Edward the Mad Strikes Back

(sorry about the advertisements - that's the price one pays for free webspace)

There is a school of thought that says, "If it's not broken, don't fix it."

There is also a (lesser-known) school of thought that says, "You can't fix it 'til it's broke."

This latter way of thinking, taught to me by a young Catholic priest, who was in turn taught it by a habitual-crack-smoking chef, is what inspired me to rebuild my website. As some of you may know, I used to maintain a website that housed mostly my own poetry and artwork, but one day it mysteriously vanished. All the files comprising that old site have lain dormant on my hard drive for many moons now, and I kept thinking, "As soon as my ISP gets their crap sorted out, I'll re-upload my files and we'll be back in business."

Remember, you can't fix it 'til it's broke. In a particularly strong fit of listlessness, I came to a decision: I would scrap my old website entirely and build it again from the ground up. The result of that ennui-spawned decision is what you see before you. I hope to do all of my previous fans (yes, both of you) justice, and I hope to attract new fans (there's got to be at least one more person out there).

With that said...

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here...

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