Napptural Beauty

"Our skin is brown because it's supposed to be. Our hair is kinky because it's supposed to be. It's not something that needs to be fixed or hidden." -- Diamonique


Hey, welcome to Napptural Beauty! It's the place to help you learn to appreciate and properly care for the natural hair texture God has blessed you with. Here there is no shame in having kinks, naps, curls, and coils. It's all good hair. I want to squash the myth that straight is best and nappy is just too bad. No one needs a relaxer, or press-and-curl for their hair to look good.

I have been natural--no chemicals--my whole life (thanks to mom). Oh, I've done plenty of experimenting with thermal(heat) styling and the scissors. I have definitely had my days of frustration with these kinky curls. Over time I have come to appreciate the natural state. I rarely use heat on my hair anymore. Instead I focus on styles that compliment the natural curls I have.

Every woman (and many men)at some point have become frustrated with their hair. We all agree natural African hair ain't no joke. It's fragile, often unpredictable, and tangles very easily. But it is beautiful regardless of the struggles involved. I hope to share some info that will help you understand your hair and give it the care it needs to look it's best.

Any questions, comments or suggestions can be sent to [email protected], or posted in the Guestbook.

© 2004-2007 Christian I.J. Minter

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