Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




A dark and impressive figure was crossing the main street of the City of Karak, heading towards the huge palace before him. He was dressed in dark clothes and he was riding a beautiful black horse. The silver blade of his sword shone under the moon light as he arrived at the main doors of the palace and dismounted his horse.

Majid was waiting for him at the main gates of the palace. The guard bowed respectfully to the man.

"I'm Majid, the captain of the guards of Karak. I'm so glad to have you here. My lord Aswad is waiting for you."

"I wonder what it is that is so important your master wants to treat with me." The man said.

"I guess you have to talk to my Lord Aswad about that, sir." Majid said respectfully. "He is waiting for you. Please, follow me."

The man followed Majid across the corridors and halls of the magnificent palace of Karak. He was impressed by what he saw.

"This place is huge." He commented absently. "I guess I'm very used to my tents in the deserts."

"How long have you been living in the deserts?" Majid asked.

"I think I lost count. Not as long as you've been living in Karak, that's for sure."

"My Lord Aswad thinks you can help him with his plans."

"Well, your Lord Aswad will have to convince me. What makes him think I'm willing to make a deal with him?"

"I'm sure you'll find his proposal very interesting."

The dark man smiled mischievously and they stopped before a huge door. Majid smiled at him.

"We're here. My master will be so happy to see you."

"Go on! Introduce me!"

Majid opened the heavy doors and bowed before Aswad who was sitting on his throne, playing absently with the little bag around his neck.

"My Lord!"

"Do you have any news, Majid?"

"I do, sir. You will be happy to know the man you were waiting for is finally here."

Aswad smiled and stood up as the dark man entered the throne room and walked to the Lord of Karak.

"I came as soon as I received your message." The man was saying. "So you are the powerful Lord of Karak. It's nice to meet you, specially if you have things to offer to me."

"I'm glad you are here." Aswad smiled. "It's a real pleasure meet the famous and powerful warrior you are. Such a legend in the magical world of the Seven Deserts. Faaris, the all mighty leader of the Army of Jihad."

"That's me." Faaris smiled. "And I have to say your message inviting me to come over to Karak took me by surprise. It was a good thing that the city of Karak reappeared in the deserts. That gave strength to my Army and to myself. It's been a few years since the last time we were allowed to live."

"I know. But you weren't lucky that time, were you?"

"No." Faaris said bitterly. "I was beat by a stupid kid. I will never forget that. It's a shame on me. Beaten by a brat like him. I've been thinking of nothing but him for the last years over and over."

"Was that kid all that bad?"

"You know I lead a cursed army, Aswad. We are not allowed to try our conquest unless a living soul accepts to be our leader. If that living soul fails that soul became part of us forever. No one has ever resisted the temptation. I've recruited powerful warriors, wise men, fair rulers and all of then had fallen under my spell... but with that kid things were different. I don't choose the people I must tempt. Those are chosen by the powers themselves. And when I was told my next chance would come in the hands of that boy I thought things would be easy enough... but that boy resisted my spell. He's been the only person in this world who was strong enough to resist my spell, to beat me... to make me look like a complete fool."

"So, was that boy really that strong?"

"Yes, he was. It's no wonder though. He's the son of Aladdin of Agrabah, the mythical Diamond in the Rough, the only man who could enter the Cave of Wonders. And he's also the son of Queen Jasmine of Agrabah, a very powerful woman. I was told the Gallafemes wanted her to join their army."

"I know that."

"That kid was something else... he was just a boy... a little brat. He was only sixteen or seventeen by then and yet... he made a fool of me. I still keep wondering how that happened!"

"Where's that boy now? What do you know about his current life?"

"I don't know." Faaris said softly. "But since the moment Karak appeared a few weeks ago and my Army was freed I've been trying to find him... I really want my revenge on him. But he's no where to be found."

"Yeah." Aswad smiled knowing that Ali was protected by Azrak's magic. "It seems to me that boy really upsets you, Faaris."

"Let's just say I'd do anything to hurt him. To give him a slow and painful death. To see him suffering... what he did to me is something I would never forgive... or forget."

"Aha." Aswad said pacing in front of his throne and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "What you've told me is very interesting indeed. And it's a funny thing too, for I'm having this little problem with a kid now... I summoned you here tonight because I was told about your experience dealing with kids."

"That is not funny." Faaris said sharply.

"I know it's not funny. This kid has been a real pain for me in the last few weeks and believe me, if we all want to continue living in this land we must take this boy out of the way."

"And who's that boy?" Faaris asked.

"He's become the Lion of the Desert."

"The famous Lion of the Desert from the old prophecies?"

"Exactly. The only man who can destroy Karak. And we don't want that to happen, do we, Faaris? We must take this kid out of the way."

"But why did you summon me?"

"Well, I thought you could be the perfect man for the job... since you dealt with the Lion when he was still nothing but a cub."

Faaris raised his eyebrow at Aswad's words. The dark sorcerer smiled and waved his hand at his water mirror, making an image appear there.

"Let me show you... come over here and take a look..."

The image in the water mirror showed a strong man riding a beautiful horse across the dunes of the deserts. Faaris looked at him for a second and shook his head.

"But that cannot be... he cannot be..."

"His name is Ali." Aswad informed him. "Prince Ali of Agrabah."

"That cannot be." Faaris said under his breath staring at the image in the mirror. "He looks so different now... how long have I been away from this world?"

"Almost four years." Aswad said sitting back in his throne. "The boy is now a man. The cub is now a lion. But deep inside things are the same. He's the same boy he's always been... a foolish and clumsy boy who can lose his temper quite easily."

"He looks different now, no doubt. But he's the one I've been looking for."

"I knew you'd be interested in this project, Faaris. And I know you are the best man for the job. I have a plan and if you want to make him suffer I have just what we need."

"But why is this boy bothering you? Is he really strong enough to destroy Karak?"

"The prophecy says so and I don't want to take any chances. I want him out of the way. He's been proved in purity, courage and wisdom just as the prophecy said he would and he succeeded in every single test he had to pass. He's strong, Faaris. He's more dangerous than we think he is and I want him away from Karak. I couldn't do anything against him before because the powers of Azrak were protecting him... but now he's gotten the amulet and his good luck is over, for now he's on his own. Now it's our perfect time to crush him... to destroy him... to kill him."

"You can count on me." Faaris smiled still looking at Ali. "This time things will be different. This time I am going to win!"

"I know you will. But you must hurry, for the Lion is almost here... we cannot let him get closer to Karak... not another league. He's getting dangerously close to Karak now."

"And what exactly do you want me to do, Aswad? You said you have a plan."

"Yes I do. I don't want you to kill him."

"But I want to kill him!"

"He's going to die, that's right... but not by our own hands. We won't kill the hero, that will only make him the martyr, the demigod... we'll make him fail pathetically. That will make him the loser."

