POSTED May 10, 2001


By Louise Ferry

John 13:31-35
PUPPETS: Sally & Butch

    BUTCH: Sally, I hear you and mom went shopping yesterday.

    SALLY: Sure did.

    BUTCH: I also hear that you are a bargain hunter. What did you get?

    SALLY: I got 4 cans of food.

    BUTCH: Four cans of food? What kind of food did you get?

    SALLY: I don't know. Or at least I don't know what is in the other three cans.

    BUTCH: So, you know what's in one can. Why don't you know what is in all the cans?

    SALLY: They were really cheap.

    BUTCH: I know, but what was in them?

    SALLY: That's the problem. They didn't have labels so I don't know what is in them.

    BUTCH: No labels. No wonder they were so cheap. You might have a can of dog food.

    SALLY: I sure hope not because mom said I had to eat the first helping of whatever it was.

    BUTCH: That could be interesting. Particularly if it is dog food.

    SALLY: Last night I picked out the can and mom fixed the meal. Sure didn't smell too good either.

    BUTCH: What was it?

    SALLY: Sauerkraut. Dad loved it, I hated it. Sure hope it improves. Dad had devotions after supper and he had a lot to say about labels.

    BUTCH: That sounds interesting. What was it that he said.

    SALLY: He said that we just learned that labels are important and as Christians, we have a label too. It is found in John 13:31-35.

    BUTCH: Well, I don't have the whole Bible memorized yet so maybe you could tell me what it is.

    SALLY: It's love.

    BUTCH: That's right. People should be able to see by our label of 'love' that we are Christians. Let's make sure others can see our label.

    SALLY: How about you boys and girls, can others tell by your label that you're a Christian. Check your actions today. Make sure the label of 'love' is there for everyone to see. Bye everyone.

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