POSTED January 5, 2001


By Louise Ferry

Acts 8:14-17
PUPPETS: Mom & Chris

    CHRIS: Mom, it sure was a great Christmas season!

    MOM: It always is because of who was born.

    CHRIS: You know, Mom, I just couldn't understand some of the Bible ideas till this last Christmas.

    MOM: You didn't. I didn't have any idea.

    CHRIS: I didn't know any Bible stories or anything but Mrs. Schearer really made me feel special.

    MOM: She is a great Sunday School teacher.

    CHRIS: Just after Thanksgiving she asked me to help decorate our class room. My job was to go get some evergreen branches for the tables.

    MOM: Where did you find the branches?

    CHRIS: Well, that was a problem. I stopped at several Christmas tree lots but to get the free branches I had to buy a tree.

    MOM: Trees can be very expensive.

    CHRIS: They were. Very, very expensive. So as I was coming home that day I saw a pile of evergreen branches on this one Christmas tree lot. I got an idea.

    MOM: What was your idea, Chris?

    CHRIS: I decided to come home and take the money I had out of my piggy bank and go buy the branches.

    MOM: That's pretty smart.

    CHRIS: I thought so too. But when I went back and offered to buy them, he told me they were not for sale. I started to walk away and the owner yelled at me.

    MOM: Was he mad at you or something?

    CHRIS: No, he just wanted to tell me that I could have all I needed, they were free.

    MOM: That was real nice of him.

    CHRIS: While we were decorating the room I told Mrs. Shearer about it. She told me that it was a good illustration of salvation. Some people tell us that we have to buy salvation by our good works but that the Bible tells us it is a free gift from Jesus.

    MOM: She sure told you right, Chris.

    CHRIS: It really helped me understand salvation a lot better. Not only that, I decided to accept the gift from Jesus.

    MOM: Boys and girls, if you haven't accepted the free gift of salvation from Jesus yet, you might talk to Ms. Chris about it. You can't buy it, it is free. See you next time boys and girls. Bye.

    CHRIS: See you everyone. Bye boys and girls.

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