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World Youth Day
Toronto, Canada
July 22 - 29, 2002

WYD 2002 Theme:

"You are the salt of the earth ... you are the light of the world"

Matthew 5: 14,15
This photo may make it easier to spot us.
This is the back view of the stage where the Holy Father celebrated Holy Mass Sunday morning.  We camped right behind the media/audio tower right about HERE          
Can you see Justin, David, Theresa, Patrick, Jess and Lisa waving??
But FIRST -- let's start at the BEGINNING!
We departed Rutland, Vermont on Monday morning, April 22 at 6:00 a.m.  Passengers on this bus would be changing buses across the border in Canada, to consolidate our Vermont delgation into three, rather than four buses.
Excitement was in the air... Anticipation of the days to come was electric.  Justin (right) and Patrick (below) are shown here, en route,  transitioning from a work schedule to a youth festival schedule.
Lisa and Jess are enjoying the northbound ride on our 'rainbow bus'!
Here's a glimpse of "bus#2" !
The Angstadts:
(L to R) Peggy, Patrick, Lisa
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