"I don't understand, Aswad."

"I want you to break him completely. I know you can do that. Don't break his body, kill his soul... the rest of his death will follow soon and it will be great to see him suffer and die slowly... begging for death to come to put end to his misery and his pain."

"That sounds really interesting." Faaris said. "But how am I supposed to do that?"

"I want him out of the way for more than just one reason, Faaris... he still has some debts with you and we have just what we need to finish him completely."

"And what is that?"

"Well, first you must know that Karak is alive again thanks to the blood of Azrak, the man who vanished us from Earth centuries ago."

"I know."

"That blood is held inside the body of his last descendant. And in order to keep Karak alive I must have a child with that woman. She's going to bear me a heir, a child who will keep Azrak's blood forever alive in my own descendants. Only the blood of a maiden can keep Karak alive and in order to make her the mother of my child I must perform a powerful spell before I can take her... and I cannot allow the Lion of the Desert to ruin my plans or my spell. I want him out of the way before that happens. I want him out of the way right now."

"Sounds reasonable." Faaris said. "But then again, how I am supposed to break him the way you want me to? What does Ali have to do with you and Karak in the first place? I need to find his weak side in order to break him... you need to explain yourself better, Aswad."

"As I said, we have here just what we need." Aswad waved his hand and the image of a beautiful blue eyed girl appeared in the mirror. "She's the one... she's Azrak's legacy, she's Karak's source of life. She's the one who's going to bear my child. She's Azul."

"And what does she have to do with the Prince of Agrabah?"

"This woman you see here," Aswad said contemplating her. "She may seem weak and small, but she's strong and resourceful... she's magical in so many ways... this woman you see here is also the Lion's greatest source of strength, inspiration and faith."

"So, Azrak's child and the Prince of Agrabah...?" Faaris asked interested.

"Yeah." Aswad replied quickly. "They were engaged to be married... and from the moment I brought her to Karak he's been looking for her non stop. What's between them is stronger than any magic. They are dangerous together and we cannot allow them to get together ever again. They have been each other's source of faith and life... they are each other's biggest strength... thus, each other's biggest weakness."

"Oh, I see." Faaris smiled. "I think I can see where are you going... and I'm starting to like the idea."

"I knew you would."

"So, what do you want me exactly to do, Aswad?"

"Use her... to break him... I know you understand what I mean."

"I do." Faaris laughed. "And I love the idea."

"But you have to act quickly, for he could be here any day now... and I am not willing to allow that!"

"I know exactly what I have to do... I'll make him suffer as he has never suffered before. He's going to cry for death to come to him... I know how to do that... just tell me where I can find him."

"He's heading to the Village of Hessa now. You won't have troubles finding him."

"Then I'm going now... you cannot lose more time and I want my revenge. And this revenge is better than the hundreds of ideas I had in my head for him... but I need a proof... I need something from her."

"That won't be a problem." Aswad smiled. "There's something I've meaning to take away from her for a long time... that will be your best proof."

"Perfect!" Faaris smiled evilly.

"So, Faaris, we are together in this..." Aswad offered his hand to the warrior.

"We are." Faaris shook Aswad's hand enthusiastically. "Ali is going to die... a slow and painful dead."

"I'll be watching over you all the time."

"Watch and see him die. I won't fail this time."

"And once you've gotten rid of him you must come back in here... for we still have another heart to break."

"You can count on me, Aswad."

"I know." Aswad smiled. "Now come with me... I'll get you your proof."

The two men abandoned the throne room, their steps and voices echoing in the big halls as they headed towards Azul's chambers.

* * * * *

Azul was in her room. It had been a very boring day, a very typical day in Karak. It was really late that night. Past midnight, she thought, but she couldn't sleep. She was leaning over her desk humming softly an old and dear tune. That song Ali had composed for her almost two years ago. She was also working on something at that desk. She was completely absorbed and concentrated in what she was doing. There was a small smile on her lips and her eyes were shinning with joy as they followed the traces her hand was drawing on her sheet of paper.

"This is going so good." She said softly. "Oh Ali... this is going to be really nice. I don't know why I never did this before... but from the moment I saw you in Aswad's mirror, and then that sweet dream I had I've been having this urge to see you... to contemplate your handsome face once again. And I keep telling myself that you are coming. You could be here any minute now. Sometimes when I hear any little sound from outside my heart jumps and I always wonder if that's you coming to take me home finally..."

She stopped and smiled at her work. Then she leaned over again and continued working happily.

"This hasn't been easy and I'm really worried and concerned. But just the thought of knowing you're getting closer to me is enough to make me feel so good and so happy. You won't let me down, my love... you will be here any minute. Oh, I cannot wait for that blessed moment, the moment when we are together again... after all these weeks. The moment I'm in your arms again. The moment I can kiss your lips, caress your hair, feel your powerful arms around me... the moment when I can repeat a hundred times how much I love you."

She stopped her work and stared at the window, a small smile on her lips.

"I wonder what that will be like? The moment we're together again, I mean. The moment I see you cross the gates of Karak... oh Allah, I'll throw myself into your arms and I won't let go... once I have you here with me, my love, I won't let you go ever again. Oh Ali, I wish I could hug you... embrace you so tightly... so tight that I wish we could fuse into each other."

She lowered her eyes and smiled as a light blush appeared on her cheeks.

"The time is coming... very soon you and I will be one, Ali... we are going to take the final step of our love... and I feel ready. I feel ready for you my prince. I belong to you and only to you. And I'll be yours... forever yours."

She sighed dreamily and drew a couple of lines more on her sheet of paper. Then she contemplated her job and smiled, nodding approvingly.

"Well," She said taking the sheet in her hand and staring at it. "It's not all that great but considering I have little material to work with I think I did a pretty good job."

Before her she had a sketch of Ali and herself. She drew Ali with his desert clothes and she drew herself wearing Ali's shirt. In her sketch they were holding hands and smiling dreamily at each other, happiness in their faces and their eyes locked on each other's.

"Someday soon." She sighed. "The time is getting closer... oh Ali, my prince, how I love you! What did you do to my heart? Ali, my beloved Prince Ali."

She was still staring dreamily at her sketch when the door of her room opened suddenly making a big noise. The unexpected noise made Azul jump on her seat and she turned quickly to face Aswad as she put her hand on her chest trying to calm down her racing heart.

"ASWAD!" She said annoyed. "Didn't your mother teach you to knock before opening the doors? Geez, Ali was right, we cannot underestimate the value of a good lock!"

"What?" Aswad said frowning but immediately he shook his head. "I've come to talk to you."

"But I don't want to talk to you!" She replied clearly annoyed. "It's the middle of the night!"

"Well, I guess you should be sleeping by now... and not wasting your time on these kinds of... things..." He said pointing at the sketch and making a face.

