Neon rasbora - yellow variant (sundadanio axelrodi) Yellow variant ,not as colorful as others variant.The small portion of the male's anal fin is blackish or maroon colored but female does not have any blackish color.
Sundadanio axelrodi - green variant. Take note the color can change to blue due to the reflection from the light.
Female on the left picture. The male is picture below.
Habitat of Sundadanio axelrodi - slow moving blackwater stream, ph 5.8. The water is very deep, more than 1 m. To catch them, pour the sand from the river bank into the water slowly, when the fish come to investigate the sand, scoop them up carefully using the fish net. Do not expose them into the air too long. When one of them stuck in my net, its making a kind of noise.
Rasbora einthoveni - found in Lubok antu area. Photo taken by Benny.
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