded surprised; his phone must not ring much these days. "Mulder, it's me." Me and my amazing verbal skills. "Where are you, Scully?" "Pulling out of the parking garage now." "Are you coming over?" "I'm trying, Mulder." I didn't know what else to say, and there was a pause before he asked, "Are you nervous too?" "I've brushed my teeth three times between nine and noon." Really. "I've gone through four different shirts, vacuumed under all the furniture, and cleaned out the refrigerator. I'm not sure how I think having a clean fridge will help, but you can look if you want." I could hear him smiling over the phone and I breathed easier. "How much time did you spend on your underwear choices, Mulder?" Sometimes old friends make the best lovers. "Minimal - clean and reasonably new. I did change the sheets on my bed to ones without graham cracker crumbs. How long did your hair take this morning?" He knew me too well. "Forty minutes. I had to start over half-way through. How far did you run this morning?" I knew him too. "Seven miles. I woke up really frustrated for some reason." My tension was melting away at the sound of his voice. Mulder's melodic voice always meant safety to me. "Hey, Scully? We are really sad, you know that?" "Pitiful. Keep talking to me, Mulder." "What do you want me to say? You get your choice between how much I love you, how much I love Will, or what I think the government is doing to the drinking water." "You're always my Mulder. Just talk to me." Like some people with brain damage, I only moved to the music of his baritone voice. He did. He told me he loved me in a way that was independent of space and time. That as he searched the face of this planet in the last decade, there was only one city that he longed to return to. That in that city was one building, and in that building, one room, and in that room, one bed. And in that bed was one crimson-haired woman who was his center. His constant. His equal. His familiar. That we were two stars in orbit around each other - each complete in its self, but together, somehow more rare and spectacular. That in science, there is only life and death and the in-between, and I was one of the things that was meant to complete his in-between. That I was beautiful. A warrior's soul wrapped in the silky white skin of a woman. That he could lose himself in my arms and my eyes for eternity. That he could still taste my lips on his - like the last sweet drops of Muscato wine. That he could still smell me on his skin - the warm, soft scent he wanted to wake up with every morning for the rest of his life. That he wanted his last conscious thought to be that I was happy. Seduction by cell phone. By the time I pulled into his driveway, I was a limp form blindly operating a Ford. Mulder met me on the porch. He wrapped his arms around me and I waited for him to pick me up and swing me in circles, as I had seen him do with Elizabeth. He just sheltered me in his strong arms and rocked me back and forth. This was where I belonged. I felt a familiar hand on my back as he guided me into the house. If it wasn't for the high chair in his kitchen, I would have believed the last year and a half had never happened. "Where's Will?" If he was farther than eight feet from his father, he must already be asleep. I'd been kind of hoping to be part of the nap time routine. I missed playing mommy. "With the Gunmen. With orders not to let him play on the Internet again." I didn't ask. Will wouldn't turn one year old until next week. Langly, I bet. "Dog?" "Also with the Gunmen. Frohike thinks she attracts women." "She attracts lawsuits, Mulder. That dog is not normal. Did you ever think she might have been one of Elizabeth's research projects?" Shit, now I'd done it. I'd said HER name. I waited for psycho Mulder to emerge, shattering the careful tranquility we were cultivating. "The correct term is socially challenged. We put in a high fence, hide our shoes, carry lots of homeowners insurance, and love her the way she is. I have considered doggy Prozac, though, Scully." The tranquil waters were intact, so I waded deeper. "Skinner said she ate all his shoes, too." Might as well get it all out in the open. Yep, that name got a reaction, but he wasn't going to ask. I answered his unspoken question. "Not a thing, Mulder. He kissed me and then he walked away. I have no idea why, because..." How honest did I really want to be? "Because you would have?" he asked. "Yes, I would have. I felt lonely and abandoned and I wanted someone to want me." "You don't think I wanted you?" "I don't know, Mulder. Everything was so upside down. You had just taken Will back and I felt like someone was taking my children all over again. You wanted your son but you didn't want me. I was confused." Mulder didn't bother to defend himself. "And now?" "And now I know