Book Review

The Presbyterian Doctrine of

Children in the Covenant:

An Historical Study of the

Significance of Infant Baptism

in the Presbyterian Church in America

By Lewis Bevens Schenck, Ph.D.

Davidson College

New Haven : Yale University Press 1940

I.    The Historic Doctrine of the Presbyterian Church Concerning The Significance of Infant Baptism
II.   The Great Awakening and the Development of Revivalism
III.  The Threat of Revivalism to the Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant
IV.  The Defense of the Doctrine of Children in the Covenant
V.   The Resultant Confusion Concerning Children in the Covenant and the Significance of Infant Baptism

This book is 158 pages of text;  189 if you count sources and the index.
The strength of this work is that it is a scholarly work on a subject that tends to be neglected.
It is well researched and has many good points.  I don't recommend it for those who are
easily discouraged by a subject being handled in depth.  It lacks clarity of thought on a couple
of points.

I would like to post other people's thoughts on the book.

Contact me at [email protected]

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