Lately there are frequent news about the new findings in Nanotechnology. There seems to be a race going on between various international labs and intense research is being carried out in the area of this new science. Enormous emphasis is being placed on Nanotechnology and many researchers are looking towards Nanotechnology, to find answers, in many areas specially medicine and electronics. Nano-science and Nanotechnology seem to be the best of the solution provider today.21st century belongs to Gene technology and Nanotechnology.

It would not be out of place to mention that Nanotechnology has been introduced as a subject in some of the developed countries, as they see the future of S & T will be in Nano-based approach.

In India, the importance of Nanotechnology came to lime light quite recently. While many researches have been carrying out on the  Nano Technology clearly shows that the next wave of technology after the computers and management - is the Nanotechnology. There may be few institutions in India doing serious research in the Nano field, but one does not hear of the exact nature of research work being done. Awareness in student community about this emerging technology would help in attracting more talent.

It is high time to wake up and start serious work on Nanotechnology and educational activity to keep up with the advance countries. It is also presumed that Nanotechnology would touch every other sphere of technical activities and make the current technologies look like bullock cart of 18th Century.

Nano science and technologies are likely to touch every aspect of our life in the next few years. Many Big names are investing Billions of Dollars to explore and research out in this direction. Like computer technology this technology also does not require a lot of investment but knowledge Engineering (Brain power) and hard work. This aspect of nanotechnology gives a definite leverage to India - a country with large Brain power.




Man himself is a nature machine equipped with complex tools like limbs and the five senses. Man with these limited, but versatile tools has build many structures like building, cities, Dams and developed thousands of other resources for his own benefit and is controlling these resources as his personal property. One can go on beyond the current day science to keep civil Engineering based building technologies, with a conventional approach, but a deeper look at the nature which build the self reproducing and learning machines from much smaller structures that is to say with fewer groups of "Atoms and Molecules".

Man has been trying to study the nature’s smaller scale technology and has been progressively investigating smaller and smaller level of nature’s creation. The human cells, Smaller animals, microbes, bacteria, Virus, Fungi etc. As the science has been historically understood, It has been divided into very nearly neat division of Physics, Chemistry, Biology Etc. Nature while engaged in its creativity/construction activity never distinguishes different streams or rules of Science and technology.

What are we driving at? The Nanotechnology tries to mimic the nature and takes the man more nearer to the Creator by further few more steps.

Nano science and technologies are likely to touch every aspect of our life in the next few years. Many Big names are investing Billions of Dollars to explore and research out in this direction. Like computer technology this technology also does not require a lot of investment but knowledge Engineering (Brain power) and hard work. This aspect of nanotechnology gives a definite leverage to India - a country with large Brain power.

Applications of Nanotechnology ranges from - reducing the size of electronic gadgets (Bell Labs has already come out with a self assembled Transistors of single molecule size ) to designing virus to kill bacteria.

Nanotechnology is a hybrid science combining engineering and chemistry. Atoms and molecules stick together because they have complementary shapes that lock together, or charges that attract. Just like with magnets, a positively charged atom will stick to a negatively charged atom. As millions of these atoms are pieced together by nanomachines, a specific product will begin to take shape. The goal of nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms individually and place them in a pattern to produce a desired structure.


There is no accepted definition of Nanotechnology or Nano science. Nanotechnology refers to components build of the size 20 to 30 Nano Meters. They are also supposed to be self replicating or self assembling and this aspect get confused with cloning. Self-assembling implies, you put the ingredients in one place and they assemble into some thing useful where as replicating implies, You have a assembled component and it replicates it self in to thousands of more like itself. Cloning refers to meddling with nature at reproductive level of animals including human. Self replicating or self assembling does not refer to living being but manipulation done on organic and inorganic materials at molecular level. This separation between living and nonliving gets blurred at nano level. Any way whether self assembling or self replicating once the process is on, little effort is required externally to manufacture them. The cost benefit can be immediately sensed.