"That is none of your business!" Azul replied annoyed.

"Oh, I see you've been busy... how sweet, you and your boyfriend... together. You know, it's amazing the blind faith you have in him... even if you know he's not coming to rescue you. Isn't that ironic?"

Azul didn't respond. She just sent Aswad a dirty look and turned her back to him. She stared at the sketch and hid her smile from Aswad.

"He is coming." She thought.

Aswad smiled malevolently knowing what Azul was thinking. Then he noticed Azul was fiddling with her necklace as she used to and he nodded. He needed that diamond.

"I don't know what to do or what to say to convince you, Azul." He said. "You are all alone, you are at my mercy and you have no way out. It's really amazing the way you keep your faith, knowing that it's a useless faith."

"No faith is ever useless, Aswad. If only you knew."

"What is it that your precious prince has to have you like this? You are blind, Azul. You don't want to see things. You keep on denying your own reality."

Azul sent him another evil look and Aswad chuckled.

"I have plans for you." He said placing his hands on Azul's shoulders. "Plans for US, more like it."

"Let go!" Azul protested trying to get away from his touch but Aswad's hands grasped tightly her shoulders and he pulled her to him.

"Oh no... not this time, Azul... you must know you are going to be mine..." He said in her hair. "And there's nothing you can do to avoid your fate."

"What do you want from me?" She cried trying to get rid of his touch.

"Do you really want to know?" Aswad laughed and pressed his lips against her neck. "Azul, you are going to give me an heir."

Azul's blue eyes opened wide in surprise as a expression of terror and disgust covered her face.

"What?" She said under her breath.

"You, Azul," Aswad said in her ear. "You are going to be the mother of my child... the mother of Karak's prince."

"NO!" She said fighting even harder. "Never! Listen to me, Aswad, that is not going to happen! Never!"

"Well, I don't think you have any choice... how could you stop me from doing that? Believe me, sweet Azul, you have no chances against me."

"NO!" She was almost crying trying to free herself from his embrace. "Never! Let go! Leave me alone!"

"The time has come." Aswad was laughing, holding her even tighter. "You should be proud of yourself, for this is a once in a lifetime opportunity... your blood and mine... in our son."

"No!" Azul said fighting. "Never!"

As much as she was trying to avoid it, some rebel tears were running down her cheeks. She was scared and Aswad's touch was repulsive to her. But she couldn't release herself from his touch. From that embrace that was hurting her.

"You have to be prepared." Aswad laughed. "For that could happen any minute now... I'm just waiting for the exact alignment of the stars... you should be happy, I know you love kids."

"No!" She said feeling how her strength was deserting her. Her legs were feeling so weak. "Let go! I don't want to!"

"I don't think I asked you if you want it or not. As I said, young Azul, YOU have no choice. This is going to happen, end of discussion."

He released her and laughed happily. Azul turned to face him. Even though tears of fear and rage were running down her face, her expression was determined and challenging.

"I will never be yours!" She said firmly. "I'd rather die!"

"Your beloved prince is the son of a street rat... there's nothing but filthy blood in him. I'm different Azul. My blood is powerful and clean."

"You are a low creature!" She said. "And I despise you with all my heart and soul."

Aswad laughed and stepped forward, grabbing Azul's chin in his hand and pulling her closer for a kiss. Azul resisted with all the strength in her body but Aswad's arm was around her. As much as Azul tried to avoid it suddenly she felt Aswad's lips on hers.

But as soon as Aswad touched her lips with his he felt a terrible pain on his cheek. He backed off and released Azul. His hand went to his cheek that was aching after Azul had slapped it.

Azul was breathing really fast. An expression of terror was on her face. She was just staring at Aswad, her blue eyes wide opened and showing a deep fear. She was trembling.

A terrible expression appeared on Aswad's face. It was anger as Azul had never seen in him before. The sorcerer frowned and without any warning Azul felt a pain as she has never felt before. It was a magical attack from Aswad. A blast of magic that was coming from the dark man.

He blasted her with his magic. Azul tried not to cry even if that was just to painful, but she wouldn't break in front of him. But the magic was so powerful that Azul started to choke. Aswad extended his arm and with a fast movement he ripped the blue diamond off Azul's neck.

"This is all I want from you, Azul... for NOW!" He said in a very menacing tone.

Aswad turned to leave and the magic glow that was surrounding Azul vanished slowly. She fell to her knees, gasping for breath, infuriated. She looked at the sorcerer who was leaving the room. Before she could say anything he shut the door closed behind him.

Azul's hand went to her neck but she couldn't find her diamond there. In her face there was a mixture of emotions, rage, sadness, frustration, pain, desperation and fear... a deep fear. Fear as she had never experienced before in her life.

"No!" She whispered softly. "This cannot be happening! Oh Allah, protect me! Anything but that!"

She covered her face as tears started to run down her cheeks. She started to cry. She was in the middle of her room, on her knees, crying her heart out.

"Please Allah! Don't let that happen! That man is repulsive... I cannot bear his child... oh All Merciful Allah, please, protect me... don't let that happen! I'd rather die than allow him to touch me!"

And for some reason, without her diamond around her neck she felt suddenly totally alone and unprotected. She was at Aswad's mercy now.

"I am scared," She was saying. "I'm terrified... oh Ali, you must hurry... please my love, come to save me... anything but this, Ali... I'm yours and only yours... please my prince, don't let this happen!"

She practically crawled to bed and climbed on it. The magic of Aswad had hurt her and she was feeling terrible. But most of all she was feeling very scared. She hugged her pillow and her thoughts flew to Ali.

"I know you are close, my love... please Ali, hurry! Don't abandon me! Not now! You are my only hope Ali... oh Allah, have mercy on my soul!"

* * * * *

Aswad left Azul's room laughing softly and contemplating the small blue diamond in his hand. Faaris was waiting for him in the hall.

"So that is Azrak's child." Faaris said. "She looks so... insignificant."

"I know." Aswad said. "I thought the same thing the first time I saw her, but believe me, Faaris, that girl grows on you."

"She's terrified." Faaris laughed.

"That's the only way with women." Aswad smiled at him. "Besides I want her to be prepared for what's coming."

"That's none of my business." Faaris said. "My only purpose is finish Ali once and for all."

"Yes, and I'm counting on it, Faaris. But it's a perfect plan. A clockwork plan. Ali's major breakdown will be his end... and Azul's doom."

"Don't worry, Aswad, I'll finish the boy real quick. I think I have enough information. You'll see him suffer in a way he has never suffered before."

"I hope so. I need to break Azul... and I need that heir as soon as possible. Ali is near here, I can feel his power already. So this has to be done now, Faaris. We have no time to lose."

"I understand."

"This," Aswad said giving Faaris the blue diamond. "This is the proof you need. He gave it to her the day they were engaged. She'd never take it off... by her own will."