I love you and I can't help that. Whatever happens between us, I always will. I can go on living without you, but I'll never feel the same way about anyone else. You're my one in five billion." "And you are mine." I closed my eyes and I exhaled. The dog was barking madly. Someone was walking on her sidewalk or driving on her street again. I must have dozed off. I'd been doing that occasionally these days. I'd missed my period and Mulder and I held our breath for a miracle. Or for the news that my cancer had returned. No news either way, so far. Test results will be back Monday, Ms. Scully. Get more rest, Ms. Scully. Take better care of yourself, Ms. Scully. I didn't tell the pubescent doctor that I had been abducted as an unwilling egg donor, infected with a bizarre virus, shipped to the South Pole, tattooed with drugged ink, implanted and reimplanted with a mysterious chip in my neck and all the other hazards that came with spending eleven years with Fox Mulder. I don't think that vitamin C and catnaps are going to help at this point. The journal was open on my lap, so I started to read again: 'I am pregnant. There, it looks real now that I wrote it. Scott and I tried for so long and now, with a man I barely know... I don't know how to tell Mulder - he's so in love with his partner. I was just a distraction. A substitute for her. Lucky woman. Maybe I shouldn't even have this baby. A child died because of this baby, because of me.' 'The smoking man came today. He looks sick - I hope the bastard's lungs collapse. He says if I don't have the baby, I will die. I know he just wants something he can control Mulder with. He says I don't have to tell Mulder, so I won't. I'll let him live his life and be happy for now. Someone deserves to be happy.' 'Mulder found out. He says he loves me. He says he wants me and the baby. If Mulder ever loves me half as much as he loves her, it would be enough. I will be safe again. I am moving to Washington, DC. I'll have to get out a map and see where that is.' 'I think it will be okay. Mulder is wonderful and I like my new job. I worry about Scully, though. I saw her last week when I got to DC and she is so pretty. So poised and professional and sure of herself. How do I ever compare to that? Just because I was careless enough to get pregnant, I deserve Mulder?' 'I don't know what has happened. We had dinner with some of Mulder's friends from work and I got to talk to Scully. I like her so much. Then I got all embarrassed and made a fool of myself. Mulder wanted to go home, so I didn't apologize to her like I should have. Sex is different with Mulder when he's drunk - he's more rough, more like Scott. I was getting dressed when Scully knocked on the door. She just stood there and stared at me. I thought she was still mad, but she was looking at my stomach. Probably sickened at how fat I am getting. I woke up Mulder and they had a fight - he won't say about what. I saw Scully outside with a man from the restaurant - the one who likes her. She was crying. She must hate me.' I slammed the journal shut. That was it, I had enough answers for Mulder. I didn't have to read any further. I felt like a horrible person as it was. I remembered that night when I found out she was pregnant. When I figured out why Mulder had stopped pursuing me and suddenly dedicated himself to her. Skinner had driven me home because I couldn't stop shaking. I almost walked out of Mulder's life without ever seeing him again. I knew, more or less, how she got pregnant. I knew why she kept the baby, and I thought I understood why she moved to DC. I knew why she was so nice to me and why she tolerated Mulder's drinking. I officially resigned from diary-reading duty. Mulder and his progeny had returned, juggling a bag of groceries, the dry cleaning, and ice cream cones. It's March, Mulder. It's forty-six degrees, Mulder. Only you would take Will for ice cream. I love him because he buys his son ice cream cones in March. Because he insists on getting a shot himself every time he takes Will to get vaccinated and he always comes home complaining far more than Will does. Because he wakes me up in the morning with his tongue between my legs. Because his hands span my waist perfectly. Because he smells like sandalwood soap, libraries, and leather jackets. Because he has banned milk with bovine growth hormone in it from the house because he thinks it's some sort of government plot. I wonder if he brought me any ice cream? My own private pint of Ben & Jerry's. The man knows what I like. I was roaming around the house, eating my ice cream out of the container, when I heard blues music and Will's voice coming from Mulder's office. I went to check, since we didn't allow Will in the office - Mulder often brought home pictures from case files that Will didn't need to be seeing. I