"Nano Technology" in the broader and more inclusive definition is referred as “molecular nanotechnology" or "molecular manufacturing." The term Nanotechnology was created by Tokyo Science University professor Norio Taniguchi in 1974 to describe the precision manufacture of materials with nanometre tolerances. In the 1980s the term was reinvented and its definition expanded by K Eric Drexler, particularly in his 1986 book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology. He explored this subject in much greater technical depth in his MIT doctoral dissertation, later expanded into Nanosystems.

Nanotechnology, while not providing a cure for everything, is defined by the length scale when scientists and engineers discover new phenomena. It provides exquisite new tools to engineer novel materials and devices at the nanoscale, and to study biology.


Although a metre is defined by the International Standards Organization as `the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second' and a nanometre is by definition 10- 9 of a metre. A nanometer, one billionth of a meter, is about 10,000 times narrower than a human hair.


Nature is a master at  operating at the nano scale.Ithas always dependend on nano scale operations for the functioning of life, for example: the metabolic activites within the cells that sustain life ; the fertilization of embryo in reproduction ; and the interaction of cellular components for cell movement,to name a few.

The ecosystem is another natural system that is heavily dependent on nanotechnology – nanoparticles are important in the formation of both rain and snow. Small airborne particles known as condensation nuclei act as the nucleation site, or seed site, on which water condenses to form raindrops or snowflakes depending on the temperature. The particles can vary in size from thousands of nanometres down to a few hundreds of nanometres, or less. These nanoparticles can arise from a variety of sources including dust, volcanoes, and forest or factory smoke, phytoplankton or ocean salt.

Four such examples of nature’s nanotechnologies are highlighted below.


Size range approx.


Sea salt aerosols are generated by the sea spray produced by waves at high wind speeds and by the bursting of entrained air bubbles in the white cap formation. These particles are emitted into the atmosphere where they act, along with other particles, as seed sites for raindrops and snowflakes.


large variability 10,000nm – nm

Plankton come in many sizes and forms and can be subdivided according to their size. Pico- and femto-plankton range in size from a few nanometres to hundreds of nanometres and consist of some phytoplankton, marine bacteria and viruses.


2–1500 nm

Actin and myosin molecules form the system responsible for muscle contraction. The system operates by a series of steps where the head of myosin molecule pulls the actin past itself by 10–28nm each step.


Steps of contraction: 10nm–28nm

Glucose and glucose oxidase – all cells require glucose as a fuel for their metabolic activity. Energy is released from glucose when it is precisely positioned relative to the glucose oxidase enzyme – the lock and key mechanism.


Glucose: 0.6nm

glucose oxidase: 5nm



Nanotechnology has a long and rich history.Pottery using nano-sized particles has been in use for thousands of years. The oldest known such object is thought to be the Lycurgus chalice, which dates back to the late fourth century ad, and which can be seen in the British Museum. The Roman chalice has a raised frieze showing the myth of King Lycurgus, and is made from glass which appears green in reflected light, but when light is shone directly through the glass it appears translucent red.

This unusual optical effect is caused by 70nm particles of silver and gold contained within the glass. (The glass contains 40 parts per million of gold and 300 parts per million of silver, and the particles consisting of seven parts silver to three parts gold.) It is possible that, while the glass was being made, some scrap metal and slag containing silver and gold was added, and the unusual effect was achieved by accident. The understanding that glass could be coloured red by adding small amounts of gold is often credited to Johann Kunckel, who worked in Germany in the late seventeenth century.

The chalice, however, is not a unique example of nanoparticles being used in centuries past; pottery from the ninth century ad from the Mesopotamian era also contains nanoparticles in glazed films applied to ceramic pottery. The technique was brought to Spain in medieval times, as Arabian culture spread, and it then migrated to Italy, where Renaissance pottery made much use of the effect in polychrome lustres on pottery.


The first mention of modern nanotechnology occurred in a talk given by Richard Feynman in 1959, entitled There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. Feynman suggested a means to develop the ability to manipulate atoms and molecules "directly", by developing a set of one-tenth-scale machine tools analogous to those found in any machine shop. These small tools would then help to develop and operate a next generation of one-hundredth-scale machine tools, and so forth. As the sizes get smaller, we would have to redesign some tools because the relative strength of various forces would change. Gravity would become less important, surface tension would become more important, Van der Waals attraction would become important, etc. Feynman mentioned these scaling issues during his talk. Nobody has yet effectively refuted the feasibility of his proposal.


