The Inner Court

Be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you. Eph 5:8

My "inner court" is a quiet place. Very few are invited inside. It is a labyrinth of deep thought, endless questions, keen observations, original creativity, easy laughter, and a hint of mystery. There are many tunnels of my person to explore, but only those I deem worthy are successful in their quest.

My name is Christian. I am 24 years old, and I live on the East Coast,USA.I graduated from homeschool high school in August 2000. I am in my fifth year of college. My major is Biblical Studies, and my concentration is Interdisciplinary. My professional courses are a combination of Counseling, Youth Ministry, and Sports Ministry. When I finish my B.A. I would like to get a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing.

I love to read!!! I mean that type of reading that marinates my mind. Just soaking in emotion and intelligence, and puzzling over it for weeks and years after. I mean that type of reading that feels me up and leaves me sighing in satisfaction, but not too much satisfaction so that I eagerly look for another chapter. My other interests include writing, figure skating, hairstyling, crochet, and web design.

Not only is my name Christian, but I am also a follower of Christ. I have accepted Jesus' death on the cross as the (only) payment for my sin, and I now have a personal relationship with God. My eternity after this life will be spent in heaven. Now I carry the responsibility of using every skill I possess, and every opportunity God presents, to point others to a new life in Jesus Christ.

Copyright © 2004-2007 Christian I.J. Minter


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