Words do not express
How I really feel
No one knows
As I do not say
Sometimes I wonder
Why I try
I do not regret trying
If I smile or cry
I regret running away
I regret words of suicide
I do not regret arguements
I regret losing a friend
My words caused all problems
Words made me strong
Words made me weak
Words made me lose
But not win
Somethings were meant to be
I regret that day
I knew there was a reason
Now I hate myself
For a little mistake
I regret every minute of that day
Now I say a final Good-bye
As I fade away
I wish you to remember me
As I was before
Before words overcame me
Before words destroyed me
Before my words destroyed everything
Before hate took over my mind
Before I thought
I might never fade
From your mind
I realized I was wrong
Very wrong
So remember me
The way I was
When you cared for me
Words and Regret
The things that destroy
Remember my words
They may help you someday
Too bad I realized this
Too late
A final Good-bye
A tip of my Hat
A piece of my Heart
A Prayer
All my Love
All my Thanks
Words and Regret
Are what I leave for you

(c) January 21st, 2003
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