For constructing any machine we require suitable tools to  add and place the component in the precise location. The complexity of the tool increases as the size of the component decreases. Imagine a building a component consisting of few molecules - What tools can be used, how they would look like? And How to use them? Development of the right tools for Nanotechnology itself should be a interesting issue

Two approaches can be taken when making something at the nanoscale: these are known as the ‘top-down’ approach and the ‘bottom-up’ approach.


The top-down approach is analogous to making a stone statue. You take a bulk piece of material and modify it, by carving or cutting in the case of stone, until you have made the shape you want. The process involves material wastage and is limited by the resolution of the tools you can use, restricting the smallest sizes of the structures made by these techniques.

Examples of this kind of approach include the various types of lithographic techniques (such as photo-, ion beam-, electron- or X-ray- lithography) cutting, etching and grinding.

Lithography is a selective process that allows the patterning of a desired design onto the starting material. A mask is used to protect the areas of material that need to be maintained, while the rest of the material is exposed to a beam of UV, ions, electrons or X-rays. Etching and/or deposition on the surface is then performed, leaving the desired shape.

These techniques have been used to great effect to produce the miniaturisation of electronic components, such as computer chips, MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) in consumer products such as computer hard drives, and CD and DVD players.

Lithography has fuelled the continued miniaturisation of these components so that Moore’s law has continued to be applicable, namely that the number of transistors per integrated circuit doubles every couple of years.

Quantum well lasers and high-quality optical mirrors are also fabricated using top-down techniques.



The second approach to producing nanotechnology is known as the bottom-up approach, and can be thought of as the same approach one would take to building a house: one takes lots of building blocks and puts them together to produce the final bigger structure. There is less wastage with this technique, and strong covalent bonds will hold the constituent parts together. However, this technique is limited in how big the structures can be made.

A good example of this kind of approach is found in nature; all cells use enzymes to produce DNA by taking the component molecules and binding them together to make the final structure. Chemical synthesis, self-assembly, and molecular fabrication are all examples of bottom-up techniques.

Self-assembly occurs when little manipulation occurs, but components spontaneously come together to form ordered nanoscale structures, for instance in the formation of nanotubes and some monolayers.

Molecular fabrication is the only one of these techniques where molecules or atoms are manipulated into position one by one. Consequently this is a laborious process which has yet to address the problems of scaling up the technique for manufacture. It has been speculated that this process could be scaled up using self-replicating machines that would allow parallel production, leading to further speculation about the replication process running out of control. Recently, however, Eric Drexler, the scientist who first proposed these scenarios, has retracted his suggestion of out-of-control replication leading to ‘gray goo’.

 Cosmetics, fuel additives, and experimental atomic and molecular devices are all examples of structures made using bottom-up techniques.

The limits of feature size and quality of these two approaches have started to converge in recent years, leading to new hybrid techniques of manufacture.


Structures used Common in Nanotechnology are,

Nanotube are the most common structures used in Nano technology. Nanotubes are made of carbon atoms bonded into honeycomb-like shapes with enormous strength and electrical conductivity.

Recently another structure made of different oxides is Nano belt. Nano belt manufacturing seems to be simpler and produces belts which are longer than Nanotubes.

Nanopores is another structure the pores are so small that DNA separation is being attempted using this structure.

Quantum dots are minuscule molecule making up tiny crystals that glow when stimulated by ultraviolet light.

Nanoshells are miniscule beads coated with gold.                                                                     

Dendrimers are man-made molecules about the size of an average protein, and have a branching shape



Most animal cells are 10,000 to 20,000 nanometers in diameter. This means that nanoscale devices (less than 100 nanometers) can enter cells and interact with DNA and proteins. Tools developed through nanotechnology may be able to detect disease in a very small samples of cells or tissue. They could be made to enter and monitor cells within a living body.

