POSTED October 25, 2001


By Louise Ferry

Luke 18:9-14
PUPPETS: Butch & Mom

    MOM: Is David coming over tonight?

    BUTCH: No, he can't come over this evening.

    MOM: Why? I thought you guys were really looking forward to it.

    BUTCH: We were but David said he had to go with his mom on a door to door visitation and give out church literature and stuff.

    MOM: Is that right. Are David and his family Christians?

    BUTCH: I don't think so. They talk about faith in Jesus, but they don't believe He's God.

    MOM: That doesn't make sense to me.

    BUTCH: Me neither. They seem to think they have to do a lot of Good works to be saved--like this calling program.

    MOM: That's sad.

    BUTCH: And they think they have to be very faithful in church attendance or they won't be saved for sure.

    MOM: I don't understand it.

    BUTCH: I don't think David does either, but he does whatever he's supposed to -- says it can't hurt.

    MOM: Sounds to me like he needs to drop the oars and catch hold of the rope.

    BUTCH: Drop the oars!! What do you mean?

    MOM: There's a river with a big waterfall near the town where I grew up. Just above the falls the water is very wild and dangerous. It's unsafe for boating, and I remember one time when a man in a row boat got caught in the swift current.

    BUTCH: Wow!! What happened?

    MOM: The current was pulling him closer and closer to the falls. A crowd gathered on the bank, and people called to him to row harder.

    BUTCH: Did it work?

    MOM: He tried his best, but we could see he wasn't going to make it. Then someone threw a rope to him.

    BUTCH: Did the crowd continue to encourage him to row?

    MOM: No. They cried for him to Drop The Oars! Grab the Rope.

    BUTCH: Did he?

    MOM: He did, and they pulled him to shore.

    BUTCH: I see what you are saying. Like the man in the boat, David needs to stop working to save himself. The only way he can be saved is to stop struggling and just trust Jesus to save him.

    MOM: How about you boys and girls? Are you struggling to save yourself. It won't work. Trust in Jesus today. See you later.

    BUTCH: Bye, Mom. Bye boys and girls.;

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