Main Entry: an-ar-chist
Pronunciation: a-nr-kist,
Function: noun
Date: 1678
One who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power



[] BUNKER: Home Page, find update information here.

[] SUBSTITUTIONS: A list of A - Z Chemicals that can be susbtituted with everyday things found under the sink.

[] FUSES:Make your own fuses.

[] LEVEL 1: Learn to make simple and easy bombs out out things under your kitchen sink and at the local grocery store, also tells you how to make simple fuses.

[] LEVEL 2 : Recipies for more complicated and more dangerous explosives and even smoke bombs .

[] LEVEL 3:This is where it gets simi-complicated and you might need to spend more time making these ones.

[] LEVEL 4:This Level is mostly of VERY deadly ones, they can go wrong if one thing gets TAPPED wrong. Then your a dead man.

[] COOK BOOK: See what the guys from bunker.s5 made in their backyard. Some explosives are simple and easy, others are very complicated.

[] WARNING: We WARNED YOU! These are images and photos of what happend to people that had things EXPLODE IN THIER HAND! Or in one case, their MOUTH! Some are GORY these are here to show this is not a playground, these are not to be played with or taken as jokes!

[] DISCLAIMER: This shows that we have no responsability of what happens to you if you use our recipies!

[] HATE MAIL: This is for those POSERS that think their the shit, an come in to diss the site, yet some return, maybe cause their interested, or just to see our two cents. The Hate Mail has arrived.


Before you take any actions using our recipies, we advise that you fully understand that YOU and ONLY YOU, are responsible for what happens to you. So read our DISCLAIMER before fooling around.
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