Fan Art

All works in this gallery done by Crono-chan.


Akintunde ShinRa the young squire who attended the Gariland Academy with Ramza and Delita. He's from my Days of the Academy fanfic project ^_^. I know he looks different from the other drawings I made, but I just don't know how to make him look better. Ah well. Not too big on the background or the shading, but you know how my shading is. ^_^;. Done in PSP7.
Schoolboy Ramza! This is really a cover to the first episode of Days of the Academy and will be moved to a Days gallery when more images are done. Was a bitch doing this one, a couple of days tinkering with the lighting and the shading of new PSP 7 :D Enjoy!
Blast OFF! A cute little SD Delita riding a rocket. Originally done for last year's 4th of July...^^;; I plan to color this soon, k?
Happy Birthday Delita! Yay! A birthday part for Moi? Aww...done in pencil again, soon to be colored in Paint Shop Pro (which could take several days).
Carmen Lenora (Koko-chan) again drawn in a little "sexy" style sort of. I think I love the way this one was drawn since it's cute. Done in pencil, then colored in Paint Shop Pro 6 (I know I know, not too good with it ^_^ ).
Easter Ramza! Crono's little easter picture which came in a little too late. she colored it with pencil crayon so it's nothing fancy or anything.
Valentine Ramza! a picture Crono drew for Valentine's Day but apparently a little too late. Just like the Easter one, hmm. This one is black and white,but Crono promises to color it soon.
SD Knight and Archer...Awwwww....aren't these two adorable? Not more adorable than me! Please ignore the lettering, Crono-chan used some shitty stencils from a friend.
David and Alicia in color using that darned Adobe Photodeluxe 1.1. Yes, it's pretty nasty and stuff but at least the drawing is decent!
Alicia that famous female knight! It's about time someone drew her different from any other female knight! Too bad Crono didn't feel like coloring in the skin, but ah well, it looks fine as it is! By the way, she's David's girl ,for all of those perverts out there.
Bad to the Bone Delita! Who'd have thought I was biker boy material? This pic was made in relation to a story Crono made where Delita joined an outcast group of Biker Boys, but the story was lost ;_;
Carmen, a.k.a. Koko Lenora from Days of the Academy series. She is hot,hotter than Ovelia! *This is Delita speaking, not Crono-chan* ^^;;;
Days of the Academy Gift! This really dosen't belong here, but since it has moi in the picture, it belongs with Tactics
Wow, someone actually drew me *sniff* Crono is so kind! As the name says, it's a chibi me!
Jolene, a female ninja Crono finally drew! Now that the scanner is back for a while, expect more! Anyway,Crono's never had a ninja but the first one she encountered was Jolene, so she calls it that now!
A Ramza banner for my new project series, "Days of the Academy". I think this one is rather cute too. I made this on a MAC computer using Kid Pix Studios. What wonders it can do.
A crappy little drawing of Ramza by that Crono drew long before this page opened.
Another Ramza but very kawaii (cute!).
Well talk about a greedy boy! This is the day I didn't want to share my pudding with my best bud. Well, why should I?

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