"That's all I needed to know, and this diamond is all I need." Faaris smiled malevolently.

"I trust you, Faaris. I know you'll do this just fine."

"Just watch me." The warrior said placing the diamond in his pocket. "Ali will wish he had never been born after I meet him..."

"Then go."

Faaris smiled and turned to leave. His steps echoed in the huge halls of the palace as he went away. Aswad smiled and sighed happily.

"The time has come." He whispered. "This is the beginning of the end for the Lion of the Desert... and this is also the beginning of Karak's renewal... a renewal that will come from me and the child Azul will give me. Watch out Lion of the Desert, all the tests you passed before where nothing in comparison with what's about to come to you. And this is one test you won't be able to pass... this is the end."

Aswad smiled and started to head in the direction of his throne room. He knew Faaris would find Ali very soon and he didn't want to lose details of the falling of the great hero.

* * * * *

The peace and quiet of the sands of the deserts were suddenly disturbed by a golden horse running rampant across the dunes. He was faster than any other horse in the land thanks to that jewel he had around his neck. But the jewel was not the main reason of his velocity, for that horse more than running with his legs was running with his heart.

The Prince of Agrabah kept spurring his horse, asking him to go faster, just a little bit faster and Reeh was willing to run to death until the gates of Karak were right in front of them.

"Just a little more, boy!" Ali kept saying. "I'm so sure we are almost there... once we're back in the village of Hessa I'm pretty sure Azrak will give us the final sign... the last clue and then we'll go to Karak... we cannot stop now! Go on!"

Ali looked at the horizon. The last rays of the sun were dying in the west and the first shadows of the night were slowly covering the land. He sighed deeply and patted Reeh's neck.

"You've been so loyal to me, Reeh... the best horse in the world. No other horse could ever go through all you've gone through with me... YOU are not a horse, Reeh," He laughed. "YOU are a speed demon!"

Reeh neighed loudly and ran even faster. Ali smiled and his thoughts went directly to Azul. He closed his eyes thinking about his blue eyed girl and a peaceful and warm feeling flooded his chest.

"Every step takes me closer to you, my angel." He whispered. "Hang on in there, for we are almost there... so close to you that I can already feel your warmth."

He looked at the sky where the first stars of the night were appearing timidly. His smile softened and became a very tender one.

"All those stars... all those stars in the sky and yet your eyes are brighter. Your eyes are deeper than any ocean, brighter than any star... those eyes that were made only for me. My beautiful girl, this is only matter or time. We are so close now... so close!"

Ali sighed deeply and kept the smile on his lips as many happy thoughts came to his head. He chuckled and shook his head.

"How long have we been out here, Reeh? Weeks? Months?"

The horse snorted but didn't slow down in his race across the dunes. Ali nodded.

"I know... it's been a long time. But we are almost there now. Nothing in this world could stop us now, Reeh... nothing. The only way someone could stop me would be killing me and believe me, pal, that's something I'm not going to let happen. Azul keeps me on the road. This is for you, my blue eyes, only for you. For you are my only reason to live, to breath, to exist... Azul!"

He sighed deeply and smiled.

"I keep wondering how things are going to be when I'm finally in Karak. For one I know it's not going to be easy, Azrak warned me about it. But I'll fight for her. I'll fight to my last breath. I won't give up, ever... and Allah knows I'm willing to give my blood for you, Azul... and not only my blood, for I'm willing to give my life, even my immortal soul.. I'm willing to give everything for you and you know that... but I guess my mind doesn't want to think about that kind of stuff, instead I keep thinking of that moment when you're in my arms again."

Ali closed his eyes and the most wonderful smile appeared on his face. He looked happy as never before.

"I'm going to hug you, my girl... I'll wrap my arms around you, protecting you from any harm, from any pain... from any enemy... and I'll keep you in there, in my embrace for the rest of our lives. I won't lose you ever again. Because once we're out of that cursed city of Karak no one and nothing in this world would be able to ever separate us again."

His mind was totally lost in his plans for the future... for THEIR future. He lost the sense of time and of space and the only thing he could think of was Azul and the blessed life that was awaiting for them.

"As soon as we're back in Agrabah we are going to get married." He was whispering softly. "I'm not willing to wait, not another week, blue eyes. I want to marry you right away. The moment we step into the palace I'm going to ask my dad to marry us right there and I know you'll agree with me. I swear on Allah, Azul, you and I won't spend another day away... we won't spend another night alone. You and I belong together and we are going to be together as soon as this nightmare is over."

He laughed nervously and continued with his dreams.

"I have NO idea where we could spend our honeymoon... but I wish we could go to a private place, a place that would be only ours, away from the world, a far away place lost in the middle of nowhere... only you and me."

Ali patted Reeh's neck.

"It's going to be wonderful, Reeh... a dream come true. I've thought about this so many times but it sends shivers down my spine every time... yeah, every time I think about this I'm thrilled... can you only imagine that, Reeh? Sleep every night having her by my side... feeling her warmth, her love... keeping her warm and protected... Azul and I, sharing our dreams every night... I'm going to hold her tightly, I'm going to keep her close to my heart, for that's the place where she belongs."

He sighed and a dreamy smile appeared on his lips. Then he shook his head as a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"And then the new morning will come to us... and every new morning will find us in each other's arms. What could be better than waking up and opening my eyes just to find her there, right by my side? Oh, that must be a glorious feeling, knowing that my whole world will be right there in my arms... knowing that she's safe and secure... knowing that I'm there to watch over her sleep and that nothing bad will ever happen to her because I won't allow that to happen, because I'll die before letting anyone lay a finger on her... for I'll be there to take the price in blood for every tear she sheds... oh Azul, how is it possible? How is it possible that a man can love the way I love you? Your love is burning me, blue eyes... I'm being consumed by the fire of your burning love."

Ali smiled and frowned.

"We have a lot of things to do, with our wing of the palace and all... I never thought this could be possible... for me anyway. Getting married I mean. When I was younger I always thought all those love stories I heard were only that, stories. I never even considered the idea of something like that happening to me... I never thought I'd fall in love and most definitely I never thought I'd fall in love this way. But then a blue eyed angel came into my life."

He closed his eyes and smiled as an old scene came to his mind. That evening when his mother had introduced him to Azul. It seemed so far now, as if it had happened a million years ago. He remembered how, from the first moment he was trapped by those gorgeous blue eyes. Love was not in his plans back then but that girl came to change his scheme of things. He remembered how he bowed before her, taking her hand and kissing it politely and how he told her it was a real pleasure to meet her. She didn't even respond but from that very moment he knew something in his life had changed forever.

