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my notes taken down during the first two days of its UK release... your thoughts to [email protected]
replay count - 24...
lyrics written - check....
date - Sept 10 2002....
track scribble scribble notes
all or nothing dont you dare go without me telling you how much i love you...  
escape With all the talk of sunshine, and being alive and being by my side - second half of this track sounds *very* Martin Smith (Delirious) esque. Obv only old school Delirious fans will know what I'm trying to explain here. Or the evangelists amongst you.
here i am claustrophobic ambient horror. and no, you cant save me... from myself tis funny how the mere indie track can arise major personal issues regarding religion and mortality???
incinerator the only three minutes of music ever able to get me out of my dark tendancies. get robin (rachel stamp) playing this on his total rock radio show. this is an order.
feel painful masterpiece. emotional agony just listening to this track. should it hurt so much? polar opposite to incinerator. i see a coldplay \ halo tour in the future...
perfectly still is the piano necessary in the beginning of this track? or at all in fact? answers on a postcard? lullaby for visions of this track being played by a huge orchestra at the royal albert hall...
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