Toy reviews
DBZ series 8 review
Okay I was at Wal-Mart today and I saw that they finally got series 8. They had Dabura, Gohan, Videl and Goku. I was going to get the Dabura but I wanted to think about it so I went to the electronics department to see what games they had. When I went back to the toys there was now a Goten and Trunks two pack so I got it and the Dabura.

Okay enough of how I got the figures here's the review of series 8 minus Gohan who I don't have.

This figure is done very well. The expression on his face is great he looks really angery. His size compared to other figures is pretty much right. The belt and sword are pretty cool looking. The belt is really detailed but the sword isn't that detailed. The only problems with the sculpt is the M on his fore head is actually carved into his head. Also his head has restrected movement. The paint for the most part is great except some parts where it kind of spills over. The paint colours are almost perfect. Over all I give this figure an eight out of ten.

This is probably my favourite figure of series 8. The sculpting is really good. there's only two problems which are the wings are too long and hit the ground making it hard to stand him up sometimes. Number two is that his blue under shirt goes too far down his arms and looks kind of funny. The good things are that his facial expresion looks a lot like Goku's on the show. The wings aside from being too long look pretty real and are very detailed. Also his hair looks cool because you can look at it from all directions and it looks great. he is very articulate. He has knee joints which other don't. His head can't move very far because his hair gets caught in his wings. The paint job is okay. It could have ben better. The paint on his boots, shirt and pants for the most part is good. His under shirt and belt colours don't match. The belt is a couple shades darker. The only other thing I don't like is the paint on the hands. It looks weird how they darkened the impressions. The halo could have been a little lighter coloured. I give this figure a nine and a half out of ten.

S.S. Goten and S.S. Trunks:
First off these two are too small in proportion to other figures. The sculpt other then the size is great except for Goten's expression, it looks weird. They are very articulate and detailed. The paint on there two is kind of poor. Goten's belt is suppost to be blue not black and his under shirt is too dark. Thier skin colour looks too tanned like they've been playing in the sun too much. Goten's shoes have some orange on them which is suppost to be white. As for Trunks his shirt and pants are too light and should be darker. Also thier eyes look kind of crossed eyed. Over all these two get a 8.75 out of ten.

The Videl figure is great. Her face looks like it's right from the show. She isn't very articulate but that's not that bad, I guess the baby dino makes up for that. The detail is great especially the Orange Star High School logo on her shirt. Her hair is really well done it actually looks like it's flowing. The boots are also wery detailed. The paint is job is great except for a few spots where it spills over. The colours match almost perfectally. I give this figure a nine out of ten.


Well there you have it a review of series 8. Thank you for reading.
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