"My whole life had a new meaning the moment our eyes locked for the first time." He said softly. "That night, for the first time in my life, I stayed awake remembering you, the sound of your voice, your bright blue eyes, the sound of your laughter, the way you looked at me, your smile... and I thought everything was just perfect. Azul, that night I fell in love with you even if it took me so long to admit my feelings for you. But now I know you changed my life the moment you laid your blue eyes on me."

He smiled warmly at the memories. They had gone a long way together since then. And things weren't always easy between them. Azul knew the best of him, but sadly she also knew the worst of him.

"And you still love me, Azul... with all my faults and my weakness and you still love this silly guy... I've said this before but I have to say it again, when I think of you and all the goodness you've brought into my life I can't help it but get down on my knees and thank Allah for you. For He sent one of his angels to look over me... a blue eyed one... the most beautiful of all of them."

Ali sighed deeply and a serious look appeared on his face.

"I feel ready to take the final step... with you, my love. I want to give myself to you and be yours forever... for the rest of eternity. Azrak asked me if I was willing to pay the price in blood... well, I am, my angel... for you I'm willing to give my life, even my soul. I love you, Azul... no matter what happens, NEVER forget that."

The night had covered the deserts completely but Ali hadn't noticed it at all. He was completely lost in his sweet and wonderful thoughts and his dreams for the future. But suddenly something brought him back to reality. Without any warning Reeh stopped short and Ali jolted.

"Whoa!" He said trying to keep his balance on the horse's back. "What is it, Reeh? Another snake?" He said examining the ground. "Hey, that's fine, boy... there's nothing here... I know you are tired but you have to go on..."

Ali stopped talking when he noticed the horse seemed nervous. He was stepping back slowly and moving his ears from one side to the other as if trying to locate the source of a noise. His big sparkly eyes also were scanning the high dunes around them.

"What?" Ali whispered placing his hand on the handle of his sword. "Did you hear anything, Reeh?"

The horse snorted softly and Ali looked up at the dunes. He scanned them suspiciously, specially when he saw some sort of glitter behind those dunes.

"What is that?" He asked softly.

But before he could even think of an answer for his own question, the response came all on its own when several shadows started appearing on top of those dunes. Ali looked at them open mouthed, really taken by surprise.

They were men, at least fifty men, all of them dressed in dark clothes, all of them riding wonderful horses and all of them carrying torches. Ali looked around as the place was totally illuminated by the light of the torches.

"What's going on here?" He asked himself as Reeh stepped back. "Who are these guys?"

Some of them started to descend the dunes in Ali's direction and some of them stayed on the top, just staring down at him. Ali gulped not very sure of what to do. Reeh was really nervous.

"Don't worry, pal." Ali patted his neck. "They must be nomads or a caravan or something... I'll talk to them, everything is going to be fine."

Ali looked around. He was totally surrounded by those dark men. He opened his mouth and he was going to say something when a voice called to him.

"Prince Ali of Agrabah... it's so nice to see you again, after all these years."

"What?" Ali turned to that voice that sounded somehow familiar.

What he found was a image from his past right there. Right in front of him. A dark man riding a beautiful black horse. The only man who was not carrying a torch. Ali recognized him almost instantly.

"Faaris!" Ali said coldly.

"The Leader of the Army of Jihad." Faaris nodded. "And an old friend of yours."

"You are NOT my friend! What are you doing here?" Ali said taking his sword off his belt and pointing at Faaris. "You're not supposed to be here... you're supposed..."

"I know." Faaris said. "But the power of Karak has been strong, even for us. We are alive again... and it is a real pleasure to meet you again, Ali of Agrabah, or should I say Lion of the Desert?"

"What do you want from me, Faaris?" Ali said firmly. "I cannot lose any time!"

"You are so different now." Faaris said ignoring Ali's words. "It is hard for me to think this man I see right in front of me is the same old 17 year old clumsy boy I met a few years ago. Time has been good to you, Ali... now just look at you!"

"Faaris," Ali said. "If you're after me again then you are losing your time. I will never be one of you. I beat you when I was a boy and I can beat you now that I am a man so let me alone, there's no point of this!"

"Well, maybe we don't need you anymore to live. You know, Ali, me and my men were under a curse. We could only get back to life if a living man decided to be our leader. Otherwise we'd be only shadows and ghosts in the deserts. Not anymore... a lot of things have happened in the deserts in the past weeks... you, for example, you became the legendary Lion of the Desert... as for us, the power of Karak allows us to live all on our own now... we don't need you anymore, Ali. We don't need anyone now."

"So," Ali said still pointing his sword at Faaris. "What is this? You want revenge on me?"

Faaris smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know what I want... I've been wishing for this moment to come forever. The moment I could make you pay for what you did to me... but now that you're here right in front of me I just cannot do anything. I always admired you, Ali. From the beginning. You are an extraordinary model of what any warrior of the desert should be. And maybe I'd like you to reconsider your decision of joining us."

"Never!" Ali said firmly.

"Are you going to fight us then?"

Ali shook his head.

"I wish I didn't have to." He said firmly. "I cannot lose any time... but if I have to, of course I'll fight you!"

"I know a lot of things about you and your motives, Ali of Agrabah... I know the Dark City of Karak has been renewed by the power of the magical blood of Azrak. And I know the woman who held that blood in her veins was very close to you."

Ali spurred Reeh and went closer to Faaris, grabbing him by the collar of his clothes and pressing the tip of his sword against the skin under Faaris' chin.

"Listen to me, Faaris and listen very closely because I won't say this again. I will NEVER join you, never... and I have no time to lose now so if you want to fight let's do it now... in the field of honor, just you and me."

"And the winner takes it all, huh?" Faaris smiled pulling away from Ali's grip. "It's impressive to see you now, Lion of the Desert. You're not the cub I met years ago. And Allah forbids me from stop you in your journey... in your quest."

Faaris moved out of Ali's way and motioned Ali with his arm to go on. Reeh looked at Ali questioningly. The prince of Agrabah frowned and looked at Faaris.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing." The dark warrior said. "Maybe we could measure our strength some other time. But I understand you now... and in the name of the good will I'll let you go tonight."

Ali spurred Reeh softly and the horse started to walk. Ali kept his eyes on Faaris for he was afraid the man could attack him by surprise but it was rather obvious that neither Faaris nor his warriors were preparing any kind of attack. Ali looked back at them one more time. The torches illuminated the place giving it a very menacing appearance.

"Maybe I'm still protected by Azrak's magic." Ali thought. "Maybe they cannot attack me because of the amulet or something."

Ali looked back at them one more time and Faaris smiled and nodded.

"Good luck in your travel to Karak, Ali ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa, Prince of Agrabah... heir of the Royal Throne, Grand Vizier, General of the Royal Army and Lion of the Desert."

Ali stopped and looked at Faaris over his shoulder. The warrior smiled and shrugged.

"Don't worry Ali, I won't attack you... it'd be a pointless attack... just as pointless as your quest."