In order to successfully detect cancer at its earliest stages, scientists must be able to detect molecular changes even when they occur only in a small percentage of cells. This means the necessary tools must be extremely sensitive. The potential for nanostructures to enter and analyze single cells suggests they could meet this need.

Components or tools built with nanotechnology could travel in the body and transmit or take corrective action to repair an organ of body very effectively without disturbing the healthy cells. The application in the medical field is limited only by imagination.


Another interesting nanodevice is the nanopore. Improved methods of reading the genetic code will help researchers detect errors in genes that may contribute to cancer. Scientists believe Nanopores, tiny holes that allow DNA to pass through one strand at a time, will make DNA sequencing more efficient. As DNA passes through a nanopore, scientists can monitor the shape and electrical properties of each base, or letter, on the strand. Because these properties are unique for each of the four bases that make up the genetic code, scientists can use the passage of DNA through a nanopore to decipher the encoded information, including errors in the code known to be associated with cancer.

        Nanotubes is another nanodevice that will help identify DNA changes associated with cancer is the nanotube. Nanotubes are carbon rods about half the diameter of a molecule of DNA that not only can detect the presence of altered genes, but may help researchers pinpoint the exact location of those changes.

To prepare DNA for nanotube analysis, scientists must attach a bulky molecule to regions of the DNA that are associated with cancer. They can design tags that seek out specific mutations in the DNA and bind to them.

        Another minuscule molecule that will be used to detect cancer is a quantum dot. Quantum dots are tiny crystals that glow when they are stimulated by ultraviolet light. The wavelength, or color, of the light depends on the size of the crystal. Latex beads filled with these crystals can be designed to bind to specific DNA sequences. By combining different sized quantum dots within a single bead, scientists can create probes that release distinct colors and intensities of light. When the crystals are stimulated by UV light, each bead emits light that serves as a sort of spectral bar code, identifying a particular region of DNA.

           Nanoshells are miniscule beads coated with gold. By manipulating the thickness of the layers making up the nanoshells, scientists can design these beads to absorb specific wavelengths of light. The most useful nanoshells are those that absorb near-infrared light, which can easily penetrate several centimeters of human tissue. The absorption of light by the nanoshells creates an intense heat that is lethal to cells.

            Research is being done on a number of Nano particles created to facilitate drug delivery. One such molecule with potential to link treatment with detection and diagnosis is known as a dendrimer. Dendrimers are man-made molecules about the size of an average protein, and have a branching shape. This shape gives them vast amounts of surface area to which scientists can attach therapeutic agents or other biologically active molecules. Researchers aim eventually to create nanodevices that do much more than deliver treatment.A single dendrimer can carry a molecule that recognizes cancer cells, a therapeutic agent to kill those cells, and a molecule that recognizes the signals of cell death. Researchers hope to manipulate dendrimers to release their contents only in the presence of certain trigger molecules associated with cancer. Following drug release, the dendrimers may also report back whether they are successfully killing their targets.


Colour displays - Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) are nanostructured polymer films, less than 500nm thick which can be used as lighter, thinner, more flexible, and less power-consuming colour displays. Companies like Cambridge Display Technologies, Universal Display Corporation and Kodak are developing the films for use in a whole range of flat panel displays (e.g. cameras)

Organic Light Emitting Diode

Sunscreen – 65nm particles of Solar panels solar cells using conducting polymers and nano-based particles are being produced by Nanosolar Inc. in California. The polymer and nanoparticles are mixed and then printed on to a polymer surface forming a layer 200nm thick. It produces cheap, flexible and easier to make solar cells.

titanium oxide are being used in new sunscreens. These particles, made by companies like Oxonica, absorb UV light for longer with significantly less free radical formation (which leads to cell damage and skin ageing) than existing sunscreens.

