Nintendo's Top Games of All Time



The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

The sheer beauty and elegance of this game impressed gamers everywhere. The sophisticated storyline and the new Z-targeting system were top-notch.

Rating: 10/10



Super Mario 64 (N64)

This game was the first to introduce a 3-D environment in gaming. It was considered an instant classic.

Rating: 9.9/10



Banjo-Kazooie (N64)

This game silly characters and wacky antics made it a fan favorite, among children and adults.

Rating: 9.5/10



Paper Mario (N64)

This game's humor and storyline were classic Mario greatness. The battle and field systems were some of the best mechanics ever.

Rating: 9.8/10



Super Mario World (SNES)

This game is considered by many as the best 2-D SNES game of all-time.

Rating: 9.7/10



Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (GBC)

This game was in the highest echelon of Game Boy Color games immediately after it was released in the United States. It was considered simply as the best Mario 2-D game ever.

Rating: 9.9/10



Metroid Prime (GC)

This game was probably the most atmospheric game ever created, and it was one of the best Gamecube games ever.

Rating: 9.7/10



The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)

This game's stunning presentation and tight and interesting storyline along with its keen cel-shading animation made it an instant classic.

Rating: 9.4/10



Viewtiful Joe (GC)

This game's crazy time-defying action and goofy hero made it a great side-scrolling game.

Rating: 9.2/10



GoldenEye 007 (N64)

This game's incredible graphics and gameplay and its perfect music made it a fabulous first-person shooter for its time.

Rating: 9.3/10




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