Ali made Reeh turn to face Faaris.

"I have a purpose in my quest." He said firmly. "If only you knew!"

"Oh, but I know." Faaris said casually. "You're after an impossible dream."

"It's not a dream!" Ali replied.

"They needed Azrak's blood in Karak." Faaris said. "And that's what they have now: Azrak's blood."

"Of course they have Azrak's blood," Ali said somewhat nervously. "They have Azul in there."

"No, they don't." Faaris smiled evilly. "They only took what they needed from her."

"Wha--?" Ali's voice was trembling. "What do you mean?"

"You've been after a ghost the whole time, boy. For your precious Azul has been long gone from this Earth."

"No!" Ali said firmly. "They needed her in Karak... they NEED her in Karak. Otherwise the city cannot exist, I've been..."

"But you are wrong." Faaris said almost amused. "They needed Azrak's blood... they only needed to perform a ritual to break the spell. Well, they did it, successfully I must add. Just look at us, we're alive again and all thanks to the power of Karak. Thanks to the life Azrak's blood gave to the city... it was a renewal."

"No..." Ali said dismounting Reeh and looking up at Faaris. "You are a liar!"

"I've never told a lie to you, have I? All I told you in those deserts years ago, every word was true, wasn't it?"

Ali shook his head knowing that Faaris was right. He had never lied to him. All of a sudden he was feeling dizzy and he felt his legs were unable to hold him. He found support leaning against Reeh.

"It was a real shame too." Faaris said staring at the desert. "She was real pretty. But things have to be done."

"What have you done to her?" Ali asked in a hoarse voice pointing his sword to Faaris.

"I've done nothing to her." He smiled down at Ali. "I am not part of the forces of Karak. Don't take this against me, for I'm innocent of all charges. The Lord of Karak, Aswad, is the one who deserves all the credit... I could tell you the story though... including the gory details."

"What gory details?" Ali muttered confused stepping back.

"They needed her blood." Faaris shrugged casually. "They took it from her in a ritual to renew Karak... she was sacrificed."

Ali's eyes widened in surprise and terror. For a moment the world around him stopped and a pain as he had never felt before invaded his heart. It was hard to breath, it was as if someone had punched him in the stomach. He looked for support in his faithful Reeh, leaning against him and shaking his head.

"No... no... no..." He was whispering. "No, that cannot be... that's a lie... she cannot be... no... I won't believe it..."

"The stars were in the right alignment that night... that fateful night." Faaris smiled at Ali. "Everything was perfect... and everything went just as it was planned."

"Azul..." Ali muttered as he felt a rebel tear running down his cheek.

"It was a real shame you never came back to her that night. I guess the most painful part for her was to know her beloved prince had deserted her the way he did. She was calling for you Ali, remember? And you never listened to her. You just... walked away."


Ali was trying harder not to cry. He didn't want to listen to Faaris' words anymore but the warrior kept talking.

"She tried so hard... the poor thing. But when the moment came to her, she was all alone... no one was there for her. She lived a very lonely life before you, Ali. You know how she was always being put down in Alexandria. She never thought she was worthy of your love. She trusted you with all her heart and soul and she kept her faith alive until the end... too bad things had to happen this way."

"No..." Ali was repeating. "No, you are a liar, Faaris..."

"I was there for the ritual... I was summoned as part of the magical powers of the Deserts... I had nothing to do with it though... but it was almost sad to have to witness that... such a cute little thing... but I guess that's the price we had to pay for life. She's become some sort of goddess now... she was brave to the last moment, I guess she was still waiting for her prince to come... but her prince never came to her... wasn't that just plain tragic?"

"No!" Ali cried. "I don't want to listen anymore!"

"But I guess that's a family thing, you know?" Faaris ignored Ali's plea. "I mean, you were just like your grandfather Cassim."

"NO!" Ali's eyes reflected his terror as he looked up at Faaris. "I was not like him! I am NOT like him!"

"But you abandoned Azul just as much as he abandoned your grandmother, didn't you?"

"This is different!" Ali cried.

"Well... you went to find all those magical items... you lost your time. You were off of your way most of the time... even with Queen Karima." Faaris winked at him. "You were not looking for her. You went after the magical jewels instead of going to rescue her... that's pretty much what Cassim did with his wife and the Hand of Midas, isn't it?"

"No..." Ali was trying hard not to cry. "This was different... for I needed those crystals to save her..."

"The same thing Cassim said about the Hand of Midas, he needed it to save your grandmother and your father from poverty, didn't he? But the days turned into weeks... and the weeks turned into months... and when your grandfather went to find his family... they were already gone... isn't that a little familiar to you right now?"

"Oh Allah..." Ali said covering his face. "What have I done?"

"At least you can be proud of her, for she was brave to the end... and for some reason beyond my comprehension she loved you... to the end... she died pronouncing your name and..."

"NO!" Ali said desperately. "I don't want to know! NO!"

Ali wasn't even trying to stop the tears that were running down his face. He mounted on Reeh and spurred his horse wanting to get away from there as fast as he could. But Faaris voice stopped him.

"Ali, wait!" The man said. "I just... I thought you'd want to keep this..."

Ali looked at him as Faaris presented him with what he had in his pocket. From Faaris's hand there was hanging a small tear-shaped blue diamond hanging from a golden chain.

Ali's eyes widened as a trembling and painful sigh escaped his chest. It was Azul's diamond and he knew she'd never take it off. Specially not when they were so far away from each other. He was trying hard to avoid breaking in front of Faaris. He approached the warrior slowly and stretched his arm to the diamond.

"That's... Azul's diamond..."

"It was with her to the end... Aswad gave it to me as a gift knowing the value of it but... consider this a gift of good will between you and me... take her diamond... that's the only thing that's left from her."

Faaris put the diamond in Ali's hands. He stared at him for a long moment, his eyes blank, as if he couldn't truly understand what was going on. As if he didn't want to believe Faaris' words.

"Go back to Agrabah, kid." Faaris said. "Your family is waiting for you there. You still have a city to rule and you can devote the rest of your life to mourning Azul... but there's no point of going farther now. Go back home."

"Azul..." Ali said closing his fist and pressing it against his heart.

"You couldn't protect her when she was alive, boy... now you just cannot put your arms around what's already gone."

Ali looked at Faaris, anger and guilt clearly showed on his face. Faaris patted Ali's shoulder and the prince shoved him away.

"Leave me alone!" Ali screamed. "Just... leave me alone!"

"Your pretty blue eyes... she's forever gone."

Ali cringed at Faaris' words. He didn't want to hear any more. He wanted to go away, to escape from those words. He wanted to run away from the pain in his chest. He spurred Reeh and they ran away from Faaris and his men. The dark warrior smiled evilly and his smile soon become a soft laughter.

"It's done." He said.