Tennis racquet Babolat are producing a racquet that incorporates carbon nanotubes into the frame. The racket is said to be five times stiffer than standard carbon racquet and bends less when the ball impacts. The reduction in the energy lost means that the player’s return is stronger.
Some of the newer products that are appearing that incorporate nanotechnology include: synthetic bone; biosensors, devices that can analyse blood composition to detect disease and illness; longer-life tennis balls; fabrics that have been treated with nanoparticles to produce stain-repellent clothing available in the high street; glass that cleans itself; stronger, lighter and scratch-resistant nanocomposite step assists on vans; rocket propellant that burns at double the normal rate; super-tough automobile and plane coatings; and fuel additives that improve fuel consumption and lead to reduced emissions of noxious exhaust gases.   

Nanofilms – layers of material a few molecules thick that are stable, able to cover large areas, and can provide scratch-resistant, low-friction or optical high-performance coatings. Applications include windows with self-cleaning properties.

Nano-optics – optical structures or devices in which the focusing or scattering of light is controlled by features that have sizes significantly less than the wavelength of light (that is, less than 400–700nm). Applications are already being made in areas of displays, cameras and telecommunications.

Quantum dots – semiconductor particles that have dimensions of a few nm such that their electronic and optical properties depend mainly on their size. They have already found application in size-tunable ‘labels’ for biological molecules and are expected to form the basis of new light sources and electronic computers.

Nanomaterials materials that consist of or contain nanoparticles, and can offer improved properties, such as lower weight, or higher strength. Applications currently ing nanomaterials include tennis racquets and solar cells.

Nanoelectronics is a nanotechnology relating to the miniaturisation of electronic devices. The drive to increase device density and operating speed has meant that electronic devices have entered the nanoscale, and new fabrication techniques, components and changed properties have to be considered.

Nano Transistor

Scientists from Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs have created organic transistors with a single-molecule channel length, setting the stage for a new class of high-speed, inexpensive carbon-based electronics. In these new molecular-scale transistors, fabricated by a multidisciplinary team of Bell Labs researchers, the length of one molecule defines the channel's physical dimension; it is more than a factor of ten smaller than anything that has been demonstrated even with the most advanced lithography techniques. Scientists have been looking for alternatives to conventional silicon electronics for many years, because they anticipate that the continuing miniaturization of silicon-based integrated circuits will subside in approximately a decade as fundamental physical limits are reached. Some of this research has been aimed at producing molecular-scale transistors, in which single molecules are responsible for the transistor action - switching and amplifying electrical signals. Bell Labs scientists Hendrik Schon, Zhenan Bao and Hong Meng have now succeeded in fabricating molecular-scale transistors that rival conventional silicon transistors in performance, using a class of organic (carbon-based) semiconductor material known as thiols. "When we tested them, they behaved extremely well as both amplifiers and switches," said Schon, an experimental physicist who was the lead researcher.

The novel nano-technology is required for realizing the nano-scale devices such as single electron transistor (SET) and metal/insulator tunnel transistor (MITT). Recently, new methods to fabricate a nanometer region of metals by using such as a tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) have been reported. However, these do not appear as industrially acceptable techniques. Then, a new nano-technology utilizing conventional photolithography was proposed. A contact pattern-mask with nanometer-size slits was fabricated by combination of conventional photo-lithography and anodic oxidation of side-wall of metal. In this study the application of the pattern-mask is shown. Nanometer-size fabrication of semiconductor substrates and metal thin lines by using the pattern-mask is attempted

Nanomagnetics is a nanotechnology relating to the miniaturisation of magnetic materials. This area is developing in conjunction with the drive for more powerful and higher capacity computer-driven devices.
Stain-repellent trousers reach the high street

Clothing embedded with nanoparticles that produce a stain-repellent coating has been developed. Nano-care™ khakis have the fabric fibres coated with nanowhiskers 10–100nm in length. This new stain-repellent fabric is available from a number of high

street retailers and is available in trousers, shirts and ties.

 Prototype nano-solar cells :

Prototype solar cells have been made by Nanosolar Inc. in California. They use conducting polymers and nano-based particles. This technology has great advantages, compared to that for traditional silicon-based solar cells, including making the products much cheaper and easier to make. These cells are also produced in flexible sheets, making them suitable for many applications.


