Meet my cat!
Cloe is.....
a really cute mystery breed cat.  She  is an indoor, declawed, cat.  She is affectionate with most people and is very talkitive and sociable.  Cloe is six years old going on seven years,.  she is still playful as a young kitten.  Cloe is in good health, she dislikes visiting the vet but she likes all the affection she receives from after a vet visit.  My only health concern with Cloe is that she weighs eighteen pounds.
Feline Pictures:
Cloe is a sweet, cute, lovable feline.  She has made a lot of friends over the past six years of her life.  Since we have moved away from her home, she has not been able to keep in touch with her favorite people.  This page is for Cloe, to keep in touch with her old friends and new friends.  I will try to update this page with new pictures and information of Cloe's whereabout and her new life.
More about Cloe
I found Cloe at an  animal rescue shelter six year ago.  She was only six months old and my first contact with her I didn't like her.  She was very skidish and playful and I didn't think she was the cat for me.  the rescue shelter begged to take give it a try, because she had been there a month and nobody wanted to adopt her.  I felt sorry for her so I decided to give it a shot and II agreed to adopt her.  But, the shelter gave me a  written promise that if I decided she was not the cat for me, I could bring her back.  Cloe bit and scratched me her first night, but on the second day she decided to curl up in my lap and I fell in love with my new kitten.
Cloe's Diet & Exercise:

Hope for the humor impaired! Check out the fat cat's official Web site!
Cloe currently eats a mixure of IAMS Lite and MAXI-CAT LITE.  I hate to admit, sometimes I feed her human-food and she has developed a taste for cantalope, sorbet, and of course, tuna!  Cloe is an indoor cat, she somestimes enjoys running up and down the stairs, and she likes going outside to romp and play in the grass.  I think what Cloe likes to do most is to SLEEP!  She sleeps all day and most of the night.  Cloe has been a big inspriation in my exercise routine, when I my alarm goes off at 5AM in the morning to go to the gym, Cloe makes sure that I get out of bed to feed her and give her fresh water.  Except she doesn't quite understand the concept of a "weekend".

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Cloe's Likes & Dislikes:
Cloe's favorite pastime is to lay on her back and expose her belly to the world!  She loves attention and is very demanding for affection.  She likes to go outside and romp and play in the grass and she hunts bugs such as spiders, ants, or crickets.  Cloe dislikes travelling, dogs, small children and going to the doctors.
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