This is My Guest book, please leave a message here and let me know what you think about my Web Page, and offer any constructive advice or criticism which you think might help me.

Billy Hone - 04/20/99 16:51:38


Floyd L. House M.D. - 11/11/98 07:44:51
http:// NONE
My Email:[email protected]
Are you B'nai Noach?: I am searching.
Are you Jewish?: No
Are you Gentile: I guess - I'm Scots-Irish
Other: What others are there ?
Your likes and dislikes: Love books & beauty/ Hate politicians and amorality.
Your favorite pasttime: Reading, gardening, fishing

I don't know what I am, that's why I'm here at your site right now. Wandering and wondering. I was raised with a little exposure to the Church of Christ-- really turned off by that. As I have aged I have attended the Methodist church with my wife. They ar nice & reasonable people, but christians' obsession with Jesus, and other factors, make me know I am not at my true philosophical home. I have for a long time leaned toward conversion to Judaism but live in south Texas where availability of rabbis & lear ing is very limited. Then I learned of B'nei Noach last week. So I am trying to learn -- what you are ? Would I fit in here ? Is this what I am ? Etc. ?

Nathaniel Segal - 07/02/98 18:47:05
My Email:[email protected]
Are you Jewish?: yes

I took your suggestion to me to include a guestbook on my web site (a long time ago). I finally implemented it! Thanks. Take care, Nathaniel

Tony Cruz - 07/01/98 18:26:12
My Email:[email protected]
Are you B'nai Noach?: Yes
Are you Jewish?: No
Are you Gentile: Yes
Your likes and dislikes: I like sincere people & dislike inconsiderate people
Your favorite pasttime: My family

Francis as you can see I found your other guestbook!!!! The logic of the Noachide movement is clear. We learn from the prophets that in "the latter days" 'All flesh will come to know G-d, for knowledge of the L--d will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea bed, and the nations will be governed by his T rah,' His Torah for Gentiles, - The Noahite Covenant, which Mankind had once los, -- therefore, Israel, the priests of Mankind were equiped with that which was necessary, sothat at the appropiate time the world could go back to that orbit originally inte ded by the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Shalom

Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 21:35:13
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

John Robertson - 03/23/98 02:15:55
Are you B'nai Noach?: if I must at this point !.
Are you Jewish?: at heart
Are you Gentile: accident of birth
Your likes and dislikes: Torah/antisemites
Your favorite pasttime: learning/my son

Good work Baruch HaShem

Astalot - 03/01/98 06:39:30
My Email:[email protected]
Are you Gentile: yes

nice page, You've done really well Rachav, keep up the good work

Frances - 03/01/98 06:02:03

Just testing

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