never had the same problem with bringing home dead bodies, but then again, I didn't get my own home office, either. Mulder was sitting cross-legged on the floor beside the stereo, holding Will on his lap. "This was her music, Will. Isn't it pretty? She was playing this in her car the first night I met her," Mulder was saying. "Whittle-bit?" "Un huh. Elizabeth. You grew inside her tummy and then came to live with Mommy and me." "Whittle-bit die?" "Yea, Will, she died. I know you don't understand what that means, but she died when you were born. She was a teacher, Will, just like at your school." "Wika Miz Bwooks?" "Yes, like Miss Brooks, except for big people." His preschool teacher last Monday. Until he wet his pants. Hopefully, Operation Alien John was a success. I leaned against the door frame and watched them, hesitant to interrupt. The man on the CD changer was singing that all his love was in vain. How fitting. "Ooh wuv whittle-bit?" Did you love Elizabeth? God, give us strength to raise a genius child. "She was wonderful. I think most people that knew her, loved her. She gave me you, and that was the nicest thing she could have done." "Ooh wuv mommy?" "With all my heart, Will." Will's three-year-old attention span was up, and he and the dog went to the kitchen to share the remainder of his soggy ice cream cone. I replaced Will on Mulder's lap, facing him with my legs draped on either side of his hips. I fed him a spoon full of the world's best vanilla before setting the carton down. When he kissed me, there was a luscious contrast between the heat of his lips and the cold sweetness of his tongue. "How are you doing, Scully?" "I'm fine, Mulder." He just looked at me. Yea, that probably won't work after this long. "I took a nap and I feel better now. Just tired all the time." He clasped his hands around my back and I leaned against them, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back. His lips found the soft spot at the base of my neck and made their way leisurely up my throat in time to the music. I breathed deeply and filled myself with the smell of Mulder and Mulder's space. When I rolled my head up to face him, that luscious mouth was inches from mine, waiting for me. I contemplated some Saturday afternoon foreplay in preparation for Saturday night. Will slept in his own bed these days and we'd finally given the dog her own bedroom. Mulder froze. There was a look on his face I hadn't seen in years. Not when Elizabeth died, not when his mother died. Not since he used to brush his own fulcrum lightly to tell me my nose was bleeding. The face of loss. It was then that I noticed the salty copper taste of blood on my upper lip. I must have given myself a nosebleed swinging my head around. Well, that was going to kill the mood. I pinched my nose to stop the bleeding and then let go when I started to choke. Mulder was frantically trying to wipe my face clean, but there was too much blood. He looked scared, but I felt very at peace. Everything was starting to look a little brown. Hold me, Mulder, I'm getting cold. I could still taste the ice cream and his kiss, even though I could feel the blood gushing into my mouth. How odd. Mulder pulled me against his shoulder and rocked me back and forth, back and forth. I saw the blood soaking into his sweatshirt, but I was too sleepy to move. That was going to stain; I ruined so many shirts when I got nosebleeds before. Then I realized why my nose was bleeding, but I didn't care as long as he held me. My head got too heavy to support, so I leaned into his neck, closing my eyes. He cradled my head in his hand, holding me to him. I was so tired; I needed to rest. I could keenly hear the music on the stereo, Mulder's rapid breathing, and Will jabbering at the dog in the kitchen. You should go check on Will, Mulder - he and the dog are pouring ketchup all over the kitchen floor. Odd that I could see Will through the wall. I wondered what Mulder was upset about - I was fine. I was where I had always wanted to be. The room started to get very bright and Ahab was there. I'm sorry, Mulder, but I have to go now. Please don't cry. My last conscious memory before I left him was the wet softness of Mulder's skin and his shaky voice telling me he loved me as he rocked my body back and forth, back and forth. Shantih Shantih Shantih ********** Author's notes: A big thank you to my wonderful beta-reader for knowing the difference between effect and affect, hell and Hell, and they're and their. May the monsoons be brief, may the copier never run out of toner, and may Mulder be safely returned to Scully's side - and hopefully not all smooth in front when he gets back. May you never be marooned in Cleveland, forced to read Dante, or have the Coke machine be out of everything but Diet. Merci beaucoup. End: Then Spoke the Thunder (5/5)