Rainier Air Charters Rules & Regulations

Rainier Air Charters is an online community created for enthusiasts of flight simulation . One of the main goals of Rainier Air Charters is to create an environment which is fun and, at the same time, educational and a realistic simulation of an airline pilots life,  in an operational airline. To further these goals, all pilots joining Rainier Air Charters must comply with the following rules & regulations. The regulations sets forth how the pilots of Rainier Air Charters  are expected to conduct themselves when flying online and in the general involvement in the VA itself.


1. Pilots  should, at all times, be courteous and respectful to one another.

2. Pilots may fly only approved aircraft in Rainier Air Charters Fleet or aircraft approved by the CEO.
    a. All pilots must sit in on a online refresher course with a Flight Instructor every three months, or at the appointed time by the CEO. This is Rainier Air Charters version of a check ride.

3. All new members must fly online with our Flight Instructors for assessment prior to flying with Rainier Air Charters .

4. All pilots must learn ATC procedures found in their handbook, and use these procedures when flying online.

5. Pilots must have Roger Wilco or some other communication device approved by Rainier Air Charters.

6. Pilots must log one flight per month as a minimum, with all relevant information completed.
     a. Failure to log a flight report within the month, the pilot shall be placed as inactive for 30 days or until a flight report is sent.              A letter will be sent to the pilot to ask his/her intentions towards Rainier Air Charters.
     b. For inactive pilots, if no flight report or correspondence has been sent in after the 30 days, he/she shall be dismissed from              Rainier Air Charters without any further warnings.

7. If the airline has  flight schedules, all flights that are to be logged must be from the flight schedules only.  If you fly online you must not use your full name, nicknames, call signs or abbreviations, only use your flight number or schedule number EG: QF34 or CA234. If flying online at Vatsim follow Vatsim protocols.

8. Since this is a learning environment, there are times when a pilot may encounter another new pilot who is in the process of  learning, or practicing ILS or NDB approaches or general air traffic control procedures etc.  Everyone should remember to exercise patience and courtesy to these new pilots and help if asked.

9. Pilots are prohibited from publishing, posting, distributing, discriminating or using any kind of defamatory, infringing, obscene, vulgar, profane or other type of unlawful material or information through the use of online chat boxes, ATC text channels or voice ATC channels. Individuals violating this rule are subject to removal from Rainier Air Charters .

10. Rainier Air Charters pilots are prohibited from,  threatening, harassing, abuseing, intimidating or stalking others or to otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including expectations to the rights of privacy and publicity. Individuals violating this rule are subject to removal from Rainier Air Charters . 

11. Members of Rainier Air Charters will not be permitted to defame any flight simulation site or club.


1. Prior to logging onto a multiplayer flight, a pilot on the ground should position his or her aircraft so that it is not located on a runway or a taxiway. This will prevent interference with operations that may be occurring at an airport when the actual log-on occurs.

2. Prior to logging onto multiplayer flight, a pilot in the air should have his aircraft in flight and not paused unless the pilot has first obtained permission from the host of the multiplayer flight to log on while paused. This will prevent interference with operations that may be occurring in the air when actual log on occurs.

3. A pilot must at all times check for appropriate air traffic control coverage for the airspace he is crossing at any given time. If there is an appropriate air traffic controller available or upon request to make contact with an appropriate air traffic controller, then the pilot should immediately contact such controller. If in the event no controller is available the pilot must call his/her movements using the communication device to warn other online pilots flying in the nearby vicinity.

4. Pilots should not carry on private conversations between themselves on the active communication frequency  This interferes with providing ATC services to other pilots.

5. A pilot, to the best of his or her ability, should make all attempts to comply with the above .

6. Pilots using Roger Wilco or any other communication device, must not have the device set to voice activated, but should have the device set to push button to speak.

Remember, the primary goals of Rainier Air Charters are to educate, to provide a realistic simulation of flying and, most importantly, to provide a fun environment for everyone to enjoy our hobby. By following the simple rules set forth in the rules & regulations, everyone is ensured of learning and making new friends from around the world.

Ryan King
Rainier Air Charters

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws