My Fantasy Baseball Page
Current Standings:
Yahoo Public League 132951
Follow the ups and downs of my team,
The Seattle Roadrunners
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Last updated..... 20 July 2002
Final Standings (2001):

I did fairly well, not being very knowlegable with Baseball.
I took
3rd Place for the regular season standings, but in the playoffs, lost my last game and ended up 4th place overall .
Seattle Roadrunners                85-56-9                          1
Team                                                    Record                             Place              
CelebrityPlayerz                                      81-57-12                                 2
Dakota Warriors                                      74-66-10                                7
Burger_king                                           78-58-14                                 4
Goonie Birds                                          74-65-11                                 6
Team Sucks                                          56-85-9                                  11
Chris's Bommers                                    68-71-11                                 8
Mad Batters                                           78-56-12                                 3
NY2K2                                                80-62-8                                   5
Last Year in Cinergy                              69-73-8                                   9
The Gladiators                                      33-105-12                              12
agi's                                                    59-81-10                                10
Well, I didn't start very good, but I've kept the first spot for many weeks... And my guys seem to be keeping up.  Ichiro and Edgar Martinez (both of Seattle) are my top players, and players like Albert Pujols(St. Louis) and Placido Polanco (St. Louis) have been strong all season.  And the steady pitching of Brett Tomko (San Diego) and Andy Ashby (LA Dodgers) have kept me in the game.  And I can't forget about Jose Mesa and his Saves....  I have many other players, but these are the ones that kept me in 1st Place... 
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