Line`s Bio
Real name: Lynne Robert
Height: 5'7
Instrument Played: Pearl Export series with Zildjian and Sabian cymbals
Favorite drink: Molson Canadian (CAUSE I AM CANADIAN BABY...unlike my brother hahaha Guy boo for you)
Favorite quote: It's called a fucking gas peddle look into it. Shut the fuck up. (but i really don`t swear much)
Favorite aritst: Limp Bizkit cause they do it for the love of the music. And believe it or not i love Celine Dion....She inspired me to become a musician.
I love everything and everyone so people lets have a good time and PARTY. I also love my two kids Typhon (my little boy) and Pichnut (my little girl).....Oh by the way their ferrets.
Keep it real and for heaven`s sake give Adam Sandler his own show.

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