The changes in electronics and other field due to nanotechnology would possibly make the automobile run on fuel assembled from Nanotechnology. The engine may be running in some other way not comprehendible today.

Bearings and Springs Made from Carbon Nanotubes

Berkeley - Physicists at the University of California, Berkeley, have peeled the tips off carbon nanotubes to make seemingly frictionless bearings so small that some 10,000 would stretch across the diameter of a human hair.

The minuscule bearings are actually telescoping nanotubes with the inner tube spinning about its long axis. When sliding in and out, however, they act as nanosprings.

Both the springs and bearings, which appear to move with no wear and tear, could be important components of the microscopic and world.

Micromachines, called MEMS devices, for microelectromechanical systems, are on the scale of a human hair. Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) are a thousand times smaller, on the scale of a nanometer or a billionth of a meter. Nanotubes, for example, are hollow cages of carbon atoms several nanometers thick and up to several thousand nanometers long, looking on the molecular level like chicken wire stretched around a baguette.

"Friction is a big problem with MEMS, but these nanoscale bearings just slide as if there's no friction," said John Cumings, a graduate student in the Department of Physics at UC Berkeley who created the bearings. "As a lower limit, friction is a thousand times smaller than you find in conventional MEMS devices made with silicon or silicon nitride."

Boron Nitride Nanotubes

Evanston, IL — Northwestern University researchers have become the first to image and analyze a class of nanostructures that are stronger and lighter than steel and that could be used in the transportation industry, possibly as hard coatings on gears to improve the efficiency of vehicles or as an oxidation-resistant outer coating for airplane windows.Once developed fully, the nanostructures also could be embedded in other materials, such as polymers, to increase their strength.


An often cited worst-case scenario is the so-called "grey goo", a substance into which the surface objects of the earth might be transformed by self-replicating nano-robots running amok, a process which has been termed global ecophagy. Defenders point out that smaller objects are more susceptible to damage from radiation and heat (due to greater surface area-to-volume ratios): nanomachines would quickly fail when exposed to harsh climates. More realistic are criticisms that point to the potential toxicity of new classes of nanosubstances that could adversely affect the stability of cell walls or disturb the immune system when inhaled or digested [6]. Objective risk assessment can profit from the bulk of experience with long-known microscopic materials like carbon soot or asbestos fibres.


Nanotechnology, like any other branch of science, is primarily concerned with understanding how nature works. We have discussed how the efforts are put to produce devices and manipulate matter are still at a very primitive stage compared to nature. Nature has the ability to design highly energy efficient systems that operate precisely and without waste, fix only that which needs fixing, do only that which needs doing, and no more. While many branches of what now falls under the umbrella term nanotechnology are not new, it is the combination of existing technologies with our new found ability to observe and manipulate at the atomic scale that makes nanotechnology so compelling from scientific, business and political viewpoints.

For the scientist, advancing the sum total of human knowledge has long been the driving force behind discovery, from the gentleman scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries to our current academic infrastructure. Nanotechnology is at a very early stage in our attempts to understand the world around us, and will provide inspiration and drive for many generations of scientists.

For business, nanotechnology is no different from any other technology: it will be judged on its ability to make money. This may be in the lowering of production costs by, for example, the use of more efficient or more selective catalysts in the chemicals industry, by developing new products such as novel drug delivery mechanisms or stain resistant clothing, or the creation of entirely new markets, as the understanding of polymers did for the multi-billion euro plastics industry.

Politically, it can be argued that fear is the primary motivation. Nanotechnology promises far more significant economic, military and cultural changes than those created by the internet, and with technology advancing so fast, and development and adoption cycles becoming shorter, playing catch-up will not be an option for governments who are not already taking action.

Maybe the greatest short term benefit of nanotechnology is in bringing together the disparate sciences, physical and biological, who due to the nature of education often have had no contact since high school. Rather than nanosubmarines or killer nanobots, the greatest legacy of nanotechnology may well prove to be the unification of scientific disciplines and the resultant ability of scientists, when faced with a problem, to call on the resources of the whole of science, not just of one discipline.



















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