"Shouldn't we follow him and finish him?" One of the men asked.

"Nah... he's already finished. The desert and his pain will do the rest. To see a hero fight and die is an everyday thing... but to see a hero give up and die, that's what big tragedies are made of... the kid is defeated already. She's going to kill him, you'll see. Now let's wait... everything went just perfect."

Faaris laughed softly and nodded at his men.

"C'mon... back to Karak. I still have a lot of things to take care of there... let's go."

* * * * *

Reeh was running wild across the dunes and into the night. Darkness was all over them and Ali kept spurring him over and over. The horse was running faster as never before but Ali kept spurring him.

The prince of Agrabah wanted to go faster, to escape from what he had just learned, to run away from the pain that was consuming his heart. He wasn't thinking. His mind refused to think clearly. It all was blurred. It was like a dream... like a nightmare.

"No..." He kept telling to himself. "That cannot be! You cannot be...!"

Faaris' words kept haunting his mind again and again... she was dead... she was sacrificed...

Ali wanted to take those thoughts away from his mind but he just couldn't. It was too painful to him. Just the thought of her suffering like that, going through that...

He couldn't handle it. He didn't want to think about it... he didn't want to know.

He, who was willing to punch anyone who dared to hurt her in the most minimal way... and he wasn't there when she needed him the most... when she was---

But the pain in his heart was so much. He couldn't ignore it anymore. He couldn't fight it anymore. He just couldn't hold it anymore.

He forced Reeh into a stop, pulling his reins all of a sudden. The noble horse stopped in a jolt and neighed for Ali's surprising pull of the reins had hurt him.

Ali jumped to the ground. He walked a couple of steps clumsily, just staring at the diamond he was holding in his hand.

"Blue eyes..." He muttered. "That just cannot be true!"

He pressed the diamond against his heart and looked up at the sky, tears running silently down his face.

"If I would've came back that night... if I would've been faster in the journey... if I would've married her before... then none of this would be happening... it's all my fault... Azul... I killed you!"

He walked a few steps more. He was moving clumsily, his legs didn't respond to him very well. The idea of Azul being dead was so much for him to accept. He couldn't even understand the true depth of it.

"I lost precious time." He whispered as he felt his head spinning around. "And what was the use? She is... she is gone... she is not here anymore... what will happen after this? How could I be able to go on with life without her?"

He stopped and took a deep breath. But even breathing was painful. He closed his eyes trying to control himself but as much as he wanted to avoid it a sob came out of his soul making his body shake in pain.

"No!" He said as he started to cry. "WHY? Why do things have to be this way? I failed her! It's ALL my fault! She trusted me and I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most!"

Ali was crying desperately. He had never cried like that in his life. He wanted to cry all his pain out. To cry all his guilt out.

"Forgive me Azul..." He whispered while kissing the diamond over and over. "Please blue eyes... forgive me... forgive me, for I know I won't be able to forgive myself!"

His body was shaking and he kept kissing the diamond and pressing it against his heart.

"My blue eyes..." He was barely muttering over and over. "My blue eyes... nothing really matters anymore... I just... I can't go on with this... not without you... my blue eyed angel... without you I have no reason to go on... blue eyes, my Azul... without you I'd rather die!"

Ali was crying harder and harder. He kept Azul's necklace in his hand, holding it against his chest, against his heart. He had never felt such pain before... he had never cried like that before.

He opened his hand and looked at the small diamond.

"Why you?" He muttered. "Why you, my blue eyed angel?"

He closed his eyes and wild sobs escaped from his throat violently.

"Why didn't you take MY life instead?!" He yelled at the sky. "I am lonely... all alone in this world... why didn't YOU kill me? Why her? Why my Azul...? Oh... blue eyes! My blue eyes!"

Ali opened his satchel and took the three crystals in his hands, staring at them with a look full of rage and hate.

"Courage... purity... wisdom... WHAT FOR?! My heart... my body... my soul... WHAT FOR?! I was yours, Azul... my heart, my body, my soul... they were yours and only yours... without you, I have no meaning!"

Ali looked at the crystals once again and threw them away in the sand.

"It's all your fault!" He was yelling. "I lost time... I lost her.. and all because of you!"

He took the amulet and threw it away from him. Then he took the book in his hands and looked at it with the same look full of hate and pain.

"You lied to me, Azrak!" He said bitterly. "You knew this all along, didn't you? That's why you didn't tell me anything about her when I met you! I asked you about her and you kept yourself telling me you couldn't tell me anything! You knew this! You used me, Azrak! You let her die!"

He paged through the book to the last pages, the blank pages.

"Talk to me now, damn it!" He was yelling at the book. "Talk to me the same way you kept yourself talking during this darn quest! I want to hear you NOW! Tell me something... ANYTHING! Please!" He said as his voice cracked. "Tell me this isn't true! Tell me this is only a nightmare... tell me this isn't true! Tell me this isn't true!"

But the book was not going to tell him anything. Ali groaned madly and threw the book away from him with all the rage he felt in his heart.

"You damned, stupid book!" Ali yelled. "You kept me away from her! I deserted her! I killed her... I..."

Ali's yells dwindled down to whimpers as tears continued to roll down his cheeks. He dropped to his knees and started crying again. The book was on the sand right by his side, opened to the blank pages, but it wouldn't talk to him.

"Blue eyes..." Ali was muttering between his sobs. "My blue eyes..."

The prince of Agrabah kept the little diamond pressed against his heart as his body was hunched over with his head bowed. He was shaking violently as he was crying all his pain and frustration out.

A Broken Heart's Tears

Reeh was just watching Ali. The horse was scared, for he had never seen Ali like that in his life. Reeh was worried for Ali.

But Ali's cries faded away and after a while he stayed in there, silent, still hunched over. Suddenly his head raised with fury reflected in his face. A deep fire was burning in his eyes. The look on his face made Reeh step back. Ali looked terrible.

"Azul." He said in a hoarse voice. "You... you paid my stupidity with your blood... now I have to pay your death with mine... maybe this is what Azrak meant when he asked me if I was willing to pay the price in blood... well, I'll pay your death... with my blood..."

By saying that he took his dagger off his belt and held it right in front of his eyes. Reeh neighed wildly, for he was scared. He had never seen Ali like that.

Ali was there, in the middle of the desert. He was feeling so empty, so guilty, so tired and so sad. He stared at his dagger for a couple of minutes, a blank look in his eyes. He opened the hand where he still was holding the diamond. His hand was shaking.

"I killed you, my love..." He said quietly. "I don't deserve to live..."

By saying that he pressed the tip if his dagger against his stomach.

Reeh realized what Ali was about to do and freaked out. He started to neigh wildly and reared up on his back legs. Ali looked at him, sending to him the most killer look Reeh had even seen in his life.

