Graphic Artist - Photographer - Writer


About me


I’m Rebeccah and welcome to my small corner of the internet! If you’ve made it this far I hope that means you’re interested in working with me and you liked what you saw. So, let’s talk! I’m sure you’ve got big ideas and I would love to turn those ideas into beautiful things.

Before we get started, I’m sure you’re a bit curious about me (we’re strangers so that’s perfectly understandable). If you’re in bit of a hurry what’s important to know about me is that I’m a freelance graphic artist with two degree under my belt. I’ve worked as a freelancer for 5+ years and have enjoyed every minute of it. I love learning, trying new things, and being the best I can be. I have a passion for what I do and never stray from a challenge. A true artist is never done learning.

In 2014 I graduated with my Associate of Applied Science degree in graphic design from Stark State College in North Canton, Ohio. *checks graduating from college off bucket list* As great as that was I wasn’t quite satisfied yet. From there I had such a thirst for learning I decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree as well. This lead me to Southern New Hampshire University and their stellar online program. I heralded in 2017 by completing my Bachelor of Arts degree in graphic design.

So, that’s it. That’s me. Well, a piece of me at least. I’m a small designer in a big design world just looking to make my mark. I’ll take a chance on you if you take a chance on me. Ps. 73:26

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