Hello I'm Rati Shintya

Assalamualaikum Friends (◕‿◕✿)


Hello I'm Rati Shintya

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 Let's enjoy my website.Well it's my first time to have a website. It start when we got ICT task in our school which was a website task by our beloved teacher Pak Armansyah.(ღ˘,˘) He guide us without limit our creativity. We are free to express our imagination. Big thanx to Allah SWT because I can finish this website task. And also thanx to Pak Armansyah, because it is really useful for us in the next part of my life.

I'll share you many things here. Start from my family, my activities, my hobbies, even my favorites. Beside that there are so many lessons that are really useful for our daily life. All of that are in my website lets enjoy it friends \(^ω^\)