"Stay away!" Ali warned him coldly but his expression softened then. "Thanks for all your loyalty and all your years of friendship, Reeh... thanks for being here... to the end..."

Reeh's eyes widened when he saw Ali lifting the dagger, ready to stab himself.

"I deserve this..." Ali said as a single tear was running down his face. "Azul... I didn't deserve you... forgive me my love... forgive me, my blue eyed angel..."

Ali let out a last trembling sigh and his hands held the handle of his dagger as tightly as they could. The dagger was right in front of his face. His muscles tensed in anticipation of what was coming and Ali lifted his dagger over his head with a quick movement, trying to give more power to the stab that would kill him.

"I shall die pronouncing your sweet name for the last time... Azul."

He opened his eyes and at that moment, just when he was about to stab himself a weak light appeared in the horizon. The light of a new dawn. That light touched softly the blade of the dagger and it glistened.

Ali's eyes opened wide and a horrified expression appeared on his face as the thought of his family back in Agrabah came to his head.

"Dad... mom..." Ali said softly. "Oh Allah, what am I doing? What was I going to do?"

He gasped and tossed the dagger into the sand in shock.

"Oh Allah!" He said in horror. "What was I thinking?"

He looked at the diamond that was still in his hand. His hands were shaking violently and he was gasping for air. He was scared... scared of himself.

"I can't do this to you!" He said remembering his parents. "You count on me... Agrabah counts on me... I cannot fail them... I cannot fail them... the way I failed to you... my love!"

He hunched over once again and started to cry again. He thought he'd cry for the rest of his life. It was so terrible that he knew he'd never be able to put himself together once again after that.

"I have to go the whole way." He was muttering in his cry. "I have to do it... for you, Azul... in your name, my blue eyes... and whoever did this to you is going to pay... and after that I'll mourn you for the rest of my life... until the day we meet again, Azul... my blue eyes... all our dreams... all our hopes... all our plans... all our love... and we'll never have the chance to be together again... oh Allah! Please, have mercy on my soul! I'm a fool... I'm a fool... please forgive my faults! I have to go on... I cannot stop now!"

He took the dagger in his hands. He was still shaking. He stared at the dagger that almost killed him and shook his head in shame.

"Was this the only thing my dad was going to have from me? Just the same way this was the only thing he had from Cassim?"

He put the dagger back in its scabbard and then back in his belt.

"You don't deserve this, dad." He said softly. "I cannot do this to you or to my mother... I won't abandon you... the same way I abandoned her..."

He kissed the diamond once again. Then he took it off the chain, put the little golden chain in his pocked and kissed the diamond once again. Then he put it on the chain his ring was on, around his neck. That way he'd keep Azul's presence close to his heart forever. Azul's blue diamond over his heart.

He looked at the horizon where the sun was raising. Tears kept running down his face but a determined expression appeared there.

"Whoever did this to you is going to pay." He said with a steady voice. "I won't rest until I've avenged your death, Azul... no matter what is the cost..."

He reached clumsily for the three crystals and the amulet that were laying on the sand around him and put them back in his satchel. Then he reached for the book but he stopped when he noticed there was something in there that wasn't there before.

"A map!" Ali said examining the drawing on the book. "When did this appear? I didn't notice it... it's the way to Karak." He said absently. "We are so close now... we are almost there... it's only a few hours away from here... we have to move on!"

Before he closed the book he took a look at the previous page and read Azrak's words there:

"Just remember young Lion, it takes more courage to live than to die."

Then Ali remembered how Azrak asked him if he was willing to live for her, whatever it took. And he had responded that he was indeed willing to live for her. And Azrak's response had been: "Never forget that."

Ali sighed deeply and put the book back in his satchel. He looked inside and noticed Azul's portrait in there, but he didn't' want to see her. He stood up and feeling his legs really weak he went to Reeh.

The horse stepped forward to Ali, slowly, as if he was afraid of Ali hurting him, but the prince patted his head softly and hugged his big head fondly.

"I'm sorry, Reeh... I'm so sorry... I don't know what happened to me... I was going to do something horrible... I don't know what happened to me... I just lost my mind... my parents don't deserve this... and what happened here today is something NO ONE must know about, no one in this world... this is a secret between you and me, pal."

Reeh made soft noises and nuzzled his big head against Ali's face. The prince closed his eyes and hugged the big horse.

"I've lost her, Reeh... I've lost her forever... but I cannot cry for her now... I cannot mourn her now... for I have to go on, to end with this... to take revenge for her death... I'm going to destroy Karak with my bare hands, whatever it takes... and that Aswad, he's going to pay, Reeh... oh, he is so going to pay!"

He brushed the tears that were rolling down his cheeks off of his face and he sighed deeply.

"There will be time to cry for you... I'll devote the rest of my life to mourning you, my blue eyes. Now I have to be strong."

He mounted Reeh and looked at the light of the rising sun in the horizon. He patted Reeh's neck and spoke softly:

"Follow the way to the south, Reeh... Karak is there."

The horse neighed and started to run like the wind to the way Ali had pointed out for him.

The prince of Agrabah closed his eyes and tears started to run down his face again. Rebel tears escaping from the corner of his eyes.

"Azul..." He said softly. "Forgive me... my life has ended for me... you were my whole life... you ARE my whole life... thanks for all your love, for your devotion... for all the things you gave to me and I never deserved. Thanks for all the joy and happiness you brought into my life... for all those wonderful moments of tenderness. Thank you because you gave meaning to my life... thanks for loving a man... a man who couldn't love you in return in the way you deserved to be loved..."

The tears continued rolling down his face as he remembered Faaris words:

"She was brave to the end... she loved you... to the end... she died pronouncing your name..."

He let out a trembling sigh and pressed his A+A pin against his heart.

"Now I have a blue eyed angel watching over me in heaven." He said. "You are here with me, Azul... and I will never let you go."

He brushed the tears off his face and a terrible expression of rage and determination appeared there.

"To Karak, Reeh!" He said firmly. "I'll destroy that city stone by stone... the same way they destroyed my heart and my soul."

Reeh neighed and he ran even faster in Karak's direction. The time had come and Ali knew they would arrive in Karak in only a few hours.

Suddenly Azul's words came to his mind. Some words she had told him long ago, right after the war. One of those times when he was really stressed and depressed. And she had been there for him as always.

"The journey," She had said. "Always makes you stronger and wiser. You must never give up. Victory is not important. Sometimes victory corrupts the heart... but the battle always makes it stronger. Keep fighting Ali... don't give up... don't ever give up!"

"I won't!" He said softly. "I have to finish with this... you would've never allowed me to give up, Azul. I have to do this for Agrabah and for my parents... I'll fight for them, Azul... but I'll live for you."

He promised himself he'd finish what he had started. In the memory of Azul, his beloved blue eyed angel.

*        *         *

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